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R& E R& E I ssu ssue 1 1: Proj ec ect Approvals I ssu - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

R& E R& E I ssu ssue 1 1: Proj ec ect Approvals I ssu ssue 2 2: : RE Progr gram Budge dget I ssu ssue 3 3:R& E L Legislat at ive Report March 15, 15, 2019 2019 Exhibit D 1 Locations of Recommended Projects

  1. R& E R& E I ssu ssue 1 1: Proj ec ect Approvals I ssu ssue 2 2: : RE Progr gram Budge dget I ssu ssue 3 3:R& E L Legislat at ive Report March 15, 15, 2019 2019 Exhibit D 1

  2. Locations of Recommended Projects Enhancement Restoration 2

  3. Recommended Restoration Projects 19-1 R&E Project# Project Name Project Sponsor Activity Type S/C Funds Vote Passage 19-001 Willamette Falls Ladder ODFW Salem HQ S/C $1,999,400 4Y-3N Maintenance RESTORATION PROJECT TOTALS $1,999,400 3

  4. 19-001 Willamette Falls Ladder Repairs Sections of ladder separating. Loss of erosion protection and erosion at foundation.

  5. Recommended Enhancement Projects Project R&E Total Number Project Name Activity Type S/C Cycle 17-7 Cycle 19-1 Vote 17-060 $6,271 Equipment for the Umpqua Watershed Monitoring S $6,271 7Y-0N 17-062 Deschutes District Flow Meter Monitoring S $850 $850 7Y-0N 17-063 $13,500 Deschutes District outboard Monitoring S $13,500 7Y-0N Lower Rogue Spring Chinook Genetic 17-065 $23,180 Sampling 2019 Monitoring S $23,180 5Y-2N South Willamette Watershed District 17-067 $23,472 Equipment Monitoring S/C $23,472 7Y-0N Rogue Chinook Inventories Huntley 17-071 $31,000 Boat Monitoring S/C $31,000 7Y-0N 17-072, Internships Invasive Fish Removal in 6Y-1N, $29,594 $28,621 19-008 High Lakes Habitat S $973 7Y-0N 17-073, South Fk Little Butte Cr Flow 7Y-0N, $95,500 $93,000 19-009 Restoration Project Habitat S/C $2,500 7Y-0N 17-075, Limiting factors of Klamath juvenile 7Y-0N, $74,976 $57,600 19-011 redband trout Monitoring S $17,376 7Y-0N 5 Statewide trout stock evaluation (tag 19-002 $135,780 $135,780 6Y-1N reward) Monitoring S Diamond Lake Monitoring/Invasive 19-003 $59,019 $59,019 7Y-0N Species Removal Monitoring S 19-004 $150,000 $150,000 Pine Hollow boat ramps V2 Access S 7Y-0N 19-005 $69,450 $69,450 Peterson Point Property Acquisition Access S 7Y-0N Necanicum River StW Monitoring and 19-006 $122,600 $122,600 6Y-1N Evaluation Monitoring S Grande Ronde Volunteer Brood stock 19-007 $28,077 $28,077 5Y-2N Collection Propagation S TOTAL $119,122 $744,147

  6. South Fk Little Butte Cr Flow Restoration Project Medford Dewatered 5500 foot reach just below large agricultural diversion 6

  7. RE/STEP Program Budget (Issue 2) Description Amount Notes: RE/STEP Administration Coordinator, Assistant, Program supplies $495,909 Grant Management System Continued development of new system $22,500 RE/STEP Publicist Outreach and program information $50,000 Emergency Account Preapproved account for unforeseen situations $100,000 STAC mini-grants $2k awards from STAC board for STEP projects $50,000 STEP Education Aquariums, curriculum and trainings $30,000 STEP Fish Food Feed for approved STEP rearing $191,000 NEW–staff for fishing facilities/hatchery projects Construction Project Manager $236,810 TOTAL $1,176,219 7

  8. R&E Budget Status 2017-2019 Biennium Cycle 7 Funds Previously Approved Remaining if Cycle 7 Limitation Recommended Projects Projects are Approved Restoration $0 $2,522,291 $2,522,291 Enhancement $2,522,291 $2,403,169 $119,122 TOTAL $5,044,582 $4,925,460 $0 $119,122 2019-2021 Biennium Remaining if Cycle Previously Cycle 1 Funds 1 Projects and Program Budget Limitation Approved Recommended Program Budget Projects are Approved Restoration $548,885 $2,525,000 $0 $1,999,400 Enhancement $627,334 $2,525,000 $0 $744,147 TOTAL $1,176,219 $ 5,050,000 $0 $1,130,234 $2,743,547 8

  9. Staff Recommendation: Approve R&E Board recommendations. 9

  10. 2017-2019 RE Legislative Report: (Issue 3) . Full report is available at http://www.dfw.state.or.us/fish/RE/history.asp 10

  11. R&E Board Members Cary Johnson, Gillnet Kay Brown, Public-At-Large Ray Monroe, Troll Yancy Lind, Sport Susan Chambers, Seafood Processing Since 1989, the R&E board has awarded Dave Grosjaques, Sport nearly $60 million to Richard Heap, Sport fishery projects throughout Oregon. 11

  12. 2017-2019 Program finances: STARTING BALANCE $1,816,201 REVENUES TOTAL $4,366,565 LIMITATION $5,050,125 Total Awarded $5,050,125 ENDING BALANCE $1,132,766 Revenue Sources 12

  13. RESTORATION ENHANCEMENT of Facilities of Fisheries R&E Boar d 1 - Pub lic -At-L a rg e 3 - Co mme rc ia l 3 - Spo rt

  14. 2017-2019 Approved Projects: Walcott Dam Fish Ladder 14

  15. 2017-2019 Approved Projects: New Cleaning Station in Reedsport 15

  16. 2017-2019 RE Approved Project: 16

  17. Program I mprovements:  More proactive by targeting project types  Restoration:  Bundling hatchery projects to reduce administrative work  Fund early to provide enough construction time  Address top maintenance and safety priorities 17

  18. Program I mprovements:  More proactive by targeting project types  Enhancement:  Emphasis on improving fish populations  Delisting Coho • 2017-19 Brownell Dam removal (#22 statewide, #3 in Umatilla). • 2017-19 Walcott dam passage (#24 statewide, #3 in Rogue). • 2019-21 Willamette Falls (Top priority). Coquille Wildlife Area - Tide Gates Brownell Dam Removal- Umatilla River 18

  19. Program I mprovements:  Meet statutory requirements and spend down account  Address 2015 Secretary of State Audit findings.  Balance between Restoration and Enhancement. Statutory 50/50 split 19

  20. Program I mprovements:  Meet statutory requirements and spend down account  Attempt to spend all revenues and reduce carryover. Expenditures and Carryover Over Time 20

  21. Program I mprovements:  Leveraging other program efforts. In 2017-19, every R&E dollar awarded leveraged $4.60 in matching contributions 21

  22. The R&E Board recommends: • Support priority projects. • Continue to develop showcase fishery projects. • Continue strategic project bundles to address priority needs. • Identify how to obtain sufficient funding. • Known need exceeds current R&E revenue. • R&E account is nearly the same as 1989. • R&E spending power diminishes annually. 22


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