release reporting



  1. Release Reporting RELEASE NOTI FI CATI ON RELEASE NOTI FI CATI ON RELEASE NOTI FI CATI ON RELEASE NOTI FI CATI ON REQUI REMENTS TABLE REQUI REMENTS TABLE REQUI REMENTS I N REQUI REMENTS I N 11/ 10/ 2011 11/ 10/ 2011 MI CHI GAN MI CHI GAN chemrelease chemrelease � WHAT WHAT � Susan Parker Susan Parker � WHEN WHEN � Michigan Michigan � TO WHOM TO WHOM & & � SARA Title I I I SARA Title I I I � HOW HOW releases must be reported in releases must be reported in � Program Program State & Federal Regulations that State & Federal Regulations that Jan 2012 Jan 2012 apply in MI . apply in MI . 1 1 2 2 ACT & REGULATI ON ACT & REGULATI ON WHAT I S A RELEASE? WHAT I S A RELEASE? DI SCHARGE DI SCHARGE � FEDERAL = FEDERAL = CFR CFR � SPI LL SPI LL I NJECT I NJECT Code of Federal Regulations Code of Federal Regulations LEAK LEAK � STATE = � ESCAPE STATE = PA PA ESCAPE PUMP PUMP LEACH LEACH Public Act Public Act POUR POUR DUMP DUMP EMI T EMI T DI SPOSE DI SPOSE EMPTY EMPTY � OTHER REQUI REMENTS � OTHER REQUI REMENTS 3 3 4 4 SARA Title I I I SARA Title I I I REPORTI NG CRI TERI A REPORTI NG CRI TERI A Section 304 (Pg 6 Section 304 (Pg 6- -4) 4) SUBSTANCE SUBSTANCE SUBSTANCE Reporting Criteria Reporting Criteria Release of Release of AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT � CERCLA � CERCLA Hazardous Hazardous substance substance MEDI UM MEDI UM MEDI UM � Extremely Hazardous � Extremely Hazardous I MPACT I MPACT I MPACT Substance ( EHS Substance ( EHS) ) SOURCE SOURCE SOURCE 5 6 5 6 Michigan SARA Title III Program 1

  2. Release Reporting EPA’ ’S LI ST OF LI STS S LI ST OF LI STS LI ST OF LI STS EPA LI ST OF LI STS � � CERCLA CERCLA - - Hazardous Hazardous � CAS = Chemical Abstracts Service CAS = Chemical Abstracts Service � number number � SARA Title I I I � SARA Title I I I � EHS = Extremely Hazardous EHS = Extremely Hazardous � EHS EHS Substance Substance Toxic (section 313) Toxic (section 313) � TPQ = Threshold Planning Quantity TPQ = Threshold Planning Quantity � � � CAA CAA - - Extremely Hazardous Extremely Hazardous � RQ = Reportable Quantity RQ = Reportable Quantity � Air Pollutant - Air Pollutant - section 112(r) section 112(r) � CAA = Clean Air Act CAA = Clean Air Act � � TQ = Threshold Quantity TQ = Threshold Quantity � Appendix B – – Updated May 2010 Updated May 2010 Appendix B � Amounts in POUNDS Amounts in POUNDS � 7 7 8 8 LI ST OF LI STS LI ST OF LI STS LI ST OF LI STS LI ST OF LI STS Ammonia Ammonia Look up: Look up: Section 302 (EHS) TPQ = ____ Section 302 (EHS) TPQ = ____ Ammonia Ammonia Section 304 EHS RQ = ____ Section 304 EHS RQ = ____ CAS = CAS = CERCLA RQ = ____ CERCLA RQ = ____ 7664 7664- -41 41- -7 7 Section 313 = ______ Section 313 = ______ RCRA Code = _____ RCRA Code = _____ CAA 112(r) TQ = ______ CAA 112(r) TQ = ______ 9 9 10 10 POLLUTI NG MATERI ALS POLLUTI NG MATERI ALS CHEMI CAL LI STS - CHEMI CAL LI STS - STATE STATE LI ST LI ST � NREPA Part 31 NREPA Part 31 � Look up: Ammonia Look up: Ammonia Water Resources Protection Water Resources Protection � Part 5 Rules Part 5 Rules (Appendix C) � (Appendix C) TRQ = ______ TRQ = ______ Spillage of Oil & Polluting Materials Spillage of Oil & Polluting Materials � Table 1: Table 1: Polluting Materials Polluting Materials (Pg. C � (Pg. C- -8) 8) TRQ = Threshold Reporting Quantity TRQ = Threshold Reporting Quantity 11 12 11 12 Michigan SARA Title III Program 2

