
REGISTRATION 14.8.18 Welcome and settling task Notice how you are - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

REGISTRATION 14.8.18 Welcome and settling task Notice how you are feeling about being back at school. Take a few breaths. If you are feeling calm and settled, notice that and focus on holding on to that feeling and increasing it with each

  1. REGISTRATION 14.8.18

  2. Welcome and settling task Notice how you are feeling about being back at school. Take a few breaths. If you are feeling calm and settled, notice that and focus on holding on to that feeling and increasing it with each breath in. If you are feeling unsettled or anxious, notice those feelings and imagine them leaving your body as you breathe out.

  3. AIMS OF THIS REGISTRATION PERIOD • To remind ourselves of our routines and expectations so that today and every day in school we are happy, healthy and doing the best we can • Remember that today is the first day of the rest of your life

  4. RESPECT FAIRNESS Show respect for each other and our environment Treat everyone fairly Respect the views and beliefs Accept differences in others of others CAMPUS CODE OF CONDUCT ACHIEVEMENT HAPPINESS Work to the best of our ability at all times Provide support for others who need it Co-operate and behave well so that everyone in the Work together as part of the campus community class can achieve

  5. OUR SCHOOL RULES • Treat all members of our community with respect and courtesy • Work to the best of your ability at all times • Wear full school uniform • Complete classwork and hand in homework on time (use Show My Homework)

  6. OUR CLASSROOM ROUTINES • Arrive punctually • Bring all necessary materials – books, jotter, pen, pencil, ruler, rubber • Accept designated seat, if appropriate • Remove all outdoor clothing • Listen and co-operate fully with all instructions • Observe health and safety requirements • Drink only water in class • Comply with instructions regarding the use of mobile phones/headphones • Leave in an orderly fashion

  7. AROUND THE CAMPUS • Use the Pupil Entrance/Exit only to enter and leave the building • Make your way to class as soon as the bell rings; leave the main Hall using the stairs closest to the class you are going to • At breaks and lunch times, go to the Hall or a place / club where a teacher has given you permission to be. Keep out of stairwells and off staircases unless you are going up or down. • Keep to the left in corridors and on stairs • Show courtesy if passing through the Hall when events are taking place or during Primary lunch

  8. SCHOOL TRANSPORT • Follow the instructions given by transport staff and show respect to all who travel with you • Sit down and wear a seat-belt where one is provided • Set a positive example to others

  9. THE LAW • It is worth reminding ourselves from time to time that certain activities and behaviours are against the law and will not be tolerated when pupils are on the school site, in school uniform (and therefore representing the school) or on school transport • These include: Smoking (see below for more information) Abusive language or violence Drinking alcohol or taking drugs • If any pupil is found to be making poor choices in relation to these behaviours, we will work with their parents/carers, the police and other agencies to address this. This is essential to the health, safety and wellbeing of all

  10. UNIFORM A white shirt A tie An optional black v neck jumper or cardigan that allows the tie to be seen (school jumpers with the school logo can be purchased via the Tesco website) Black trousers or a skirt (no leggings, sports wear or jeans) Fully black footwear

  11. SMOKING (FROM THE YOUNGSCOT WEBSITE) If a police officer suspects that you are under 18 and in possession of cigarettes, tobacco or cigarette papers in a public place then they can confiscate them. If you don’t cooperate with the police and hand over the items or provide your name and address if required, you are committing an offence and you could face a fine What about e-cigarettes? The new rules in Scotland make it illegal for anyone under 18 to buy e-cigarettes or vapes, also known as tobacco and nicotine vapour products (NVPs). It also means anyone buying NVPs for those underage will also be breaking the law

  12. MOBILE PHONES Mobile phones have a lot of positives but can also cause problems. As a society, we do not fully understand their potential risks yet Mobile phones must be switched off (or on flight mode) and away during class, unless your teacher tells you otherwise during a specific lesson (eg to be used as a calculator/voice recorder) Think about your mobile phone use carefully at other times. Before you communicate, think:

  13. S1 – give out Young Scot cards S1 to S4 – issue and check timetables. (Give out Young Scot cards if re- issued and check who does not have one; inform office) All years except S1 - issue Show My Homework pins. S1 pupils will be introduced to SMH in their Learn to Learn Classes. Pupils and parents only get full functionality if they log in. S4 to S6 – mention Scholar – passwords to follow (list of subjects below) S5 and S6 – recap the expectations for S5/6 and the information on the school website and on next slide: http://www.ljc.ea.argyll-

  14. Moving into S5 and S6 is an important transition and marks a new phase in your education and life. Most obviously, you have reached a stage where education is no longer compulsory (for some of you this will only apply from Christmas); you have chosen to come to school. This means that much more is expected of you in terms of commitment. All S5/S6 pupils should be in full uniform and give of their best at all times. Before you return to school it is important to ask yourself some questions. Why do you want to come back? What are you hoping to achieve? Are you returning for S5 and S6 or just S5? Please don’t just drift back, waiting to see how it goes; experience tells us that those students who return with clear goals will be the ones who get most out of it.

  15. ALL – FINAL TASK AND CHALLENGE. Today, do something to make life easier for someone else


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