quantum materials dark matter detection


K. ZUREK Leveraging the many faces (and phases) of matter QUANTUM MATERIALS & DARK MATTER DETECTION MOTIVATION NEW DIRECTIONS IN DARK MATTER THEORY Old paradigm: weak scale dark matter (with relic density fixed by freeze-out)

  1. K. ZUREK Leveraging the many faces (and phases) of matter QUANTUM MATERIALS & DARK MATTER DETECTION

  2. MOTIVATION NEW DIRECTIONS IN DARK MATTER THEORY ▸ Old paradigm: weak scale dark matter (with relic density fixed by freeze-out) abundance DM DM time n h σ v i = H ( T fo ) Kolb and Turner g 4 1 wk = ) h σ v i ' (20 TeV) 2 ' 4 π (2 TeV) 2

  3. DARK MATTER AND CLASSICAL BILLIARD BALLS DIRECT DETECTION GOLD STANDARD ▸ Nuclear recoil experiments; basis of enormous progress in direct detection v ∼ 10 − 3 c q, E D m N m X p = ⇒ 2 µ N v = q max = 2 m N E D µ N ≡ m X + m N for 50 GeV target v ∼ 300 km/s ∼ 10 − 3 c = ⇒ E D ∼ 100 keV

  4. DARK MATTER AND CLASSICAL BILLIARD BALLS SuperCDMS Soudan CDMS-lite SuperCDMS Soudan Low Threshold XENON 10 S2 (2013) 10 � 39 10 � 3 CDMS-II Ge Low Threshold (2011) CoGeNT PICO250-C3F8 (2012) 10 � 40 10 � 4 CDMS Si (2013) SIMPLE (2012) 10 � 41 10 � 5 WIMP � nucleon cross section � cm 2 � COUPP (2012) WIMP � nucleon cross section � pb � DAMA 2 ) 1 0 2 ( I I I - N I 10 � 42 CRESST L 10 � 6 CDMS II Ge (2009) P E Z SuperCDMS n a d u ) 1 1 o 0 S 2 ( S S 10 � 43 S 10 � 7 E I M W L D E D C E Xenon100 (2012) r e p u SNOLAB S N 0 5 e E d i S U k r a T D 10 � 44 10 � 8 R I N X U O C L I 3 7 Be F C A T C T O E - 0 H S R 5 E T R N 2 E O C Neutrinos I N P I 8 B 10 � 45 10 � 9 G T 1 n Neutrinos o n e X DEAP3600 2 G e d i S 10 � 46 10 � 10 k r a D LZ 10 � 47 10 � 11 (Green&ovals)&Asymmetric&DM&& (Violet&oval)&Magne7c&DM& C AT TERI N G (Blue&oval)&Extra&dimensions&& Atmospheric and DSNB Neutrinos T S 10 � 48 E N 10 � 12 R H E O (Red&circle)&SUSY&MSSM& C O I N R U T E &&&&&MSSM:&Pure&Higgsino&& N 10 � 49 10 � 13 &&&&&MSSM:&A&funnel& &&&&&MSSM:&BinoEstop&coannihila7on& &&&&&MSSM:&BinoEsquark&coannihila7on& 10 � 50 10 � 14 & 1 10 100 1000 10 4 WIMP Mass � GeV � c 2 �

  5. SUCCESS DARK MATTER MOORE’S LAW Factor of 10 every 6.5 years Dark Matter Searches: Past, Present & Future − 40 10 Edelweiss ’98 Oroville H − M ’94 Limit Scalar Cross − section cm 2 [60 GeV WIMP] UKDMC Homestake − 41 H − M ’98 10 IGEX DAMA ’98 DAMA ’00 LIBRA ’08 Edelweiss ’01 CDMS I SUF ’99 ~ 1 event kg − 1 day − 1 CDMS I SUF ’02 − 42 WARP ’07 10 Edelweiss ’03 ZEPLIN I ZEPLIN II CDMSII Soudan ’04 CRESST ’11 Ge − 43 NaI 10 Edelweiss ’09 XENON10 Cryodet Edelweiss ’11 CDMSII Soudan ’10 XENON100 ’10 ZEPLIN III Liq. Noble Darkside ‘15 SuperCDMS also focuses on light WIMPs − 44 CS2 PandaX ‘15 10 XENON100 ’11 Projected Signal SuperCDMS Soudan ’14 XMASS 800kg − 45 XENON100 ’12 10 LUX ‘14 LUX ‘15 LUX ‘16 ~ 1 event 100 kg − 1 yr − 1 LUX 300kg − 46 WIMP Search: Factor 10 every 3.3 years 10 XENON1T ‘19 LZ ‘22 − 47 10 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Year LUX Collaboration talk

  6. SUCCESS THEORY TARGETS Physics Viewpoint, Raphael Lang

  7. LOOKING TOWARDS LIGHTER DARK MATTER EARLY EFFORT : DAMIC CCD AT FNAL ▸ Detecting DM Whispers � 36 10 Cross � section [cm 2 ] (normalised to nucleon) http://dmtools.brown.edu/ Gaitskell,Mandic,Filippini dependent on dark counts and read-out noise � 38 10 ▸ 40 eV threshold, nuclear recoils � 40 10 � 42 10 120329092801 0 1 2 10 10 10 WIMP Mass [GeV/c 2 ] DAMIC collaboration, 1105.5191

  8. LOOKING TOWARDS LIGHTER DARK MATTER DIRECT DETECTION GOLD STANDARD � 36 10 � ?? � � � � � � � � � � � � 46 10 0 1 2 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 10 10 10

