public sa c safety levy r y replace cement

Public Sa c Safety Levy R y Replace cement FY 2021-22 through FY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Public Sa c Safety Levy R y Replace cement FY 2021-22 through FY 2025-26 Proposed Public Safety Levy Replacement Proposed Levy: FY 2021-22 through FY 2025-26 Total five-year estimated levy revenue $189,164,529 Estimated revenue in first

  1. Public Sa c Safety Levy R y Replace cement FY 2021-22 through FY 2025-26

  2. Proposed Public Safety Levy Replacement Proposed Levy: FY 2021-22 through FY 2025-26 Total five-year estimated levy revenue $189,164,529 Estimated revenue in first year (FY 2021-22) $34,750,855 Cost per $1,000 of assessed value $0.47 Estimated annual cost in first year for average home (FY 2021-22) $140.68 Average home assessed value $299,335 Estimated monthly cost in first year for average home (FY 2021-22) $11.72 Average home assessed value $299,335

  3. Proposed Public Safety Levy Replacement Current Levy Proposed Levy Change Total estimated levy amount $136,801,453 $189,164,529 $52,363,076 Estimated revenue in first year $24,967,613 $34,750,855 $9,783,242 Cost per $1,000 of assessed value $0.42 $0.47 $0.05 Estimated annual cost in first year for average $105.96 $140.69 $34.73 home Estimated monthly cost in first year for average $8.83 $11.72 $2.89 home Note: This chart compares the first year of the current levy (FY 2016-17 when the average residential assessed value was $252,294) to the first year of the proposed levy (FY 2021-22 when the average residential assessed value is projected to be $299,335). Comparing the taxpayer impact from the final year of the current levy (FY 2020-21) to the first year of the proposed levy may be less costly to taxpayers than the amounts shown here.

  4. Public Safety & Justice Expenditures FY 2019-20 Juvenile Services Administration 6% 8% Law Enforcement Incarceration 37% 28% Courts 1% Parole, Probation & Supervision 8% Law Library, Other Grants, Donations & 2% Prosecution Civil Forfeitures Shelters & Victims Services Child Support Services 2% 7% 2% 1%

  5. Services Funded by Levies Since 2000 • Countyw ide law enforcem ent services , including the Mental Health Response Team. • Prosecution services addressing major crimes such as homicide, domestic violence and crimes against children. • Jail and w ork-release services to operate these facilities at full capacity to minimize the early release of offenders. • Supervision services for offenders returning to the community. • Juvenile supervision and crime prevention services. • Victim s’ assistance and emergency programs including shelter for families harmed by domestic violence.

  6. Reasoning Behind Rate Increase Three factors are contributing to the proposed change in the original 42-cent rate: • Cost of maintaining current service levels for the county’s growing population has out-paced revenue growth under Oregon’s property tax system, • Programmatic emphasis on addressing domestic violence is increasing caseloads system-wide, and • Increased community need for emergency shelter.

  7. Deficit Trend If Current Rate Continued Fund Balance - Public Safety & Justice LOL (4.25% AV Growth & $0.42 Rate per Thousand) $45,000,000 Current New Levy $40,000,000 Levy $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $16,459,526 $15,553,054 $13,432,846 $10,000,000 $10,949,138 $5,000,000 $7,027,953 $3,183,333 $- FY 19-20 Est FY 20-21 Est FY 21-22 Est FY 22-23 Est FY 23-24 Est FY 24-25 Est FY 25-26 Est $(2,232,799) $(5,000,000) Ending Fund balance Revenue Expenditures

  8. Domestic Violence Caseloads Increasing Source: Washington County District Attorney’s Office, Domestic Violence

  9. Growth in Community Sheltering Need SHELTER & UNSHELTERED HOMELESS PEOPLE (January Point-In-Time Census) 1000 900 800 # of People 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Homeless People 748 950 752 751 432 544 591 571 544 522 530 All Unsheltered People 536 702 531 442 232 346 395 378 369 359 232 All Sheltered People 212 248 221 309 200 198 196 193 175 163 298 Source: Washington County Point-in-Time Homeless Count, January 2019

  10. Proposed Services under $0.47 per $1,000 of AV Enhancements beyond the 50 New Base. 2 3 45 40 35 Cents per $1,000 AV 30 25 42 Current rate of 20 42-cents New Base would per $1,000 15 continue current levels of service over five-year life 10 of proposed levy. 5 0 Current Rate New Base Enhancements

  11. Services Included under New Base All of the existing public safety and justice services funded by the expiring levy would be carried forward, as well as funding for: • Maintaining countywide law enforcement services, including the Mental Health Response Team. • Maintaining prosecution, community corrections and juvenile services. • Continuing victims’ assistance and emergency programs to provide shelter for survivors of domestic violence.

  12. Services Included under Enhancements • Expanded investigation, enforcement and prosecution of crimes related to domestic violence. • Enhanced prosecution of child abuse and child pornography cases. • Jail operations at full capacity to minimize the early release of offenders. • Enhanced juvenile diversion programs to hold youth accountable, provide restorative justice and reduce recidivism. • “Navigator” and employment specialist positions to shorten time people remain in emergency shelter. • The Sojourner Rapid Rehousing program to provides 12-months rent assistance and other services for domestic violence survivors.

  13. Timeline Milestone Timing Formal proposal adoption by Board Jan 28 (action item in regular business meeting) Ballot title & explanatory statement adoption Feb 4 (public hearing in regular business meeting) Speakers’ Bureau training Early March Outreach material development & legal vetting Feb to Mar Public outreach Apr-Mar Election Day May 19 Bold = Board action/involvement

  14. Public Sa c Safety Levy R y Replace cement FY 2021-22 through FY 2025-26


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