bo a rd pre se nta tio n fo r vo te d l e vy ob je c tive

Bo a rd Pre se nta tio n fo r Vo te d L e vy Ob je c tive s: Re - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bo a rd Pre se nta tio n fo r Vo te d L e vy Ob je c tive s: Re duc e o ur o ve ra ll tax bur de n o n Uinta h Co unty re side nts Re duc e o r e limina te a ll sc hool fe e s Inc r e ase stude nt safe ty a nd we llbe ing Inc r

  1. Bo a rd Pre se nta tio n fo r Vo te d L e vy

  2. Ob je c tive s:  Re duc e o ur o ve ra ll tax bur de n o n Uinta h Co unty re side nts  Re duc e o r e limina te a ll sc hool fe e s  Inc r e ase stude nt safe ty a nd we llbe ing  Inc r e ase sa la rie s in o rde r to attr ac t and r e tain e mploye e s

  3. Unive r sity of Utah Study on T e ac he r T ur nove r and Re te ntion  By the 2014/15 school year, 56% of Utah Teachers who began teaching in the 2007-2008 school year had left teaching in the classroom, with 93% of them no longer in the public education system  Teachers with 1-3 years of experience had the highest rates of leaving  Vast majority left voluntarily Unive rsity o f Uta h Po lic y Ce nte r 2017 https:/ / ue pc .uta h.e d u/ o ur-wo rk/ a t-a -g la nc e - te a c he r-turno ve r-in-uta h/

  4. Sa lt L a ke T rib une April 11, 2019

  5. Utah F oundation, Apr il 2019 •Utah’s average teacher pay ($47,604) is significantly lower than the national average ($60,483). • Whe n c o mpa ring te a c he r pa y in Uta h to o the r Mo unta in Sta te s, Uta h fa re s a b it b e tte r tha n it do e s na tio na lly, b ut is still ne a rly 10% b e lo w the me dia n sta te ($52,389). Uta h’ s a ve ra g e pa y is a lso the lo we st a mo ng the e ig ht Mo unta in Sta te s. Ho we ve r, whe n fa c to ring in e xpe rie nc e a nd e duc a tio n le ve ls, Uta h is in the middle o f the pa c k. • T e a c he r pa y va rie s wide ly a mo ng sc ho o l distric ts within Uta h, with pa y fo r c o mpa ra b le le ve ls o f e duc a tio n a nd e xpe rie nc e ra ng ing ne a rly 40%. • A ke y c o nside ra tio n fo r po lic yma ke rs is to c o nside r pa y in the c o nte xt o f to ta l c o mpe nsa tio n, with a n e ye to wa rd c a lib ra ting the c o mpe nsa tio n c o mpo ne nts to a ttra c t a nd http:/ / www.uta hfo unda tio n.o rg / re po rts re ta in a hig hly e ffe c tive te a c hing c o rps. / a pple s-to -a pple s-te a c he r-pa y/

  6. Ho w Muc h Sho uld T e a c he rs Be Pa id E nvisio n Uta h Pre fe rre d Sc e na rio  Sta rt a t $60,000 a nd g ro w to $110,000  Cre a te a ne w ma rke t-b a se d de fine d c o ntrib utio n re tire me nt o ptio n  I n e xc ha ng e fo r hig he r sa la rie s, te a c he rs c a n o pt in to ne w re tire me nt pla n  Stre ng the n te a c he r induc tio n with full-time c o nsulting te a c he rs  Pro vide o ptio ns fo r te a c he rs to wo rk mo re da ys  Pro vide full tuitio n Sc ho la rships fo r ha lf o f a ll ne w te a c he rs Sa la ry Re tire me nt Co nsulting Sc ho la rships + I nc re a se s Cha ng e T e a c he rs $535 millio n + + $45 millio n $32.5 millio n

  7. F Y 18- 20, Change s in T e ac he r Compe nsation Ne w F Y 18 F Y 19 F Y 20 T e ac he r s L o we st $31,918 Wa yne $35,250 Wa yne $39,000 Piute Hig he st $50,700 Pa rk City $50,700 Pa rk City $50,700 Pa rk City *o the rs Base 1% A F e w 1% Og de n 1% Gra nd Salar y % 17% Pa rk City 13.51% T o o e le 14.2% Ca nyo ns Inc r e ase He a lth Signific ant Ca re Gr anite Be ne fit Clinic s Ne bo Change s *Ca nyo ns, Murra y a t $50,000 o r hig he r ** Hig he st Sa la ry Ma ximum = $105,026 a t Alpine

  8. Stude nt Sa fe ty a nd We llb e ing

  9. I mpro ve stude nt sa fe ty a nd we llb e ing

  10. Childre n's’ Justic e Ce nte r Divisio n o f Child a nd F a mily Se rvic e s

  11. Sta ke ho lde r I nput Surve y E le me nta ry Sc hool Safe ty: K ids a re sa fe fro m b ullying a t my sc ho o l 59% K ids a t my sc ho o l so lve pro b le ms witho ut fig hting 59% My thing s a re sa fe a t sc ho o l 77% Sc hool Climate : I fe e l like I fit in a t my sc ho o l 74% I fe e l sa fe a t my sc ho o l 87% I like my sc ho o l 85%

  12. Suic ide Sta tistic s  I n 2015-2017, Uta h’ s suic ide ra te wa s 22 pe r 100,000, with a n a ve ra g e o f 628 suic ide s pe r ye a r.  Suic ide is the le a ding c a use o f de a th fo r Uta hns a g e s 10 to 17 a nd a g e s 18-24.  I n 2014, 13 Uta hns we re tre a te d fo r se lf-inflic te d injurie s e ve ry da y.  Uta h e xpe rie nc e d a 46.5% inc re a se in suic ide s fro m 1999 to 2016.

