RA RAIN IN GA GARD RDENS ENS: : BE BEAUTIFUL UTIFUL YAR ARDS DS Deborah Weller Sustainability Division June 24, 2017 D E P A R T M E N T O F T H E E N V I R O N M E N T
Outline • Introduction: What is a Rain Garden? • Rain Check Rebate: Helping you beautify your yard. • Why install a rain garden? • What you need to know to install a rain garden? – Siting – Sizing – Plants – Installation – Care http://natsci.edgewood.edu/wingra/management/raingardens/
Do I Have a Site For a Rain Garden? Can You Build Your Own Rain Garden? What Questions Should I Ask a Contractor or Landscaper? How Do I Get That Rain Check Rebate?
What is a Rain Garden? Images courtesy Rasma Plato
Prince George’s County Rain Check Rebate Program Gives property owners rebates for installing stormwater management practices “Our Water. Our Future. Ours to Protect ”
Eligible Practices Urban Rain Rain Permeable Green Pavement Tree Cistern Barrel Garden Pavement Roof Removal Canopy
Rebate Amounts
Applicant Eligibility Homeowners Members of a housing cooperative Commercial businesses Multi-family dwellings Nonprofit organizations Not-for-profit organizations
Maximum Rebate Per Property $4,000 maximum residential rebate $20,000 maximum rebate for commercial properties and multi-family dwellings Rebate amount cannot exceed the cost of the project
Project Eligibility The project is located within Prince George’s County The project is completed within 12 months of application approval The Chesapeake Bay Trust (CBT) conducts pre- and post-installation site visits and finds the project in compliance with the approved application* The project follows the program guidelines * Rain barrels do not require pre-inspection
How to Get Your Rebate a) Determine what practices are suitable for your property 1 a) Fill out and submit the application to CBT b) Schedule a pre-installation site visit for all practices 2 except rain barrels a) Install the practice within 12 months of approval b) Schedule a post-installation site visit 3 a) Submit receipts to CBT b) Receive rebate check 4 Visit us online at http://www.cbtrust.org/princegeorgesraincheck
Rain Check Rebate Rain Garden Requirements Rain garden must be at least 100 square ft. Must treat runoff from impervious area. Water must be able to seep into the soil quickly enough so that it will drain in 24 to 36 hours. At least 25 ft. away from a septic field or a well head. Can’t impede neighbor’s flow or discharge onto their property. At least 10 ft. away from your home and your neighbors’ homes. Native plants only!
What Kinds of Permits Are Required? A permit is not required for most rain gardens. If installation exceeds 5,000 square feet and/or 100 cubic yards of earth-moving disturbance, or a change in grade of +/- 12” a permit is required. Contact the County’s Department of Permits, Inspection and Enforcement for more information: (301) 636-2000 or www.princegeorgescountymd.gov/sites/dpie/Pages/default .aspx.
Rain Barrels Residential Rebate Amount: Containers used to collect $2 per gallon storied (must rainwater from your roof and capture 50 gallons) store it for later use (e.g., Non-residential Rebate Amount: $2 per gallon storied watering your lawn and garden) (must capture 100 gallons) Rain barrels reduce stormwater runoff, allowing more of the water to soak into the ground, replenishing groundwater 14 Source: Katie Elzer-Peters https://www.americanrivers.org/threats-solutions/clean-water/green-infrastructure/rain-barrel-garden /
Questions? For more information and to apply: Rain Check Rebate: Contact Hannah Martin at 410-974-2941 ext.114 or rebate@cbtrust.org or go to https://cbtrust.org/prince-georges-county-rain-check-rebate/
RA RAIN IN GA GARD RDENS ENS: : BE BEAUT UTIFUL IFUL YARDS RDS Deborah Weller Sustainability Division June 24, 2017
Why Install a Rain Garden? Improve water quality Increases infiltration of rainwater Beautifies your yard and community Reduces erosion and ponding problems Reduces Clean Water Fee May increase property values
Increase bird/butterfly habitat Beauty and function
What Are the Parts of a Rain Garden? Inflow entrance Ponding area Overflow path Soil, mulch and plants
How Can You Determine if Your Property Is Suitable for a Rain Garden? Where are the pervious and impervious areas on the property and how does the water flow? How well does water soak into the different areas of the property? What kind of soil is present? Is there a gently sloping place that regularly receives runoff?
