how to gamble against all odds

How to Gamble Against All Odds Gilad Bavly 1 Ron Peretz 2 1 Bar-Ilan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How to Gamble Against All Odds Gilad Bavly 1 Ron Peretz 2 1 Bar-Ilan University 2 London School of Economics Heidelberg, June 2015 How to Gamble Against All Odds 1 Preface starting with an algorithmic randomness problem transformed to a

  1. How to Gamble Against All Odds Gilad Bavly 1 Ron Peretz 2 1 Bar-Ilan University 2 London School of Economics Heidelberg, June 2015 How to Gamble Against All Odds 1

  2. Preface starting with an algorithmic randomness problem transformed to a similar game, without computability How to Gamble Against All Odds 2

  3. Unpredictability betting strategy over an infinite casino sequence ∈ { h , t } N How to Gamble Against All Odds 3

  4. Unpredictability betting strategy over an infinite casino sequence ∈ { h , t } N bets some money on each bit How to Gamble Against All Odds 3

  5. Unpredictability betting strategy over an infinite casino sequence ∈ { h , t } N bets some money on each bit cannot borrow How to Gamble Against All Odds 3

  6. Unpredictability betting strategy over an infinite casino sequence ∈ { h , t } N bets some money on each bit cannot borrow chooses initial wealth How to Gamble Against All Odds 3

  7. Unpredictability betting strategy over an infinite casino sequence ∈ { h , t } N bets some money on each bit cannot borrow chooses initial wealth can be represented by a martingale M : { h , t } ∗ → R + s.t. M ( σ ) = M ( σ h)+ M ( σ t) for any history σ ∈ { h , t } ∗ 2 How to Gamble Against All Odds 3

  8. Unpredictability betting strategy over an infinite casino sequence ∈ { h , t } N bets some money on each bit cannot borrow chooses initial wealth can be represented by a martingale M : { h , t } ∗ → R + s.t. M ( σ ) = M ( σ h)+ M ( σ t) for any history σ ∈ { h , t } ∗ 2 A sequence is computably random if no computable martingale succeeds on it. How to Gamble Against All Odds 3

  9. Unpredictability betting strategy over an infinite casino sequence ∈ { h , t } N bets some money on each bit cannot borrow chooses initial wealth can be represented by a martingale M : { h , t } ∗ → R + s.t. M ( σ ) = M ( σ h)+ M ( σ t) for any history σ ∈ { h , t } ∗ 2 A sequence is computably random if no computable martingale succeeds on it. success: unbounded gains How to Gamble Against All Odds 3

  10. Unpredictability betting strategy over an infinite casino sequence ∈ { h , t } N bets some money on each bit cannot borrow chooses initial wealth can be represented by a martingale M : { h , t } ∗ → R + s.t. M ( σ ) = M ( σ h)+ M ( σ t) for any history σ ∈ { h , t } ∗ 2 A sequence is computably random if no computable martingale succeeds on it. success: unbounded gains For A ⊂ R + , A -valued random if limiting wagers to A ∀ σ | M ( σ h) − M ( σ ) | ∈ A How to Gamble Against All Odds 3

  11. Comparing sets Given A , B , is there a sequence that is B -random, but not A -random? How to Gamble Against All Odds 4

  12. Comparing sets Given A , B , is there a sequence that is B -random, but not A -random? 1 choose a computable A -strategy How to Gamble Against All Odds 4

  13. Comparing sets Given A , B , is there a sequence that is B -random, but not A -random? 1 choose a computable A -strategy 2 competes against the whole set of computable B -strategies How to Gamble Against All Odds 4

  14. Comparing sets Given A , B , is there a sequence that is B -random, but not A -random? 1 choose a computable A -strategy 2 competes against the whole set of computable B -strategies 3 choose a casino sequence How to Gamble Against All Odds 4

  15. Comparing sets Given A , B , is there a sequence that is B -random, but not A -random? 1 choose a computable A -strategy 2 competes against the whole set of computable B -strategies 3 choose a casino sequence Can we choose s.t. only the A -strategy succeeds? How to Gamble Against All Odds 4

  16. Comparing sets Given A , B , is there a sequence that is B -random, but not A -random? 1 choose a computable A -strategy 2 competes against the whole set of computable B -strategies 3 choose a casino sequence Can we choose s.t. only the A -strategy succeeds? A = B , A ⊆ B How to Gamble Against All Odds 4

  17. Comparing sets Given A , B , is there a sequence that is B -random, but not A -random? 1 choose a computable A -strategy 2 competes against the whole set of computable B -strategies 3 choose a casino sequence Can we choose s.t. only the A -strategy succeeds? A = B , A ⊆ B A = { 1 , 2 } , B = { 1 / 2 , 1 } How to Gamble Against All Odds 4

  18. Comparing sets Given A , B , is there a sequence that is B -random, but not A -random? 1 choose a computable A -strategy 2 competes against the whole set of computable B -strategies 3 choose a casino sequence Can we choose s.t. only the A -strategy succeeds? A = B , A ⊆ B A = { 1 , 2 } , B = { 1 / 2 , 1 } Countably many B -strategies How to Gamble Against All Odds 4

