proposed property tax levy

Proposed Property Tax Levy 2017 Property Tax Levy Schedule of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2017 Proposed Property Tax Levy 2017 Property Tax Levy Schedule of events of districts levy approval September 9 MN Dept. of Education prepared and distributed 1 st draft of levy limit worksheets setting maximum authorized levy

  1. 2017 Proposed Property Tax Levy

  2. 2017 Property Tax Levy • Schedule of events of district’s levy approval – September 9 – MN Dept. of Education prepared and distributed 1 st draft of levy limit worksheets setting maximum authorized levy limits. – September 21 – School Board reviewed and approved the proposed levy amounts – Mid-November - County mails “Proposed Property Tax Statements” to all property owners – December 12 , 2016 at 6:00pm – Public hearing on final levy for certification at regular school board meeting

  3. 2017 Property Tax Levy • Certified in 2016 • Taxes Payable in Calendar Year 2017 • Revenue Recognized in Fiscal Year 2018 – School Year 2017-18 • Based of Estimated 2017-18 Enrollment – 2017-18 Estimate = 6,571 – 2015-16 Actual = 6,446

  4. 2017 Property Tax Levy How is a School District’s Levy Amount Determined?

  5. 2017 Property Tax Levy Tax Year General Fund Community Ed Debt Service Total Change % Change 2005 $3,474,884 $551,438 $6,980,208 $11,006,530 2006 $5,009,427 $562,735 $7,121,323 $12,693,486 $1,686,956 15.3% 2007 $6,164,893 $565,290 $7,152,532 $13,882,716 $1,189,230 9.4% 2008 $6,376,792 $488,105 $6,209,851 $13,074,748 ($807,968) -5.8% 2009 $6,667,740 $586,959 $6,556,437 $13,811,136 $736,388 5.6% 2010 $6,351,375 $603,655 $8,998,341 $15,953,371 $2,142,235 15.5% 2011 $6,123,291 $596,816 $9,066,118 $15,786,225 ($167,146) -1.0% 2012 $7,375,839 $600,149 $8,869,892 $16,845,880 $1,059,655 6.7% 2013 $7,170,907 $587,755 $8,926,042 $16,684,704 ($161,176) -1.0% 2014 $7,134,386 $586,260 $8,891,019 $16,611,666 ($73,038) -0.4% 2015 $8,984,256 $572,919 $9,014,022 $18,571,197 $1,886,493 11.2% 2016 $9,051,840 $572,179 $9,099,972 $18,723,991 $152,795 0.8% 2017 $9,240,702 $576,345 $9,117,059 $18,934,106 $210,115 1.1% 5 Year average annual change 2.5% 10 Year average annual change 4.8%

  6. 2017 Property Tax Levy FINAL FINAL FINAL FINAL Proposed Fund 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Change General Fund Referendum (voter approved) $2,863,613 $1,076,534 $187,327 $97,088 $0 ($97,088) Referendum (board created) $0 $307,303 $1,113,422 $1,096,152 $1,119,902 $23,750 Location Equity Revenue $0 $1,425,652 $2,799,939 $2,788,982 $2,828,041 $39,059 Equity $844,362 $872,532 $1,026,545 $950,532 $1,041,069 $90,537 Subtotal $3,707,975 $3,682,021 $5,127,233 $4,932,754 $4,989,012 $56,258 Student Achievement $0 $182,203 $170,784 $163,685 $78,762 ($84,923) Q - Comp $621,970 $585,442 $605,288 $624,826 $602,621 ($22,205) Operating Capital $1,074,646 $815,239 $812,200 $842,774 $589,159 ($253,615) Long Term Facilities Maintenance $1,210,647 $1,824,567 $613,920 Deferred Maintenance $429,136 $417,007 $432,433 ($785) $11,839 $12,624 Capital Facilities ($129,399) ($129,562) ($132,748) ($139,522) ($138,728) $794 Re-Employment Insurance $33,929 $28,622 $17,343 $14,356 ($12,058) ($26,414) Health and Safety $381,794 $446,320 $668,143 ($63,488) ($90,825) ($27,337) Building Lease Levy $548,367 $488,537 $691,059 $839,836 $801,361 ($38,475) Safe Schools $214,568 $235,815 $243,310 $256,079 $272,433 $16,354 Technical Education $244,677 $285,761 $244,585 $233,789 $238,521 $4,732 Other $24,453 $91,882 $91,119 $91,731 $91,215 ($516) Adjustments for Prior Years $18,791 $5,100 $13,507 $45,158 ($17,177) ($62,335) Total General Fund $7,170,907 $7,134,387 $8,984,256 $9,051,840 $9,240,702 $188,862 Community Service Fund Basic Community Ed $305,928 $305,928 $305,928 $310,346 $310,346 $0 Early Childhood Family Ed $211,771 $211,752 $192,657 $185,133 $184,307 ($826) School - Age Child Care $55,047 $55,859 $60,479 $62,198 $63,359 $1,161 Other $13,272 $13,103 $13,014 $12,605 $16,779 $4,174 Adjustments for Prior Years $1,737 ($382) $841 $1,897 $1,554 ($343) Total Community Service $587,755 $586,260 $572,919 $572,179 $576,345 $4,166 Debt Service Fund Voter Approved Debt Service $6,550,822 $6,516,416 $6,625,185 $6,632,264 $6,592,566 ($39,698) Other Debt Service $663,049 $181,703 $185,671 $179,819 $178,840 ($979) OPEB Debt Service $2,060,021 $2,667,598 $2,594,994 $2,612,477 $2,653,575 $41,098 Reduction for Debt Service Excess ($347,850) ($474,698) ($391,828) ($324,588) ($307,922) $16,666 Total Debt Service Fund $8,926,042 $8,891,019 $9,014,022 $9,099,972 $9,117,059 $17,087 Total Tax Levy $16,684,704 $16,611,666 $18,571,197 $18,723,991 $18,934,106 $210,115

