rebuilding camp programs results

Rebuilding Camp Programs RESULTS Safe, Inclusive and High Quality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Building Markhams Future Together Rebuilding Camp Programs RESULTS Safe, Inclusive and High Quality Programs General Committee Monday, November 19, 2012 Building Markhams Future Together Towards a Sustainable Community 2 Building

  1. Building Markham’s Future Together Rebuilding Camp Programs RESULTS Safe, Inclusive and High Quality Programs General Committee Monday, November 19, 2012

  2. Building Markham’s Future Together Towards a Sustainable Community 2

  3. Building Markham’s Future Together Purpose of Presentation • To provide the results of the Camp action plan for the 2012 camp season which was developed to address concerns raised at Camp Chimo in the summer of 2011 Towards a Sustainable Community 3

  4. Building Markham’s Future Together Overall Objective Markham is committed to ensuring – Safe, inclusive and High Quality programs for all participants in a manner that meets or exceeds the expectations of our residents. Towards a Sustainable Community 4

  5. Building Markham’s Future Together Overall Management of Plan • Hired external consulting teams to respond to the recommendations in the Plan:  Development of Hiring Practices – KPMG, Human Transformation  Development of Programs and Training – The Human Factor • Established an Advisory Panel to oversee process:  External : Parks and Recreation Ontario, YMCA, Ontario Camp Assoc., Markham Stouffville Hospital, Youth Representative and Parent Representative  Community : Youth Representative and Parent Representative  Senior Town Staff: CAO, Commissioner CFS • Established an Internal Steering Committee : Commissioner CFS, Town Solicitor, Director of HR, Director of Recreation, Director of Corp. Communication Towards a Sustainable Community 5

  6. Building Markham’s Future Together Action Plan: Key Improvement Areas There were five key areas that formed the basis for improvements in the overall camp program in 2012. 1. Supervision 2. Programming 3. Training 4. Hiring Practices 5. Communication Towards a Sustainable Community 6

  7. Building Markham’s Future Together Supervision Outcomes • Supervision increased and improved through qualified individuals with experience in programming, child development, and staff management. Additional oversight and staffing to monitor compliance of all programs consistent with Town of Markham standards. Towards a Sustainable Community 7

  8. Building Markham’s Future Together Actions to Address Supervision:  Oversight of Eco Camp @ Chimo – re- assigned to be managed by the East Area  A dedicated full-time staff person was located at Chimo for the operational season.  Training plan developed by The Human Factor included additional training hours (10 – 15 hrs)  Camp Director – introduced 4 new positions to provide front line supervisory support to each area.  Development of online pre camp information package for parents. Towards a Sustainable Community 8

  9. Building Markham’s Future Together Supervision – Key Recommendations Recommendation Status Comments Increase the training hours Completed Training hours have been increased by 10 -15 hours New Dedicated Supervisor Completed Recreation Coordinator worked on site all summer Management staff daily visits Completed in Reviewed weekly 2012 Ongoing practice Formal reporting of daily logs to Completed Logs books maintained management and reviewed weekly Weekly meetings with Completed in Camp Directors met management staff 2012 management staff - Ongoing practice reviewed log books and address issues Towards a Sustainable Community 9

  10. Building Markham’s Future Together Supervision- Key Recommendations cont’d Recommendation Status Comments Issue Escalation Protocols and Completed Finalized Management Reports Enhance the annual program and Completed Performance Mgt performance planning and reviews documents completed, positive feedback from staff Develop Performance Management Completed Corrective Action Protocol and Corrective Action Protocol finalized. Performance Mgt documents completed Enhanced Parent Communication Completed Sent each week prior to camp with all information Towards a Sustainable Community 10

  11. Building Markham’s Future Together Programming Outcomes • Programming changes based on best practices, a peer evaluation prior to implementation and a complete review of all camp programs related to administrative structures, training, communications protocols, monitoring, and auditing. Complete program changes to Camp Chimo and redesign of the 12 to 14 age group curriculum. External expertise will be utilized to review and implement the changes to the program and systems. Towards a Sustainable Community 11

  12. Building Markham’s Future Together Actions to Address Programming • Eco Camp @ Chimo program was revised with much more emphasis on the eco system. • Development of program planning and activity templates available to all staff online • Review of survey weekly, response within 48 hours if requested on the survey and results tracked on a weekly basis. mail=true&formkey=dEtxN2VydVU3MjUyZ2ZPMFk2Wjh Rd1E6MQ Towards a Sustainable Community 12

  13. Building Markham’s Future Together Programming – Key Recommendations Recommendation Status Comments New Program Development Completed New program at Chimo Eco Camp at Chimo – Refocus the programs at Camp Completed Chimo on ecology, nature and program reflects ecology survival in nature nature Update the existing camp manual Completed Completed, available on line Integrate the Voyageur program and Completed All age groups were rename programs integrates into the program All staff integrated – Align staffing structure with new Completed program specialist positioned redefined Towards a Sustainable Community 13

  14. Building Markham’s Future Together Programming – Key Recommendations cont’d Recommendation Status Comments Align training program with new Completed New program and programming resource tools developed Provide Mandatory Annual training Completed All staff attended all sessions – make up sessions provided Develop program plan standard Completed Templates developed and template available on line Surveys on Quality through surveys Completed Survey to parents sent out from Parents and Campers after each session, to staff at end of season Towards a Sustainable Community 14

  15. Building Markham’s Future Together Training Outcomes • Training curriculum committed to a safe, inclusive, and high quality program and based on the High Five national quality standard, an Employee Code of Ethics, and Health and Safety and Respect in the Workplace policies. Current pre-camp training programs were enhanced to ensure consistency with Markham’s standards and expectations. Additional training will be provided throughout the camp season. Towards a Sustainable Community 15

  16. Building Markham’s Future Together Actions to Address Training • Implemented a new centralized training program • Provided additional training hours – programming planning, behaviour management • Ensured all staff trained in High Five including all management staff • Developed an online training program that all staff had to complete prior to attending camp training week. Towards a Sustainable Community 16

  17. Building Markham’s Future Together Training – Key Recommendations cont’d Recommendation Status Comments Review and Revise Training Completed Centralized training to program ensure consistency of information Mandatory training prior to each Completed Training week was very successful – based on camp season for all feedback from staff, we will be adjusting to provide more time for on site training Train staff on appropriate games for Completed HIGH FIVE principles fully ages and stages of campers included in all training programs – included in activity templates Train staff on how to use resource Completed Included in training and tools as part of online Towards a Sustainable Community component. 17

  18. Building Markham’s Future Together Training – Key Recommendations Recommendation Status Comments Ensure all staff sign off on training Ongoing New consistent process developed – central record keeping All staff attended – HIGH Mandatory training program for Completed FIVE training – Quest 2 supervisory and management staff Develop clearly stated Completed Included in training program – HIGH FIVE policy/protocols and train staff on proper Camper/Counsellor program addresses this interactions Towards a Sustainable Community 18

  19. Building Markham’s Future Together Hiring Practices Outcomes • Hiring practice changes and enhancements to validate candidate’s skills, abilities and behaviours to support the camp program, and to ensure candidates understand the important role they have in demonstrating good judgment and accountability for children in their care. Towards a Sustainable Community 19

  20. Building Markham’s Future Together Actions to Address Hiring Practices • Identification of core competencies for each position: leadership, safety and risk management, team building, judgment, organization, problem solving, customer service. • Trained all staff on how to conduct effective interviews. • Supported staff throughout the interview process with a HR specialist • Development of consistent candidate screening tools, interview guides and questions Towards a Sustainable Community 20


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