pulsed quadrupoles for novel

Pulsed quadrupoles for novel accelerators. G. Loisch, C. Tenholt - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pulsed quadrupoles for novel accelerators. G. Loisch, C. Tenholt Beschleuniger Ideenmarkt Hamburg, 27.9.2018 Intro > Catch highly divergent ARES / SINBAD beams from plasma accelerators & focus SC dominated bunches into plasma (avoid

  1. Pulsed quadrupoles for novel accelerators. G. Loisch, C. Tenholt Beschleuniger Ideenmarkt Hamburg, 27.9.2018

  2. Intro > Catch highly divergent ARES / SINBAD beams from plasma accelerators & focus SC dominated bunches into plasma (avoid ε -growth) > Current solutions: >  permanent magnets LUX  Fixed gradients / homogeneity issues  radiation-induced demagnetization >  plasma lenses FLASH Forward ►►  Transverse homogeneity issues  Limited applicability due to plasma wakefields G. Loisch, C. Tenholt | Pulsed quads for novel accelerators | 27.09.2017 | Page 2 / 11

  3. Pulsed quadrupoles > Normal conducting air-core coils with cos(2 θ )-shape (right figure) > GSI-development for heavy ion beam final focus (75 T/m in 100mm beamline aperture @400 kA) > High pulsed currents (>10kA) > Passive cooling sufficient due to cross section short pulse durations > High current ramp rates full model > Conductors compound of litz wires for homogeneous current distribution > Target: 200 T/m, 20 mm length (SINBAD PM quadrupole triplet consideration) G. Loisch, C. Tenholt | Pulsed quads for novel accelerators | 27.09.2017 | Page 3 / 11

  4. Preliminary simulations  First 3D model conductor dimensions: d Inner diameter 16mm R Thickness 3mm Straight section length 20mm Electrical current scaling with conductor geometry @ R = 8 mm G. Loisch, C. Tenholt | Pulsed quads for novel accelerators | 27.09.2017 | Page 4 / 11

  5. 3D simulation @ 28 kA 𝑈 > At 28 kA a homogeneous gradient of ~197 𝑛 is reached in the GFR > Conductor aperture 16 mm in diameter - higher gradients by  decreasing aperture  increasing current  adding magnetic shield (?) G. Loisch, C. Tenholt | Pulsed quads for novel accelerators | 27.09.2017 | Page 5 / 11

  6. 3D simulation @ 28 kA Good field region (GFR) quality requirements met within inner radius of ~4 mm (<1∙10 -2 threshold line in red) G. Loisch, C. Tenholt | Pulsed quads for novel accelerators | 27.09.2017 | Page 6 / 11

  7. Effective length x [mm] z [mm] Calculation of the effective length L=20 mm of the quadrupole in z direction 𝑀 𝑓𝑔𝑔 = 𝐻 𝑒𝑨 = 33.8𝑛𝑛 𝐻 𝑑𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑓𝑠 𝑀 𝑓𝑔𝑔 =33.8 mm G. Loisch, C. Tenholt | Pulsed quads for novel accelerators | 27.09.2017 | Page 7 / 11

  8. Conductor heating Heat loss in conductor:  trade-off between I & J Heat transport in conductor:  T only depends on J (↔ conductor cross section) G. Loisch, C. Tenholt | Pulsed quads for novel accelerators | 27.09.2017 | Page 8 / 11

  9. Conductor heating Current pulse through quadrupole coils 30 Current [kA] 20 10 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 time [µs] For assumed parameters (R=8mm, d=3mm) of A=27 mm², l=0.16 m, ρ =1.7e-2 Ω mm²/m, 28 kA, 10 Hz and max. 10 W loss allows: T ≈ 50 µs  ~25 µs pulse length maximum G. Loisch, C. Tenholt | Pulsed quads for novel accelerators | 27.09.2017 | Page 9 / 11

  10. Power supply circuit U • Recirculation of energy • Bipolar capacitor • L dummy >> L quadrupole e.g.  Reduced dummy switch power • Energy saving ~80% G. Loisch, C. Tenholt | Pulsed quads for novel accelerators | 27.09.2017 | Page 10 / 11

  11. Conclusion > Proposal of pulsed quadrupoles for highly divergent beams into & out of plasma accelerators (e.g. SINBAD, FLASHForward, LUX) > Simulations show feasibility of ~200 T/m in compact setup > Full gradient electronics components commercially available > If funding & engineering manpower is commited:  Low current prototype (≤ 1 kA) could be built & tested at PITZ (test electronics & beamline position available)  Learn about mechanical assembly & stability ( & e.g. noise…)  Test accuracy of simulations  Prove beam stability G. Loisch, C. Tenholt | Pulsed quads for novel accelerators | 27.09.2017 | Page 11 / 11

  12. Thank you for your attention!

  13. 30kA electronics Needs for 30 kA pulses: PT85QWx45 Thyristor > ~ 5 kV DYNEX (UK) > ~ 10 µF 4.5 kV ~37 kA > Power switch + Diode TDI1-50k/16 Pseudospark switch Pulsed Technology (RU) 25 kV 70 kA G. Loisch, C. Tenholt | Pulsed quads for novel accelerators | 27.09.2017 | Page 13 / 11

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