  3. Release Reporting SARA Title I I I SARA Title I I I EXAMPLE 1 EXAMPLE 1 Section 304 (Pg. 6 Section 304 (Pg. 6- -4) 4) Ammonia Release Ammonia Release Ammonia Release Ammonia Release When is a When is a � CERCLA � CERCLA Hazardous substance Hazardous substance release of release of � Extremely Hazardous Substance � Extremely Hazardous Substance ammonia ammonia (EHS) (EHS) subject to subject to reporting? reporting? ____lbs Ammonia Ammonia released to the released to the ____lbs environment that migrates beyond environment that migrates beyond facility boundaries. facility boundaries. 13 13 14 14 REGULATI ONS THAT REGULATI ONS THAT REPORTI NG CRI TERI A REPORTI NG CRI TERI A REFERENCE CERCLA REFERENCE CERCLA A SI NGLE RELEASE MI GHT A SI NGLE RELEASE MI GHT __________________________ __________________________ BE REPORTABLE BE REPORTABLE __________________________ __________________________ (ENFORCEABLE) (ENFORCEABLE) __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ UNDER MULTI PLE UNDER MULTI PLE __________________________ __________________________ REGULATI ONS. REGULATI ONS. __________________________ __________________________ 15 15 16 16 NREPA Part 31 (Pg. 6 NREPA Part 31 (Pg. 6- -7) 7) REPORTI NG CRI TERI A REPORTI NG CRI TERI A Ammonia Release Ammonia Release DI FFERENT REGULATI ONS CAN � DI FFERENT REGULATI ONS CAN � Polluting Materials (Part 5 Rules, HAVE DI FFERENT REPORTABLE DI FFERENT REPORTABLE HAVE Table 1) QUANTI TI ES FOR THE SAME FOR THE SAME QUANTI TI ES CHEMI CAL. _____ Ammonia released to CHEMI CAL. water or sewage system 17 18 17 18 Michigan SARA Title III Program 3

  4. Release Reporting I NI TI AL NOTI FI CATI ON I NI TI AL NOTI FI CATI ON I NI TI AL NOTI FI CATI ON – – I NI TI AL NOTI FI CATI ON * Worst Case * * Worst Case * WHEN ? WHEN ? _______________________ _______________________ I MMEDI ATE I MMEDI ATE _______________________ _______________________ MEANS MEANS _______________________ _______________________ WI THI N 15 MI NUTES 15 MI NUTES WI THI N _______________________ _______________________ AFTER _______________________ AFTER _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ DI SCOVERY OF THE DI SCOVERY OF THE _______________________ _______________________ RELEASE RELEASE _______________________ _______________________ 19 19 20 20 I NI TI AL NOTI FI CATI ON – I NI TI AL NOTI FI CATI ON – BOTTOM LI NE BOTTOM LI NE TO WHOM ? TO WHOM ? I f there is a release, I f there is a release, _______________ _______________ I MMEDI ATELY notify: notify: I MMEDI ATELY _______________ _______________ � LOCAL � LOCAL – – 911 911 _______________ _______________ � STATE � STATE – – PEAS PEAS _______________ _______________ � FEDERAL � FEDERAL – – NRC NRC _______________ _______________ Then assess the situation and Then assess the situation and _______________ _______________ make additional notifications make additional notifications _______________ _______________ as required. as required. _______________ _______________ 21 21 22 22 REMEMBER TO KI SS ! REMEMBER TO KI SS ! I NI TI AL NOTI FI CATI ON I NI TI AL NOTI FI CATI ON THERE ARE NO THERE ARE NO PENALTI ES PENALTI ES FOR OVER- FOR OVER - REPORTI NG ! REPORTI NG ! 23 24 23 24 Michigan SARA Title III Program 4

  5. Release Reporting WRI TTEN FOLLOW- -UP REPORT UP REPORT WRI TTEN FOLLOW WRI TTEN FOLLOW- -UP REPORT UP REPORT WRI TTEN FOLLOW REQUI RED BY REGULATI ON REQUI RED BY REGULATI ON EPA’ ’s NEW I NTERPRETATI ON: s NEW I NTERPRETATI ON: EPA � � Specified Form Specified Form AS SOON AS PRACTI CABLE AS SOON AS PRACTI CABLE � Specified I nformation � Specified I nformation MEANS MEANS WI THI N 30 DAYS (not 7) 30 DAYS (not 7) WI THI N DEQ general form: DEQ general form: AFTER AFTER “Spill or Release Report “ Spill or Release Report” ” (Pg. 6 (Pg. 6- -13) 13) DI SCOVERY OF THE RELEASE DI SCOVERY OF THE RELEASE Also use to document initial notification Also use to document initial notification 26 26 25 25 NOTES NOTES EXAMPLE 2 EXAMPLE 2 PHONE NUMBERS PHONE NUMBERS A textile company had a A textile company had a release of 860 gallons of release of 860 gallons of CONTACTS CONTACTS sodium hydroxide sodium hydroxide solution to the soil. Of solution to the soil. Of this, 15% reached the this, 15% reached the river. river. The MSDS is in your The MSDS is in your handouts. handouts. 27 27 28 28 EXAMPLE 2 EXAMPLE 2 EXAMPLE 2 EXAMPLE 2 Calculate Release Calculate Release 1.a. Notify Notify 1.a. 1. I dentify the hazardous ingredients and 1. I dentify the hazardous ingredients and � � 911 911 weight % in the sodium hydroxide weight % in the sodium hydroxide � � PEAS PEAS solution. solution. � NRC � NRC 2. Calculate the weight of the released 2. Calculate the weight of the released 2. Calculate the weight of the released 1.b. 1.b. Respond Respond sodium hydroxide solution. sodium hydroxide solution. sodium hydroxide solution. 2. 2. Follow - Follow -up up 3. Calculate the weight of the released 3. Calculate the weight of the released � � I nvestigate I nvestigate hazardous ingredients. hazardous ingredients. � � Calculate Calculate 4. Compare to Reportable Quantity (RQ). 4. Compare to Reportable Quantity (RQ). � � Report Report (The RQ depends on the regulation.) (The RQ depends on the regulation.) 29 30 29 30 Michigan SARA Title III Program 5


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