pv for solar cooling heating

PV for Solar Cooling & Heating Daniel M UGNIER Amsterdam, 22/ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop Amsterdam 22/ 09/ 14 EU PVSEC Self-consum ption business m odels technical and econom ic challenges PV for Solar Cooling & Heating Daniel M UGNIER Amsterdam, 22/ 09/ 2014 Task 53 PV

  1. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 EU PVSEC – Self-consum ption business m odels – technical and econom ic challenges PV for Solar Cooling & Heating Daniel M UGNIER – Amsterdam, 22/ 09/ 2014

  2. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 Context : Status of Solar cooling in 2014 Solar thermal « traditionnal » cooling has difficulty to em erge as a econom ically com petitive solution Main reasons : - Technical : Limit on adaptability due to hydraulics, complexity - Econom ical : Investment cost, especially for small systems  Still need intensive R&D for quality improvment and best solution selection (ongoing IEA SHC Task 48) However , for large system s, solar therm al cooling has still interesting perspectives (ex : UWC Singapore) because : - Economy of scale - Specialised engineering and control - Energy sales

  3. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 In addition… a raising interest from EU on competitive Solar cooling A specific topic on the ongoing call on Renewable Heating and Cooling… . … with deadline.. Tomorrow ! (23/ 09/ 2014)

  4. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 How to find a solution for sm all/ m edium size ? * A very im portant priority : solar for cooling, especially for small to medium size Example : 10% of the entire Saudi Arabia oil production for national cooling * New context on econom ics for PV and trend towards selfconsumption * A real grow ing m arket … but strong need of: … * standards * thermal management optimum * monitoring & best practice

  5. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 Basic concept for the PV approach Air conditioner Master Slave / Controller Heat Pump PV LOAD / / Inverter Food conservation Water storage OPTI ONAL (chilled water / hot water / DHW) GRID

  6. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 W hy an I EA Solar and Heating and Cooling Task on PV cooling ? IEA : International energy technology co-operation IEA Committee on Energy CERT Research and Technology Working Renewable Fossil Fuels End Use Fusion Power Parties Energy Implementing Agreements … ... … … (Examples) Solar Heating Heat Pumps & Cooling Energy Conservation PV Power in Buildings & Systems Community Systems

  7. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 I EA SHC Task 5 3 Goals (1) to analyze the interest of new generation solar cooling & heating concepts system s for bulidings in all clim ates and select best solutions which lead to highly reliable, durable, efficient and robust solar cooling and heating (ambient + DHW) systems (2) to contribute to m arket entry of the technology and identify most promising market areas in terms of cost competitiveness and value of electricity.

  8. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 Scope of the Task System : solar driven systems for cooling and heating * Solar thermal driven innovative compact cooling+ heating systems * Photovoltaïc + air conditioning system (Compression air conditioning / heat pump (if heating as well) ; food conservation included ) Applications : Off grid & grid connected buildings (houses, small multi-family buildings, offices, shops, commercial center, hotels) Power range : from 1 kW cooling to several tens kW cooling/ heating Limit : Need to have a possible direct coupling betw een solar and cold production m achine Partial or total coupling

  9. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 Outcom e • I nvestigation on new sm all to m edium size solar cooling system s (thermal and PV) and develop best suited cooling & heating systems technology focusing on reliability, adaptability and quality • Proof of cost effectiveness of new solar cooling & heating systems • I nvestigation on life cycle perform ances on energy & environmental terms (LCA) of different options • Assistance for m arket deploym ent of new solar cooling & heating systems for buildings worldwide I ncrease of energy supply safety and influence the virtuous • dem and side m anagem ent behaviors Tim e Schedule • 4 0 m onths • From March 2 0 1 4 to June 2 0 1 7

  10. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 Task 5 3 Structure Subtask A Subtask B Com ponents, System s & Control, Sim ulation & Quality Design Subtask C Testing and dem onstration projects Subtask D Dissem ination & m arket deploym ent

