
CHALLENGES 02/04/2020 OUTLINE : Introduction Blockchain in Cyber - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BLOCKCHAIN IN CYBERSECURITY: USAGE AND Abdullah Hamdan CHALLENGES 02/04/2020 OUTLINE : Introduction Blockchain in Cyber security Blockchain and CIA Blockchain Security applications Blockchain Security challenges Conclusion 2 INTRODUCTION


  2. OUTLINE : Introduction Blockchain in Cyber security Blockchain and CIA Blockchain Security applications Blockchain Security challenges Conclusion 2

  3. INTRODUCTION Definition : A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed, and oftentimes public, digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers so that any involved record cannot be altered retroactively, without the alteration of all subsequent blocks. How Does It work? Types: -Public -Private -Hybrid Characteristics. 3

  4. BLOCKCHAIN IN CYBERSECURITY: Blockchain in cyber security context. How secure is blockchain? While no system is "unhackable," blockchain's simple topology is the most secure today, according to many security professionals. 4

  5. BLOCKCHAIN AND CONFIDENTIALITY Confidentiality definition: “the property that sensitive information is not disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes”. Blockchain ensures that only authorized people have access to the data. Data Access & Disclosure: If an attacker gains access to a blockchain network and the data, this does not necessarily mean the attacker can read or retrieve the information. 5

  6. BLOCKCHAIN AND INTEGRITY: Integrity definition: “guarding against improper information modification or destruction and includes ensuring information non- repudiation and authenticity”. Blockchain’s built in characteristics to ensure Integrity : - Traceability. - Immutability. 6

  7. BLOCKCHAIN AND AVAILABILITY: NIST defines availability as “ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information”. Attacks against availability: -Dos and Ddos Blockchain and availability: -Single Point of Failure. -Operational Resilience. 7

  8. BLOCKCHAIN CYBERSECURITY USAGE 1. . Blockchain for threat intelligence: Threat intelligence is an advanced process which involves gathering valuable insights including mechanisms, context, indicators, actionable advice and implications about an emerging or existing cyberthreat. Threat intelligence processes must be adapted to a company ecosystem to integrate it properly. 2. Blockchain for backup and recovery: One of the most innovative applications of blockchain technologies is to use it by secure storage and recovery systems. 3. Internet of things. 8

  9. SECURITY AND PRIVACY IN BLOCKCHAIN Blockchain work like a public ledger. Protocols for Commitment : Ensure that every valid transaction from the clients are committed and included in the Blockchain within a finite time. • Consensus: Ensure that the local copies are consistent and updated. • Security: The data needs to be tamper proof.Some of the nodes may act maliciously or can be compromised. • Privacy and Authenticity : The data or transactions belong to various the privacy and authenticity needs to be ensured. 9

  10. SECURITY AND PRIVACY IN BLOCKCHAIN CON’D Anonymity of Users’ Identity. The difficulty of efficient and secure sharing of user data among various financial institutions may result in a high cost of repeated user authentication. Italso indirectly brings the disclosure risk of users’ identity by some intermediaries. In addition, one or both parties to the transaction may be reluctant to let the other party know their real identity in some cases Authentication over Insecure Wireless Channels. 10

  11. CONCLUSION Blockchain is one of the most trending new age technologies that can be used to improve security. Blockchain and CIA. Blockchain usage: - Threat intelligence. - Backup and recovery - Internet of Things - Security and privacy in Blockchain 11

  12. REFERENCES : Mohanta, B. K., Jena, D., Panda, S. S., & Sobhanayak, S. (2019). Blockchain Technology: A Survey on Applications and Security Privacy Challenges. Internet of Things, 100107. doi:10.1016/j.iot.2019.100107 . Kshetri, N. (2017). Blockchain’ s roles in strengthening cybersecurity and protecting privacy. Telecommunications Policy, 41(10), 1027 – 1038. doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2017.09.003. (2017).How blockchain improves security and transaction times. Nasdaq. Retrieved from cm771339 A. Nayak, and K. Dutta, "Blockchain: The perfect data protection tool," 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control (I2C2), pp. 1-3, 24 June, 2017. L. Da Xu, W. He, and S. Li. Internet of things in industries: A survey. IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics, 10(4):2233 – 2243, 2014. 12


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