real time regulation and blockchain

Real-Time Regulation and Blockchain Jeff Bandman P2PFISY 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Real-Time Regulation and Blockchain Jeff Bandman P2PFISY 2017 London Real-Time Regulation How can blockchain/DLT enable real-time regulation? How is this different from what regulators do today? What new skills and

  1. Real-Time Regulation 
 and Blockchain Jeff Bandman P2PFISY 2017 London

  2. “Real-Time Regulation” � How can blockchain/DLT enable “real-time regulation”? � How is this different from what regulators do today? � What new skills and tools would “Real-Time Regulation” require? � Risks and Opportunities

  3. FX Example Variations in Reporting How is the WM Reuters FX benchmark reported? 1) REUTERS 2) LONDON 4PM WMR 3) WMR (PTAX) 4) WMCO (4PM LDN) 5) WMR 6) WMR SPOT 10AM 7) WMR (NDF) 8) 4PM LDN 9) WMR SPOT 01 1

  4. CDS Example Variations in Reporting How is the 5-year term of a single series of CDX reported? 1. CDX-NAIGS19V1-5Y 2. CDX.NA.IG.19-V1: 5YR 3. CDX.NA.IG.19-5Y 4. CDXIG-19_V1_125_5YR_DFS_NR 5. MARKIT CDX.NA.IG.19 12/17 6. CDX.NA.IG.19 12/17 7. CDX-NAIGS19V1-5Y.Dec.2017 8. CDX NA IG 19 12/17 2

  5. Core Principle 1 � It’s Fine to Start Small

  6. Core Principle 2 � One Size Does Not Fit All

  7. Core Principle 3 � We Don’t Regulate Technology

  8. Core Principle 4 � Remain Technology Neutral

  9. Core Principle 5 � Keep an Open Mind

  10. Core Principle 6 � Engagement Benefits Both Sides

  11. Core Principle 7 � It Starts From the Top

  12. Core Principle 8 � Widen the Circle

  13. Core Principle 9 � Go Where the Innovators Are

  14. Core Principle 10 � Make the Process Accessible


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