  7. 2017 Property Tax Levy A Tale of Two Weightings $399.24 (approved by voters in the 2011 election - Q1 - $199.24 for 10 years, Q2 - $200 for 5 years) $ 434.36 (adjusted amount after the pupil weighting changes) - $ 424.00 (less approved local option revenue) =$ 10.36 (remaining voter approved – follows the soonest expiration date, which is 2016) +$ 289.64 (school board created amount approved in 2014) =$ 300.00 (total voter and board approved amount) Resident Students Old Weightings 7,629.69 x $399.24 = $3,046,075.46 $3,046,075.46 / 7,012.79 = $434.36 Students Served New Weightings

  8. 2017 Property Tax Levy FINAL FINAL FINAL FINAL Proposed Fund 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Change General Fund Referendum (voter approved) $2,863,613 $1,076,534 $187,327 $97,088 $0 ($97,088) Referendum (board created) $0 $307,303 $1,113,422 $1,096,152 $1,119,902 $23,750 Location Equity Revenue $0 $1,425,652 $2,799,939 $2,788,982 $2,828,041 $39,059 Equity $844,362 $872,532 $1,026,545 $950,532 $1,041,069 $90,537 Subtotal $3,707,975 $3,682,021 $5,127,233 $4,932,754 $4,989,012 $56,258 Student Achievement $0 $182,203 $170,784 $163,685 $78,762 ($84,923) Q - Comp $621,970 $585,442 $605,288 $624,826 $602,621 ($22,205) Operating Capital $1,074,646 $815,239 $812,200 $842,774 $589,159 ($253,615) Long Term Facilities Maintenance $1,210,647 $1,824,567 $613,920 Deferred Maintenance $429,136 $417,007 $432,433 ($785) $11,839 $12,624 Capital Facilities ($129,399) ($129,562) ($132,748) ($139,522) ($138,728) $794 Re-Employment Insurance $33,929 $28,622 $17,343 $14,356 ($12,058) ($26,414) Health and Safety $381,794 $446,320 $668,143 ($63,488) ($90,825) ($27,337) Building Lease Levy $548,367 $488,537 $691,059 $839,836 $801,361 ($38,475) Safe Schools $214,568 $235,815 $243,310 $256,079 $272,433 $16,354 Technical Education $244,677 $285,761 $244,585 $233,789 $238,521 $4,732 Other $24,453 $91,882 $91,119 $91,731 $91,215 ($516) Adjustments for Prior Years $18,791 $5,100 $13,507 $45,158 ($17,177) ($62,335) Total General Fund $7,170,907 $7,134,387 $8,984,256 $9,051,840 $9,240,702 $188,862 Community Service Fund Basic Community Ed $305,928 $305,928 $305,928 $310,346 $310,346 $0 Early Childhood Family Ed $211,771 $211,752 $192,657 $185,133 $184,307 ($826) School - Age Child Care $55,047 $55,859 $60,479 $62,198 $63,359 $1,161 Other $13,272 $13,103 $13,014 $12,605 $16,779 $4,174 Adjustments for Prior Years $1,737 ($382) $841 $1,897 $1,554 ($343) Total Community Service $587,755 $586,260 $572,919 $572,179 $576,345 $4,166 Debt Service Fund Voter Approved Debt Service $6,550,822 $6,516,416 $6,625,185 $6,632,264 $6,592,566 ($39,698) Other Debt Service $663,049 $181,703 $185,671 $179,819 $178,840 ($979) OPEB Debt Service $2,060,021 $2,667,598 $2,594,994 $2,612,477 $2,653,575 $41,098 Reduction for Debt Service Excess ($347,850) ($474,698) ($391,828) ($324,588) ($307,922) $16,666 Total Debt Service Fund $8,926,042 $8,891,019 $9,014,022 $9,099,972 $9,117,059 $17,087 Total Tax Levy $16,684,704 $16,611,666 $18,571,197 $18,723,991 $18,934,106 $210,115

  9. 2017 Property Tax Levy 2017 $1,205,425 $169,546 $1,374,971 2018 $1,821,582 $260,962 $2,082,544 $707,573 $616,157


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