How Can You Determine if Your Property Is Suitable for a Rain Garden? Can the rain garden be placed to avoid locating under a large tree because the roots will make it difficult to dig? What level of maintenance is required? How does it fit with your abilities? Can your rain garden be located in full or partial sun? Where are your utilities?
Where to Put a Rain Garden? Where are the pervious and impervious areas on the property and how does the water flow? Impervious surfaces: roofs, sidewalks, patios, driveway, clay lawn turf Where are the downspouts? Identify natural water path through the yard
Where to Put a Rain Garden? full or partial sun downspout rain garden >25’ from >10’ from septic field building
Where to Put a Rain Garden? Natural depressions and flat land X Easy viewing from inside X Fitting into the rest of the landscape Proximity to trees, utilities, septic system, foundation X and well head. X
Before You Toil, Know Your Soil Does Your Soil Infiltrate? To figure out how deep Infiltration Rate: How fast your rain garden should water soaks into, or be, consider the infiltrates, the ground infiltration rate: Standard Infiltration Rate of Soils: Clays: .15 inches/hour Silts or Loams: .5 inches/hour What kind of soil is present? Sands: 1 inch/hour
Infiltration Rate: Quick Percolation Test Dig a hole 1 foot wide and 2 feet deep Fill hole with water If water drains out of the hole in 6 hours, the site is suitable for a rain garden If water does drains in less than 24 hours, soil should be suitable. To be sure, refill the hole with water within 12 hours and make sure that it takes no longer than 36 hours to drain. http://nemo.uconn.edu/raingardens/sizing.htm#check
Infiltration Rate: Percolation Test Dig a hole 1 foot wide and 2 feet deep Fill hole with water and allow to drain Fill with water, measure and record time Wait an hour Measure and record the time Calculate the infiltration rate (inches/hours) Sand Silt Clay High infiltration Low infiltration Moderate rate rate infiltration rate 1 inch/hour .15 inches/hour .5 inches/hour
Ideal Soils Ideal rain garden soil mix – 50-60% sand, 20-30% topsoil, 20-30% compost No more than 10% of mix should be clay Be careful of the nutrient content of composts Lower nutrient concentrations are better for the rain garden soil
Is There a Gently Sloping Place That Regularly Receives Runoff? Is there a gently sloping place that regularly receives runoff? Slope = (rise/run) x 100 run X 12% rise http://extension.umd.edu/sites/extension.umd.edu/files/_docs/articles/Rain_Gardens_Across_MD.pdf
What Size Garden Do I Need? Figure out the size of the area that will have runoff going to the rain garden width For a house, draw a length footprint Break whole roof into areas going to each gutter Figure areas for each gutter
What Size Garden Do I Need? Drainage area of downspout: Top roof area: 150 sq.ft. Bottom roof area: 350 sq. ft. Total Drainage Area: 500 sq. ft. Drainage Area: Area of impervious surfaces draining to a specific point The surface area of your rain garden should be between 20% and 30% of the roof area (or other hard surface) that will drain into the rain garden.
Rain Garden Size Sandy soil – 20% 500 sq. ft * .20 = 100 sq. ft Silt soils = 30% 500 sq. ft * .30 = 150 sq. ft
Garden Calculators http://raingardenalliance.org/right/calculator
Layout of a Rain Garden Rain gardens are highly versatile and can be constructed in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The shape of the rain garden often is determined by existing features such as the need to avoid structures, trees, and utilities. Rain gardens can be shaped to fit available space and site conditions.
Developing a Planting Plan Berme: Drought- tolerant plants . Tolerate wet roots Tolerate some dryness
Pick Your Plants? Salt tolerance Height and width of full grown plants Color and type of seeds, berries, flowers, or other growth Species of wildlife you wish to attract Coordination with existing landscape Mix trees, shrubs, perennials, ornamental grasses and turfgrasses
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