renewable resources 690

Renewable Resources 690 Applied Multivariate and Spatial Statistics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Renewable Resources 690 Applied Multivariate and Spatial Statistics Something about me Laura Gray Post-doctoral Fellow BSc in Mathematics, Statistics and Environmental Studies (UVIC, 2005) MSc in Forest Biology and

  1. Renewable Resources 690 Applied Multivariate and Spatial Statistics

  2. Something about me… Laura Gray Post-doctoral Fellow BSc in Mathematics, Statistics and Environmental Studies (UVIC, 2005) MSc in Forest Biology and Management (UofA, 2008) PhD in Forest Biology and Management (UofA, 2011) Designated Professional Statistician with The Statistical Society of Canada Designated Professional Agrologst with The Alberta Institute of Agrologists Research : Adaptation, mitigation, and risk management for forest resources under climate change

  3. Other people you should know… Jaime Sebastian Azcona Ph.D. Student TA for this course

  4. Now let’s hear about you…

  5. Course Objectives (1) Develop a useful, personal toolbox of analytical methods, using R (and SAS if you wish). (2) Apply the methods to do some real science. There are a number of other options, but ideally, your course project should be part of your thesis. Make it more than just an exercise for a class. (3) Have fun working with and learning from your peers.

  6. Course Toolbox

  7. Academic Integrity 1. Conduct research well and with honesty 2. Give credit to other people′s work

  8. University of Alberta Policy I’m required to report any academic misconduct to the dean and the associate chair of grad studies. Even if there is a minimal penalty for a minor infraction, it leaves a record in your file. Just avoid this.

  9. Plagiarism 30.3.2(1) Plagiarism: No Student shall submit the words, ideas, images or data of another person as the Student’s own in any academic writing, essay, thesis, project, assignment, presentation or poster in a course or program of study. If you didn’t write it, don’t submit it without a reference Examples: Frowned-upon, but forgivable Copy a few generic sentences (no citation) Copy key sentences/phrases (with citation but without quotation marks) Self-plagiarism (with citation) Scientific Misconduct Copy and paste of major sections (with or without citation, with or without modification) Key content/phrases/ideas without citation (copied or even in your own words) Strict definition : 7 words in a row Practical definition : I can find the source (google, turnitin, desktop search) Applies to ALL Published and Unpublished work!

  10. Cheating 30.3.2(2)Cheating: No Student shall in the course of an examination or other similar activity, obtain or attempt to obtain information from another Student or other unauthorized source, give or attempt to give information to another Student, or use, attempt to use or possess for the purposes of use any unauthorized material. Exams are an individual sport, not a team effort. 30.3.2(2) d Cheating : No Student shall submit in any course or program of study, without the written approval of the course Instructor, all or a substantial portion of any academic writing, essay, thesis, research report, project, assignment, presentation or poster for which credit has previously been obtained by the Student or which has been or is being submitted by the Student in another course or program of study in the University or elsewhere. You can only submit the same material ONCE. 30.3.2(2) e Cheating: No Student shall submit in any course or program of study any academic writing, essay, thesis, report, project, assignment, presentation or poster containing a statement of fact known by the Student to be false or a reference to a source the Student knows to contain fabricated claims (unless acknowledged by the Student), or a fabricated reference to a source. Don’t make up your research. – With an exception Academic suicide


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