  19. The game 1 Gambler 0 announces her A -strategy How to Gamble Against All Odds 5

  20. The game 1 Gambler 0 announces her A -strategy 2 Gamblers 1 , 2 , 3 . . . announce their B -strategies How to Gamble Against All Odds 5

  21. The game 1 Gambler 0 announces her A -strategy 2 Gamblers 1 , 2 , 3 . . . announce their B -strategies 3 casino chooses a sequence How to Gamble Against All Odds 5

  22. The game 1 Gambler 0 announces her A -strategy 2 Gamblers 1 , 2 , 3 . . . announce their B -strategies 3 casino chooses a sequence Goal: “home team” (gambler 0 + casino) wins if player 0 succeeds and the others don’t. How to Gamble Against All Odds 5

  23. The game 1 Gambler 0 announces her A -strategy 2 Gamblers 1 , 2 , 3 . . . announce their B -strategies 3 casino chooses a sequence Goal: “home team” (gambler 0 + casino) wins if player 0 succeeds and the others don’t. pure strategies, no probabilities How to Gamble Against All Odds 5

  24. The game 1 Gambler 0 announces her A -strategy 2 Gamblers 1 , 2 , 3 . . . announce their B -strategies 3 casino chooses a sequence Goal: “home team” (gambler 0 + casino) wins if player 0 succeeds and the others don’t. pure strategies, no probabilities “passing” is allowed How to Gamble Against All Odds 5

  25. The game 1 Gambler 0 announces her A -strategy 2 Gamblers 1 , 2 , 3 . . . announce their B -strategies 3 casino chooses a sequence Goal: “home team” (gambler 0 + casino) wins if player 0 succeeds and the others don’t. pure strategies, no probabilities “passing” is allowed If home team can win, we say that A evades B . How to Gamble Against All Odds 5

  26. The game 1 Gambler 0 announces her A -strategy 2 Gamblers 1 , 2 , 3 . . . announce their B -strategies 3 casino chooses a sequence Goal: “home team” (gambler 0 + casino) wins if player 0 succeeds and the others don’t. pure strategies, no probabilities “passing” is allowed If home team can win, we say that A evades B . “not evade” is a preorder How to Gamble Against All Odds 5

  27. The game 1 Gambler 0 announces her A -strategy 2 Gamblers 1 , 2 , 3 . . . announce their B -strategies 3 casino chooses a sequence Goal: “home team” (gambler 0 + casino) wins if player 0 succeeds and the others don’t. pure strategies, no probabilities “passing” is allowed If home team can win, we say that A evades B . “not evade” is a preorder “not evade each other” is an equivalence relation How to Gamble Against All Odds 5

  28. Example Against a single player, A = { 1 , 2 } , B = { 1 } How to Gamble Against All Odds 6

  29. Example Against a single player, A = { 1 , 2 } , B = { 1 } 1st phase: bet 2 on heads each time How to Gamble Against All Odds 6

  30. Example Against a single player, A = { 1 , 2 } , B = { 1 } 1st phase: bet 2 on heads each time until you are richer (cheating) How to Gamble Against All Odds 6

  31. Example Against a single player, A = { 1 , 2 } , B = { 1 } 1st phase: bet 2 on heads each time until you are richer (cheating) 2nd phase: bet 1 on heads all the time How to Gamble Against All Odds 6

  32. Example Against a single player, A = { 1 , 2 } , B = { 1 } 1st phase: bet 2 on heads each time until you are richer (cheating) 2nd phase: bet 1 on heads all the time casino chooses heads on 1st phase; fails the opponent on the 2nd How to Gamble Against All Odds 6

  33. Example Against a single player, A = { 1 , 2 } , B = { 1 } 1st phase: bet 2 on heads each time until you are richer (cheating) 2nd phase: bet 1 on heads all the time casino chooses heads on 1st phase; fails the opponent on the 2nd Either the opponent is bankrupt, or he stops betting. How to Gamble Against All Odds 6

  34. Example Against a single player, A = { 1 , 2 } , B = { 1 } 1st phase: bet 2 on heads each time until you are richer (cheating) 2nd phase: bet 1 on heads all the time casino chooses heads on 1st phase; fails the opponent on the 2nd Either the opponent is bankrupt, or he stops betting. (fix cheating) casino chooses tails to signal phase change How to Gamble Against All Odds 6

  35. Containing a Multiple A evades B = ⇒ B does not contain a multiple of A How to Gamble Against All Odds 7

  36. Containing a Multiple A evades B = ⇒ B does not contain a multiple of A Is it also a sufficient condition? How to Gamble Against All Odds 7

  37. Containing a Multiple A evades B = ⇒ B does not contain a multiple of A Is it also a sufficient condition? It is for finite A , B (Chalcraft, Dougherty, Freiling, Teutsch, 2012) How to Gamble Against All Odds 7


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