  9. MOTIVATION TOWARDS LIGHT DARK MATTER Dark Matter May Reside in a Hidden Sector Standard Model Connector Dark Matter e.g. a stable dark pion no weak force π + v → π 0 v π 0 v π − v π 0 v → b ¯ b, γγ

  10. FUNDAMENTAL LIMITATION NUCLEAR RECOILS ▸ Kinematic penalty when DM mass drops below nucleus mass q 2 q max = 2 m X v E D = 2 m N E D & eV ↔ m X = 300 MeV E kin & 300 eV even though

  11. DARK MATTER AND CLASSICAL BILLIARD BALLS NEXT UP: ELECTRON ▸ More bang for the buck if DM lighter than 1 GeV q 2 q max = 2 m X v E D = 2 m e ▸ Allows to extract all of DM kinetic energy for DM MeV and heavier E D & eV ↔ m X = 1 MeV

  12. DARK MATTER AND CLASSICAL BILLIARD BALLS ELECTRONS IN MATERIALS Rate P. Sorensen et al 1206.2644 10 - 34 Excluded by ▸ In insulators, like xenon 10 - 35 XENON10 data s e @ cm 2 D 1 electron 10 - 36 2 electrons 3 electrons 10 - 37 Hidden - Ionize electron 10 - 38 Photon models 10 - 39 1 10 100 10 3 Dark Matter Mass @ MeV D Gap = DM Kinetic Energy Essig et al 1509.01598 �� - �� ��������� � �� = � ��� � - �� �� � - �� - �� ▸ In semi-conductors, like Ge, Si �� - �� ������� σ � [ �� � ] �� - �� ���� ���� ��� � - ��� � � - � �� - �� � � - �� - �� ���� ���� ��� � - ��� � � - �� - �� � � - Excite electron to conduction band �� - �� � � - � � - ��������� �� - �� ��� �� �� - �� � �� ��� ���� � χ [ ��� ]

  13. ELECTRONS & CONDUCTION BANDS SENSEI AND SKIPPER CCD’S LDRD led by Javier Tiffenberg ▸ DAMIC utilized sensitivity to Entries 2000 charge to place constraints on DM 1500 1000 ▸ Fundamentally limited by noise 500 0 ▸ More noise = less sensitivity to 0 1 2 Charge [e − ] DM Whispers SENSEI, 1706.00028 RMS = 0.068 e/pix ▸ Improved Read-out

  14. DRAFT COSMIC VISIONS WHITEPAPER SENSEI AND SKIPPER CCD’S �� - �� �������� ��� ( � ) � ��� ��� ������� �� - �� � � - � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� - �� � � � � � � � � �� - �� � � � � � � � � - � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ( � � � γ � � � � � � � � � � � �� - �� � � � � � � - � � � � � ↑ � � � � � ) � � � � � � ↑ σ � [ �� � ] �� - �� � � � � � � ��� - � ����� - ��� ��� � � � � � � ����� - �� � ) � ( � � �� - �� ���� - � ��� ���� � � - ����� ������ � �������� �� �� - �� � ��� �� ( ���� �� ) �������� �� � � � � � ��� �� ( ��� �� ) � � � �� - �� � � � � � ������ � � � ��������� �� / �� �� � �� - �� � � � ����� ������ � � � � ( � � � � � ) � � � � � �� = � �� - �� � � � = � � χ ���������� ����� / ������ / ���� - ���� ( ����� / ������ / ������ ) �� - �� �� � �� � � �� � χ [ ��� ]

  15. QUANTUM DEVICES AND DM WHISPERS QUANTUM DEVICE R&D Transition Edge Sensor calorimeter ▸ In addition to suitable target (quantum phases of matter), need R quantum devices capable of measuring small energy deposits T ▸ Superconducting devices that Microwave Kinetic Inductance Device measure single quanta ▸ Single infrared or microwave photon detectors, e.g. Aaron Chou LDRD See W. Wester talk

  16. REACH OF QUANTUM MATERIALS DARK MATTER LANDSCAPE 1 meV 1 eV 1 keV 1 MeV 1 GeV 100 GeV mass Absorption Super- Semiconductors Traditional WIMP Coherent Mode conductors SuperCDMS XENON1T Production Superfluid DAMIC, SENSEI LZ Helium Graphene QCD axion, “ultralight frontier” ~meV energy ~eV energy ~keV energy ADMX resolution resolution resolution

  17. DARK MATTER AND QUANTUM PHASES E.G. SUPERCONDUCTORS ▸ Free electrons succumb to collective dynamics ▸ Typical gap ∆ ' 0 . 3 meV

  18. DARK MATTER AND QUANTUM PHASES ABSORPTION — SUPERCONDUCTORS ▸ Can we absorb ultralight DM particles on electrons in a superconductor? ▸ Seems not — basic energy and momentum conservation ▸ Take advantage of collective modes! i.e. phonons X Φ X Φ q q Q Q k 0 k 0 k k e e e e C ph | ~ 1 Q | 1 Z d 3 y ph � ¯ X X Q + c † H = = ( c ~ Q ) a ~ k 0 a ~ − ~ k √ p √ ⇢ 2 E Q V ~ ~ k k 0

  19. DARK MATTER AND QUANTUM PHASES ABSORPTION — SUPERCONDUCTORS Dark Photon 1 kg-day 10 − 8 1 kg-yr Stellar constraints (Stuckelberg case) 10 − 10 X Φ Resonant Xenon10 LC x q Q κ 10 − 12 κ HB stars (Higgs case, e � =0.1) k 0 k 10 − 14 e e 10 − 16 10 − 4 10 − 3 10 − 2 10 − 1 10 0 10 1 10 2 m V [eV] Hochberg, Lin, KZ 1604.06800


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