quantum entanglement

Quantum Entanglement Kevin Zielnicki Advisor : Paul G. Kwiat Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Quantum Entanglement Kevin Zielnicki Advisor : Paul G. Kwiat Physics 403 talk : April 17, 2012 This talk has three sections: I'll start with a basic introduction to entanglement Introduction How to make entanglement Quantum

  1. Quantum Entanglement Kevin Zielnicki Advisor : Paul G. Kwiat Physics 403 talk : April 17, 2012

  2. This talk has three sections: I'll start with a basic introduction to entanglement  Introduction  How to make entanglement  Quantum information application: teleportation

  3. Entanglement is a feature of compound quantum systems Ψ AB = φ 1 A φ 2 B  States that can be written are separable  States that cannot be written this way are entangled Example: the Bell states & are inseparable No solution! Measurement outcomes are random and correlated

  4. What's so special about entanglement?  Classical things can be random and correlated, too…  … but not entangled! How is this different from an entangled state?  Each marble has a defined color from the beginning (local hidden variable)  The processes are distinguishable in principle  There is no conjugate measurement basis Entangled systems give random and correlated measurement outcomes in every measurement basis!

  5. How do we make these entangled states in practice?  Introduction  How to make entanglement  Quantum information application: teleportation

  6. Spontaneous parametric down-conversion Type I SPDC: • Intense laser pumps nonlinear crystal • Each pump photon has a small amplitude to downconvert o e o Source: David Guzman, Universidad de los Andes

  7. Spontaneous parametric down-conversion  polarization-entanglement H-polarized V-polarized V  ° H HH  VV Crystal #1: Crystal #2 (at 90 ): superposition  polarization entanglement 1     i i V e H  HH e VV [1] Kwiat et al., PRA , 60 , R773 (1999)

  8. Entanglement plays an important role in quantum communication and computation  Introduction  How to make entanglement  Quantum information application: teleportation

  9. Alice and Bob share an entangled state; Alice also has an unknown state Bob Alice Bell-state measurement Classical Communication Unitary Transformation

  10. Summary  Entangled systems cannot be completely described independently  Entanglement is a type of correlation between quantum systems that is stronger than any classical correlation  Entanglement is fairly easy to create in the lab  Entanglement plays a central role in quantum information applications


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