  11. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 Activities brief description ( 1 / 2 ) Subtask A : Components, Systems & Quality A1: Reference systems A2: New system configurations for cooling and heating A3: Storage concepts and management A4: Systems integration into buildings, microgrid and central Grid A5: LCA & techno-eco comparison between reference & new systems Subtask B : Control, Simulation & Design B1: Reference conditions B2: Grid access conditions and building load management analysis B3: M odels of subcomponents and system simulation B4: Control strategy analysis and optimization for ST and PV B5: System inter-comparison

  12. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 Subtask A A5 A2 Air conditioner Controller PV / / Heat Pump Inverter A4 A3 Water storage GRID LOAD A1 REFERENCE SYSTEM

  13. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 Participating countries .. at least 8 countries France Austria Spain Italy Probable newcomers : Sweden Turkey, Germany Australia Switzerland China

  14. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 I EA SHC Task 5 3 W ebsite

  15. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 I EA SHC Task 5 3 Next experts meetings and workshops… * Mälardalen University, Sweden : 7-8/ 10/ 2014 * Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China : March 2015 … for the Solar Cooling W eek ! (workshop & expert meeting on solar thermal and solar PV cooling with Chinese and worldwide expert)

  16. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 State of the art of this new Market (no claim for completeness)

  17. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 Typical ALREADY EU market available solution Efficient Geothermal Heat Pump : COP of 5,3 Field test since 2011 in Switzerland PV booster = > overall yearly COP of 6 ,9

  18. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 State of the art of the future new Market Active R&D participants in Task 5 3 Testing principle for a Chinese PV split unit (Source: Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche)

  19. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 State of the art of the future new Market Ongoing R&D in Taïw an Design of a stand-alone solar PV air conditioner • Solar PV panel installed: 1.38 kWp • Li-battery capacity: 720 Wh (DOD 80% ) • Power consumption of air conditioner: 200~ 800W (average 500W) • Cooling capacity of air conditioner: 2.2 kW Source: EUROSUN conference, Prof Huang, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

  20. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 State of the art of the future new Market Ongoing R&D in Taïw an Operation probability ( OPB) • 100% at solar irradiation > 550W/ m2 (full solar cooling) • around 80% at solar irradiation 400W/ m2 (partly solar cooling) at cloudy condition Battery use to run a AC on/ off air conditioner Source: EUROSUN conference, Prof Huang, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

  21. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 Case study on the interest PV cooling • Solar heating/ cooling/ DHW in Madrid • Residential building (multifamily) • Thermal cooling load : 25 kW peak

  22. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 « Peak m angem ent » configuration PV system Non manageable DHW loads P General Controller/ inv Controller erter kWh HP/AC kWh kWh Public Network

  23. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 System sizing Solar fraction (cold/ hot) 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% 0,00% 2000 5000 8000 11000 14000 17000 20000 23000 26000 29000 32000 35000 38000 41000 Peak power PV size (kWp)

  24. Task 53 PV Cooling - EU PVSEC workshop – Amsterdam – 22/ 09/ 14 Annual repartition of solar energy Install 20kWp Surplus de production PV COP 7,25 (kWh) besoins électriques 19,50% annuel 13 765kWh besoins thermiques annuel 34 414kWh ratio de 2,5 Energie réseau pou chaud/ froid 4 749kWh E Sum m er SEER autoconsommé e chaud / froid Autoconso ECS ( june-septem ber) : (kWh) (kWh) 30,12% 50,38% 1 0 ,2 4 PV production repartition 4000,0 3500,0 3000,0 2500,0 kWh 2000,0 1500,0 1000,0 500,0 0,0 Janvier Février M ars Avril M ai Juin Juillet Août Septembre Octobre Novembre Décembre E autoconsommée chaud / froid (kWh) Autoconso ECS (kWh) Surplus de production PV (kWh)


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