  13. Rise in Suic ide Ra te s

  14. Mental Health MTSS Proposal •Have at least one school counselor and/or school social worker available at all schools in district (including elementary schools). •Have a therapist available on a rotating schedule for each school in the district. •Provide added support for behavior aides in the elementary schools.

  15. Gun sho o ting s o n sc ho o l c a mpuse s sinc e 2013

  16. Sc ho o l F e e s 1.Our o b je c tive is to e limina te a ll instruc tio na l fe e s in the distric t. 2. A c o mmitte e to ide ntify a nd re c o mme nd a n e q uita b le wa y o f re duc ing a nd e limina ting e xtra c urric ula r fe e s.

  17. Ho w c a n we : 1. Re duc e the o ve ra ll ta x burde n o f o ur c itize ns, 2. Inc re a se stude nt sa fe ty a nd we llbe ing , 3. Re duc e o r e limina te sc hool fe e s , 4. Inc re a se e mplo ye e sa la rie s fo r re c ruitme nt a nd re te ntion ?

  18. As Budgeted 2019 County 2019 Certified 2019 Certfied Rate Tax Valuation Rate Revenue Board Levy 4,349,638,964 0.002556 $11,117,677 Capital Local Levy 0.002791 $12,139,842 GO Bond Payments 0.000459 1,995,771 Total USD Set Rate 0.005806 $25,253,290 Basic School Levy 0.001661 7,224,750 Total School District Rate 0.007467 32,478,040 Voted Levy 0.001600 $6,959,422.34 Capital Levy with Reduction of .001600 0.001191 $5,180,420.01 Additional Reduction in Capital levy (0.000230) (1,000,416.96) Net Capital Levy 0.000961 4,180,003.04 Total Capital and Voted Levy 0.002561 11,139,425.39 Reduction in Taxes between Capital and Voted Levys (1,000,416.61)

  19. Uses of Voted Levy Remove/Reduce School Fees 1,150,000 Social Workers, SROs, Nurses 1,250,000 Teacher Salary's 1,740,000 Teacher's Benefits 574,200 Classified Salaries 713,400 Classified Benefits 235,422 Vouchered Salaries 219,365 Vouchered Benefits 21,937 Total Salaries and Benefits 3,504,324 Total New Expenditures from Voted Lev 5,904,324 DCSD Cross Over Students 500,000 Previously funded from Capital Outlay Per Student Allocations to Schools 350,000 Discretionary 200,000 1,050,000 Total Expenses from Voted Levy 6,954,324

  20. % of Total Per Emp Gross Benefit % Total Cost Avg Increase 2,746,142 8.15% 219,365 10% 241,301 7.99% Total Voucher Classified 8,930,772 26.51% 713,400 33% 948,822 7.99% 266 Certified 22,009,309 65.34% 5,000 1,740,000 33% 2,314,200 7.91% 348 33,686,223 2,672,765 3,504,323 7.93% Total T As 79 2,000 158,000 21 2,000 42,000 Food Services Transportation 55 2,800 154,000 44 2,600 114,400 Secretary Custodial 34 3,500 119,000 Maintenance 14 3,500 49,000 12 3,500 42,000 Tech, NRS, OPT Coord, Cont, Etc 7 5,000 35,000 713,400

  21. Proposal for 1.25 Million of possible Voted Levy for School Safety and Mental Health Number of Expenditure Description Positions Amount Total Board Certified Behavior Analyst 1 $ 90,000.00 $ 90,000.00 NECC - Contract for Social Workers/Therapists 2 $ 95,000.00 $ 190,000.00 Student Resource officers 4 $ 103,000.00 $ 412,000.00 Nurse Pick up an existing out of SPED and 1 $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00 0701 Counselor/School Social Worker 5 $ 90,000.00 $ 450,000.00 Trainings and Supplies $ 33,000.00 TOTAL $ 1,250,000.00

  22. T his pro po sa l is fisc a lly Re sponsible a nd Sustainable

  23. 004.0310 FUND BALANCE POLICY Uintah School District (USD) recognizes the importance of maintaining fund balances at stable and sufficient levels to ensure long-term financial viability. Factors which impact the necessary level of fund balance include economic stability, reliability of local, state and federal funding, capital needs, bond ratings, and the ability to meet the other contingent issues or emergencies. The District will make every effort to maintain sufficient reserves to: • fund emergencies as they arise; • • ensure that learning and work flow is minimally impacted; • • ensure bond ratings remain at an acceptable level; and • • support long term planning. • As such, the District shall maintain total Committed, Assigned and Unassigned Fund balances in the General fund at a minimum of 20% of total General fund revenues. Additionally, Unassigned and State authorized Economic Stabilization shall be maintained at a minimum of 15% of general fund revenues. The District, reserves the right to appropriate funds from the fund balance for emergencies and other requirements or long term planning that the District believes to be in its best interests. Any significant reduction of the fund balance shall be supported by: • a written Board approved plan for the use of the funds; • • Board approval by either adopting the annual budget showing the use of fund balance, or • approval during the year for adjustments as needed; and • a replenishment plan which will replenish the reduced fund balances to the target percentage • within a 3 to 5-year time period.


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