Pue r to Ric o Addr e ss Data Wor king Gr oup October 22, 2019 Phase Two Kick-Off Meeting Addres ess S Subcommittee ee
Ag e nda █ Welcome, Introductions, and Opening Remarks █ Background █ PRADWG Governance █ Phase Two Objectives █ Poll of Top Challenges and Discussion of Results █ Challenges Captured During Phase One █ Workshop on Authoritative Addresses for Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Civic Address Standardization Initiative Technical Advisory (PRCasita)Task Force █ Building a Challenges Inventory █ Next Steps 2
I ntro duc tio ns • Atte nde e s in the room • Atte nde e s on the phone • Note: If you are a first-time attendee, please email Karla at karla.c.kaywork@census.gov so that we may capture your name and affiliation correctly. 3
Re be c c a Williams Digital Services Expert Federal Data Strategy Co-Manager Office of the Federal Chief Information Officer Office of Management and Budget 4
Ag e nda █ Welcome, Introductions, and Opening Remarks █ Background █ PRADWG Governance █ Phase Two Objectives █ Poll of Top Challenges and Discussion of Results █ Challenges Captured During Phase One █ Workshop on Authoritative Addresses for Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Civic Address Standardization Initiative Technical Advisory (PRCasita)Task Force █ Building a Challenges Inventory █ Next Steps 5
Why this Wo rking Gro up? Va rio us inte rg o ve rnme nta l e ntitie s ha ve ide ntifie d the ne e d fo r a n inc lusive fe de ra l g o ve rnme nt c o nve rsa tio n a b o ut the c o lle c tio n a nd ma na g e me nt o f Pue rto Ric o a ddre sse s. F e de ra l Pro ve n Pra c tic e s fo r Oc to b e r 2018 Pue rto Ric o Addre sse s Pue r to Ric o Addr e ss Data Wor kshop Whe the r fulfilling the missio n to distrib ute a id a fte r Sub c o mmitte e o n Disa ste r a disa ste r, e nume ra te a nd ta b ula te the Re duc tio n po pula tio n, o r de live r ma il o n-time , ma ny g o ve rnme nt e ntitie s ha ve a sta ke in ma na g ing PR a ddre ss da ta in o rde r to me e t the ir re spe c tive missio n o b je c tive s Addre ss Sub c o mmitte e 6
Wo rking Gro up Ob je c tive s T he o b je c tive s b e lo w we re no te d in the Oc to b e r 2018 Pue rto Ric o Addre ss Da ta Wo rksho p Minute s: Pro mo te a g e nc y c o lla b o ra tio n, tra nspa re nc y, a nd stra te g ic prio ritiza tio n in the fe de ra l a ddre ss c o lle c tio n a nd ma na g e me nt pro c e ss fo r Pue rto Ric o Do c ume nt use c a se s re pre se nting the va rio us a g e nc y re q uire me nts fo r c o lle c ting a nd ma inta ining Pue rto Ric o a ddre ss da ta Alig n with the g o a ls o f the F GDC Addre ss T he me a nd Sub c o mmitte e to c o ntrib ute to the Na tio na l Ge o spa tia l Da ta I nfra struc ture (NSDI ) 7
Ag e nda █ Welcome, Introductions, and Opening Remarks █ Background █ PRADWG Governance █ Phase Two Objectives █ Poll of Top Challenges and Discussion of Results █ Challenges Captured During Phase One █ Workshop on Authoritative Addresses for Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Civic Address Standardization Initiative Technical Advisory (PRCasita)Task Force █ Building a Challenges Inventory █ Next Steps 8
Go ve rna nc e Federal Geographic Data Committee Executive Oversight Address Theme Management Address Subcommittee National Address Puerto Rico Address Address Workflow Database Content Data Working Group Subgroup Subgroup 9
Ag e nda █ Welcome, Introductions, and Opening Remarks █ Background █ PRADWG Governance █ Phase Two Objectives █ Poll of Top Challenges and Discussion of Results █ Challenges Captured During Phase One █ Workshop on Authoritative Addresses for Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Civic Address Standardization Initiative Technical Advisory (PRCasita) Task Force █ Building a Challenges Inventory █ Next Steps 10
Pha se T wo Ob je c tive s PRADWG Phase One PRADWG Phase Two • Identify the challenges facing federal agencies that manage Puerto Rico Step 1 address data. • Create a comprehensive inventory of federal agency challenges through a Step 2 Phase Two questionnaire. • Document the collective challenges for federal agencies that manage Puerto Step 3: Rico address data. PRADWG Phase Three 11
