illinois modeling users group quarterly meeting

Illinois Modeling Users Group Quarterly Meeting Nov 8, 2018 Agenda - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Illinois Modeling Users Group Quarterly Meeting Nov 8, 2018 Agenda I. Welcome ( II. ILSTDM final work plan presentation Vince Bernardin (RSG Director) III. Iowa Standardized Model Structure (ISMS) project

  1. Illinois Modeling Users Group Quarterly Meeting Nov 8, 2018

  2. Agenda I. Welcome ( II. ILSTDM final work plan presentation – Vince Bernardin (RSG Director) III. Iowa Standardized Model Structure (ISMS) project presentation –Phil Mescher (Iowa DOT) IV. Applying TDM to LRTP: Champaign-Urbana in action – Shuake Wuzhati (CUUATS) V. Discussion about modeling emerging trends – CAVs, TNCs, "Big Data“, etc. VI. Discussion about MPOs immediate modeling needs – Technical support VII. Next meeting agenda items and possible speakers (Tentative date)

  3. Agenda I. Welcome ( II. ILSTDM final work plan presentation – Vince Bernardin (RSG Director) III. Iowa Standardized Model Structure (ISMS) project presentation –Phil Mescher (Iowa DOT) IV. Applying TDM to LRTP: Champaign-Urbana in action – Shuake Wuzhati (CUUATS) V. Discussion about modeling emerging trends – CAVs, TNCs, "Big Data", etc. VI. Discussion about MPOs immediate modeling needs – Technical support VII. Next meeting agenda items and possible speakers (Tentative date)

  4. TDM: CUUATS in action • TDM & Daily Planning Activities • TDM & LRTP 2045

  5. TDM & LRTP • Assess transportation needs Where are we? Where are we going? Policies & Strategies Where do we want to be?

  6. TDM & Corridor Studies Curtis Road Corridor Study

  7. Curtis Road Corridor Study Public Meeting #2: Project Prioritization Activity Work in groups to determine which improvement projects, if any ny , would address the corridor’s identified problems and opportunities.

  8. TDM & Corridor Studies 16 Evaluation Criteria including • Vehicle hours of travel delay • Future crash projections • …

  9. TDM & Grant Applications

  10. LRTP 2045 Modeling Framework TDM UrbanSim (Travel Demand) (Land Use) HIA SNTK MOVES SCALDS (Health) (Accessibility) (Emissions) (Social Cost)

  11. TDM & LRTP 2045 Baseline input updates • Socio-economic data: Land Use Model UrbanSim • Roadway network • Transit operation • …

  12. TDM & LRTP 2045 New elements & considerations • Freight: • 40% increase in tonnage by 2045 projected by US.DOT nationwide • 1.4% annual growth of truck tonnage by 2045 projected by IDOT for Illinois

  13. TDM & LRTP 2045 New elements & considerations • Freight: • 40% increase in tonnage by 2045 projected by US.DOT nationwide • 1.4% annual growth of truck tonnage by 2045 projected by IDOT for Illinois • Modeling new trends

  14. Agenda I. Welcome ( II. ILSTDM final work plan presentation – Vince Bernardin (RSG Director) III. Iowa Standardized Model Structure (ISMS) project presentation –Phil Mescher (Iowa DOT) IV. Applying TDM to LRTP: Champaign-Urbana in action – Shuake Wuzhati (CUUATS) V. Discussion about modeling emerging trends – CAVs, TNCs, "Big Data“, etc. VI. Discussion about MPOs immediate modeling needs – Technical support VII. Next meeting agenda items and possible speakers (Tentative date)

  15. Modeling Emerging Trends Autonomous & Connected vehicles Activi vity b y base sed m model & & Dyn Dynamic t traffic a assi ssignment “Levers” FHWA TMIP report: Model Impacts of CAVs Increase non-work trip generation • • and Rider-Hailing (RSG) Increase household auto availability • San Francisco Bay Area Metropolitan Increase freeway & arterial capacity • • Transportation Commission Decrease travel cost • Puget Sound Regional Council Decrease parking cost • • Atlanta Regional Commission Increase vehicle occupancy • • FDOT, Cambridge Systematics Apply mode shift from transit proportionally • • Texas A&M Transportation Institute Increase fuel efficiency • • Fehr & Peers • Transportation network companies impact (Uber, Lyft, etc.) Modeling with “Big Data” (agency & staff capacity) Increasing freight traffic Other trends?

  16. Agenda I. Welcome ( II. ILSTDM final work plan presentation – Vince Bernardin (RSG Director) III. Iowa Standardized Model Structure (ISMS) project presentation –Phil Mescher (Iowa DOT) IV. Applying TDM to LRTP: Champaign-Urbana in action – Shuake Wuzhati (CUUATS) V. Discussion about modeling emerging trends – CAVs, TNCs, "Big Data" VI. Discussion about MPOs immediate modeling needs – Technical support VII. Next meeting agenda items and possible speakers (Tentative date)

  17. Agenda I. Welcome ( II. ILSTDM final work plan presentation – Vince Bernardin (RSG Director) III. Iowa Standardized Model Structure (ISMS) project presentation –Phil Mescher (Iowa DOT) IV. Applying TDM to LRTP: Champaign-Urbana in action – Shuake Wuzhati (CUUATS) V. Discussion about modeling emerging trends – CAVs, TNCs, "Big Data" VI. Discussion about MPOs immediate modeling needs – Technical support VII. Next meeting agenda items and possible speakers (Tentative date)


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