recommendation applications and systems at electronic arts

Recommendation Applications and Systems at Electronic Arts Meng Wu - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Recommendation Applications and Systems at Electronic Arts Meng Wu 1 | John Kolen 1 | Navid Aghdaie 2 | Kazi A. Zaman 2 1 EADP Intelligent Systems 2 EADP Data Platform IN INSP SPIRE IRE THE THE WORLD RLD TO PLA LAY EA DIGITAL PLATFORM

  1. Recommendation Applications and Systems at Electronic Arts Meng Wu 1 | John Kolen 1 | Navid Aghdaie 2 | Kazi A. Zaman 2 1 EADP Intelligent Systems 2 EADP Data Platform


  3. • Ap Applica cations • Challenges • Recommendation System • Conclusions

  4. Recommendations everywhere Out Outsi side • Games f for y r you • Info f from th the w web Bet Between een • Maps a and m modes f for y r you • Ma Matchmak akin ing Wi Within Recommendations • Dynamic d difficulty ty As • Ob Objecti tives Next Best Activity

  5. Outside • Games for you

  6. Outside • News and info from the web

  7. Between • Maps and modes for you 8 game modes 20+ maps 4 character classes

  8. Game Mode Recommendation For Optimal Possession Team Death Match Player Journey Old and inactive players Team Death Match > Possession Ne New players Team Death Match < Possession Old and Ol nd rec ecent ent players ers Team Death Match = Possession

  9. Between • Matchmaking Fair is not enough Last 3 3 Ou Outcomes Churn Ra Ch Rate DLW | | L LLW | | L LDW | |DDD 2.6% ~ ~ 2 2.7% … … WWW WWW 3. 3.7% … DLL | | L LWL | | L LDL 4.6% ~ ~ 4 4.7% WWL WW 4. 4.9% LLL LLL 5. 5.1%

  10. � Matchmaking for Maximal Entertainment ℳ ∗ = argmin * Pr(𝑞 . 𝑑ℎ𝑣𝑠𝑜𝑡 | 𝒕 . , 𝒕 9 ) + Pr(𝑞 9 𝑑ℎ𝑣𝑠𝑜𝑡 | 𝒕 9 , 𝒕 . ) ℳ < = ,< > ∈ℳ

  11. Within • Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment 25 Churn Rate DIFFICULTY (#TRIALS) Avg. Trials to 20% Completion 20 CHURN RATE 15 10% 10 5 0 0% 25 50 75 100 LEVEL One EA match three game, 06/2016 – 07/2016

  12. Within • Controlling Player Progression with DDA Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Finished 1 2 3 6 Trial 1 4 7 Trial 2 Churn 5 8 Trial 3 Easy Hard 9 Trial t Difficulty assignment for Level/Trial to maximize engagement

  13. Within • Objectives Generate engaging daily/weekly ”To Do” lists • Make three goals • Play Galactic War mode • Apply a vehicle mod Multiarmed bandit to maximize retention

  14. • Applications • Ch Challen enges es • Recommendation System • Conclusion

  15. Challenges • Games • Players • Data

  16. Game Challenges Genres Franchises Extra Content

  17. Player Challenges Motivations Leader Storywriter Competitor Acquisition Or Organ anic Tr Trial Gu Guest Su Subscrib riber

  18. Data Challenges • • Session days Session days • • Duration Duration • • Last player time Last player time • • Veteran Veteran • • Match count Match count • • Skill Skill • • Wins/loses (indiv) Wins/loses (group) • • Goals Kills/deaths • Real Madrid fan

  19. • Applications • Challenges • Recommendation System • Conclusion

  20. Our Strategy • Systems over models • Process over solutions • One architecture to rule them all

  21. Recommendation Architecture Data Game Warehouse Game Servers Telemetry Recommendation Requests Game Client

  22. Outline • Applications • Challenges • Recommendation System • Co Conclusion

  23. Conclusion Conclusion • Many opportunities for recommendation systems in game industry beyond products. • Recommendations as next best activity. • Recommendation systems have an impact at EA • Improved click-through-rate by 80% and player engagement by 10%. • EA studios share a unified recommendation system platform • Machine learning models as first class citizens • Tightly coupled with experimentation

  24. Questions? Join our Intelligent Systems group


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