Ag e nda █ Welcome, Introductions, and Opening Remarks █ Background █ PRADWG Governance █ Phase Two Objectives █ Poll of Top Challenges and Discussion of Results █ Challenges Captured During Phase One █ Workshop on Authoritative Addresses for Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Civic Address Standardization Initiative Technical Advisory (PRCasita) Task Force █ Building a Challenges Inventory █ Next Steps 12
L ive Po ll Pra c tic e Que stio n What city are you participating from? To participate in this poll, go to Menti.com and enter the following 6-digit code: 59 42 85 13
Po ll Que stio ns What are your use cases for Puerto Rico address data? What is your agency’s biggest challenge in managing Puerto Rico address data? To participate in this poll, go to Menti.com and enter the following 6-digit code: 17 15 96 14
Cha lle ng e s I de ntifie d in Pha se 1 The majority of Puerto Rico addresses do not match the conventional city-style format, which makes it difficult for Census IT systems to match data unless they have some customizations in place. The challenge was to send out claim checks without mailing addresses. Addresses are needed as part of disaster recovery assistance, but not all structures have unique, findable addresses. Claims are linked to an address so multiple residences using the same address would get denied. Also need addresses to be able to find structures to assess. USPS has a hard time maintaining a complete database of all mailable addresses in Puerto Rico. Inadequate data on the location of assets and tenants inhibits HUD’s ability to conduct research, evaluation, and monitoring activities on its programs. The challenge is not only in getting addresses, but also building footprints, parcel outlines, population data, etc. to combine into a database that can be used in modeling disaster scenarios to research mitigation and recovery needs. 15 All of this data is much easier to access on the mainland than it is on the island.
Ag e nda █ Welcome, Introductions, and Opening Remarks █ Background █ PRADWG Governance █ Phase Two Objectives █ Poll of Top Challenges and Discussion of Results █ Challenges Captured During Phase One █ Workshop on Authoritative Addresses for Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Civic Address Standardization Initiative Technical Advisory (PRCasita) Task Force █ Building a Challenges Inventory █ Next Steps 16
Raúl Ríos- Díaz President Initiative for Civic Address Systems Assessment in Puerto Rico (iCasaPR) 17
Ag e nda █ Welcome, Introductions, and Opening Remarks █ Background █ PRADWG Governance █ Phase Two Objectives █ Poll of Top Challenges and Discussion of Results █ Challenges Captured During Phase One █ Workshop on Authoritative Addresses for Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Civic Address Standardization Initiative Technical Advisory (PRCasita) Task Force █ Building a Challenges Inventory █ Next Steps 18
Cha lle ng e s I nve nto ry • Challenge 1 Da ta Ma na g e me nt • Challenge 2 • Challenge 1 Re sour c e s • Challenge 2 • Challenge 1 Sour c e Da ta • Challenge 2 • Challenge 1 Sha r ing • Challenge 2 What else…? 19
Ag e nda █ Welcome, Introductions, and Opening Remarks █ Background █ PRADWG Governance █ Phase Two Objectives █ Poll of Top Challenges and Discussion of Results █ Challenges Captured During Phase One █ Workshop on Authoritative Addresses for Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Civic Address Standardization Initiative Technical Advisory (PRCasita) Task Force █ Building a Challenges Inventory █ Next Steps 20
Ne xt Ste ps • Participate in subsequent working group phone calls and meetings. • Finalize the Phase Two Charter. • Collaborate with WG members to identify challenges facing your agency. • Build an inventory of challenges for a collective report on federal agency Puerto Rico address data challenges. • Save the date for our next meeting on November 5! We will hold a teleconference to discuss the Charter for Phase Two and the challenges inventory. 21
F o r Mo re I nfo rma tio n On T he PRADWG • Address Theme Community • https://communities.geoplatform.gov/ngda-address/ • Puerto Rico Address Data Working Group • https://communities.geoplatform.gov/ngda- address/puerto-rico-address-data-working-group/ • PRADWG as a Proof Point for the Federal Data Strategy • https://strategy.data.gov/proof- points/2019/07/26/pradwg/ 22
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