RegData 2.0 July 29, 2014 Patrick A. McLaughlin Senior Research Fellow Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Federal Regulatory Accumulation
RegData – New Metrics of Regulation 1. Based on actual regulatory text 2. Measures regulation by year, industry, and regulator 3. Permits policy analysis and insight 4. Research tool
Units of Analysis Mean Annual Mean Word CFR Division Granularity Typical Contents Observations Count Broad subject area of Title Least 48 1,200,000 regulations Rules of an individual Chapter 410 150,000 agency Rules of a subagency or Subchapter n/a n/a subdivision of an agency Rules on a single Part 8,100 7,500 program/function Rules on a particular Subpart aspect of a single n/a n/a program/function One provision of a Section 190,000 310 program/function Detailed requirement(s) Paragraph Most 1,600,000 39 related to the provision
Metrics: Quantity of Regulation 1. Word count
Metrics: Quantity of Regulation 1. Word count 2. Restriction count
Restrictions: quantify the binding constraints Created programs that find binding constraints in CFR text • E.g., “shall” or “must” • Proxy for how restrictive text is • Not comprehensive of all restrictions
One sentence from 29 CFR Part 1926 Section 416 Before work is begun the employer shall ascertain by inquiry or direct observation, or by instruments, whether any part of an energized power circuit, exposed or concealed, is so located that the performance of the work may bring any person, tool, or machine into physical or electrical contact with the electric power circuit.
Top 10 words, one title, one year Word Hits Rank the 73760 1 of 46912 2 and 35523 3 to 25699 4 a 23423 5 or 21492 6 shall 17692 7 in 17641 8 be 17348 9 for 14172 10 TOTAL WORDS: 1,078,251
Top 10 words, one title, one year Word Hits Rank the 73760 1 of 46912 2 and 35523 3 to 25699 4 a 23423 5 or 21492 6 shall 17692 7 in 17641 8 be 17348 9 for 14172 10 TOTAL WORDS: 1,078,251
Top 10 words, only nouns and verbs (except part , FR , and section ) Word Hits Rank shall 17692 1 be 17348 2 is 7650 3 are 3990 4 mining 3784 5 coal 3705 6 surface 3423 7 mine 3387 8 requirements 3294 9 state 3195 10
Metrics: Relevance to stakeholders 1. Search term count 2. Industry regulation index
Look for the right words Word Hits Rank shall 17692 1 be 17348 2 is 7650 3 are 3990 4 mining 3784 5 coal 3705 6 surface 3423 7 mine 3387 8 requirements 3294 9 state 3195 10
Sample NAICS 3-digit Classifications 3-Digit Code Description 111 Crop Production 211 Oil and Gas Extraction 212 Mining (except Oil and Gas) 221 Utilities 236 Construction of Buildings 315 Apparel Manufacturing 316 Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing 321 Wood Product Manufacturing 322 Paper Manufacturing 334 Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing
Regulation by Industry (NAICS) Paper Manufacturing Paper Paper Manufacturer Manufacturers
Other features 1. Other metrics 2. Research 3. Download the data
Sample applications 1. Most mentioned industries 2. Most relevant agencies for a state
Most Mentioned 2-Digit Industries in 2012 2-Digit NAICS Classification Search Term Count Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction 45,083 Transportation and Warehousing 44,712 Manufacturing 44,452 Finance and Insurance 28,683 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 27,301 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 26,282 Construction 22,261 Utilities 14,120 Educational Services 10,355 Retail Trade 4,311
Virginia - Sample Industries & Most Relevant Regulator Total 4-Digit NAICS Classification Most Relevant Regulator Employment Office of Postsecondary Education, Elementary and secondary schools 239,927 Department of Education Centers for Medicare & Medicaid General medical and surgical 105,467 Services, Department of Health and hospitals Human Services Internal Revenue Service, Department Colleges and universities 76,865 of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service, Department Grocery stores 67,076 of the Treasury National security and 66,677 Office of the Secretary of Defense international affairs Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Offices of physicians 63,519 Services, Department of Health and Human Services Occupational Safety and Health Building equipment contractors 53,371 Administration, Department of Labor
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