Reception or EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)
Introduction to the EYFS Team Miss Gurney (Bluebell Teacher) Miss Wood (Snowdrop Teacher) Miss Course (Primrose Teacher) Mrs Welton (Teaching Assistant) Mr Farrell (Nursery Nurse) Mrs Ashby (Teaching Assistant) Mrs Salisbury (Learning Support Assistant) Mrs Howitt (Bluebell Teacher) (Thursday) Mrs Howe (Nurture Leader)
Our Prime Areas of Learning • Communication and Language • Personal, Social and Emotional Development • Physical Development
Our specific Areas of Learning • Literacy • Maths
• Understanding the World • Expressive Arts & Design
How we learn….. • Adult led activities-differentiated to support and challenge individual needs • Opportunities for child initiated learning in all areas of learning • Group work • Partner work • Wow Days • School trips • School visitors • Outdoor learning area
Play dough/clay area Small world area Table top activities How we learn Creative area through play Construction area Topic related role-play area Sand area Water area
Children can express themselves freely. Children can explore using new vocabulary. Children can use their imaginations and enjoy Children can learn to learning. share and take turns. Learning Children can use new learning and skills to through support their play. Children can develop fine and play gross motor skills. Children can learn to interact and work collaboratively with Children can make Children can others. connections between make their own their learning and real choices. life.
Independence in the Early Years Throughout the Early Years adults teach, model and provide a range of opportunities to develop children's independence. Children are encouraged to change into Children are encouraged to clear their P.E clothes independently. resources away. Children are encouraged to put on and fasten their own coats. Children are encouraged to wash Children are encouraged to go to their hands before eating/going to the toilet independently. the toilet. Children are encouraged to independently select and use a range of resources that support their learning.
Transition Day Thursday 14 th July 9.15am-11.15am Arrival (9.15am): Primrose and Bluebell class to arrive and enter through the blue gate, circled in red. • Snowdrop to enter school through the main middle door, circled in yellow. • Pick up (11.15am): Bluebell class will be released from the same blue gate, circled in red. • Primrose children will be released from their classroom door, circled in green. • Snowdrop children will be released from their classroom door, circled in blue. •
First Week of School (5 th September) Mon-Wed : Your child will be invited to attend one morning on either Monday, • Tuesday or Wednesday (9.00-11.30am) – date for your child can be found in your induction pack. Thu-Fri: All children attend school (9.00-1.15pm) • Children will have a school lunch or packed lunch from home. • Children to arrive at 9.00am through the same entrance as transition day. • Children to leave school at 1.15pm through the same exits as transition day. • Second Week of School (12 th September) All children to attend daily. • Children to arrive at 9.00am. • Children will have a school lunch or packed lunch from home. • Children to leave at 1.15pm. • Third Week of School (19 th September) All children to attend daily. • Children to arrive at 8.50am. • Children to leave at 3.15pm. •
Reception September Essentials Uniform (Information can be found in packs) • Book bags • Water bottle • Warm coat • P.E kit • Outdoor Bag (Waterproof jacket, wellingtons, warm socks, hat, gloves) •
Communication Curriculum workshops • Termly/Half Termly curriculum letters • Home-learning opportunities • Parent-teacher consultations/reports • Class blogs • Communication books • Informal discussions at pick up time • Talk to the teacher: Monday & Fri day from 2.45pm-3.30pm • Autumn Term Workshops: 9 th September: PTA New Parents Breakfast 9.00am • 14 th September: EYFS update to parents 7.00pm • 5 th October: Maths Workshop 7.00pm • 12 th October: RWI/Reading Workshop 7.00pm • 8 th & 10 th November: Individual Parent Consultations •
We are a dedicated team of Mums, Dads and teachers across all year groups who work hard throughout the year to: • raise money for ‘extras’ on behalf of all our children • provide FUN events for children, parents and teachers • contribute to the sense of community in our school All Garden Fields parents are automatically members of the PTA and we always welcome new parents to join the Committee
Academic year 2015/6 – we have raised almost £18,000 to date! We have donated over £33,000 back to the school this year! The money we raise benefits every child in our school
• PTAsocial is an online volunteering tool which helps us manage the volunteers for our events • Please sign up this evening and we will invite you to join our PTAsocial community
Dates for your diary • Second hand uniform sale after this meeting and find out more over a glass of wine • 15 th July – EYFS Stay & Play 1-3pm • 9 th September - EYFS Parents Breakfast • 14 th September – PTA AGM • 3 rd December – Christmas Fair
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