(Re)defining the Odds Allan Hancock College as a Catalyst for Economic Growth Dr. Kevin G. Walthers UCSB Economic Forecast Project May 9, 2014
In the United States, we often celebrate the stories of people who beat the odds, but we do not spend enough time trying to tinker with changing the odds. Dr. Manuel Pastor Partnership for Excellence Keynote April, 2014
Chang e in State Suppo rt fo r Public Hig he r E duc atio n 2007-2012
Chang e in State Suppo rt fo r Public Hig he r E duc atio n 2007-2012
Chang e in T o tal Re ve nue fo r Public Hig he r E duc atio n 2007-2012
Chang e in E nro llme nt fo r Public Hig he r E duc atio n 2007-2012
AHC F all 2012 Be fo re Pro p 30 Projections Prior to Proposition 30 ¡ 2012-13 Estimated 2012-13 % ¡ Budgeted ¡ Change ¡ Projected ¡ Change ¡ Base Revenue ¡ $45,294,494 ¡ ($2,892,176) ¡ $42,402,318 ¡ -6.39% ¡ Budgeted FTES ¡ 8,966 ¡ (651) ¡ 8,315 ¡ -7.26% ¡ Source: Community College League of California ¡
AHC Spring 2013 Afte r Pro p 30 Projections Prior to Proposition 30 ¡ 2012-13 Estimated 2012-13 % Budgeted ¡ Change ¡ Projected ¡ Change ¡ ¡ Base Revenue ¡ $45,294,494 ¡ ($2,892,176) ¡ $42,402,318 ¡ -6.39% ¡ Budgeted FTES ¡ 8,966 ¡ (651) ¡ 8,315 ¡ -7.26% ¡ Source: Community College League of California ¡ Impact of Proposition 30 ¡ 2012-13 2012-13 % Revised ¡ Change ¡ Projected ¡ Change ¡ ¡ Base Revenue ¡ $43,729,957 ¡ $499,727 ¡ $44,229,684 ¡ 1.14% ¡ Budgeted FTES ¡ 8,966 ¡ 161 ¡ 9,127 ¡ 1.80% ¡ Source: Allan Hancock College Adopted Budget FY 2013-2104 ¡
Pro po sitio n 30 Chang e s the Odds
How are the odds changing?
De mo g raphic Pro je c tio ns Source: Chronicle of Higher Education
De mo g raphic Pro je c tio ns Source: Chronicle of Higher Education
Source: (January 2013). The RP Group: Student Success (Re)Defined Six Suc c e ss F ac to rs that Suppo rt Stude nt Ac hie ve me nt
Stude nts fe e l like the y are part o f the c o lle g e c o mmunity
Stude nts have a g o al and kno w ho w to ac hie ve it
Allan Hanc o c k Co lle g e De g re e s and Ce rtific ate s 2000 744 1500 669 637 508 595 617 1000 1221 1023 1027 1016 500 911 893 0 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-2014 (est) AA/AS Degrees Certificates
Stude nts ac tive ly partic ipate in c lass and e xtrac urric ular ac tivitie s
Stude nts stay o n trac k, ke e ping the ir e ye s o n the prize
Stude nts fe e l so me bo dy wants and he lps the m to suc c e e d
Stude nts’ skills, tale nts, abilitie s and e xpe rie nc e s are re c o g nize d
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