Protein Folding Simulation in Concurrent Constraint Programming Luca Bortolussi, Alessandro Dal Pal` u, Agostino Dovier DIMI, Univ. of Udine (IT) Federico Fogolari DST, Univ. of Verona (IT)
Outline of the talk • Introduction • Concurrent framework • Testing model • Results • Future Work L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 2/20
Proteins Proteins are abundant in nature and fundamental to life. • • The diversity of 3D protein structure underlies the very large range of their function (Enzymes, Storage, Transport, Mes- sengers, Antibodies, Regulation, mechanical support). • A Protein is a polymer chain made of monomers ( aminoacids ) of 20 different kinds. Aminoacids have a common part (6 atoms) and a distinguish- • ing part (from 1 to 18 atoms). • They are typically identified by one letter in { A, . . . , Z }\{ B, J, O, U, X, Z } . L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 3/20
Proteins The Primary Structure is the sequence of aminoacids consti- • tuting a protein. • The Secondary Structures of a Protein are local structures ( α - helices , β -sheets ) which formation is caused by local forces. • The Tertiary Structure , that determines macroscopic proper- ties and biological functions, is the 3D conformation of the Protein. L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 4/20
Example: Protein 1ENH Primary Structure: • R,P,R,T,A,F,S,S,E,Q, L,A,R,L,K,R,E,F,N,E, N,R,Y,L,T,E,R,R,R,Q, Q,L,S,S,E,L,G,L,N,E, A,Q,I,K,I,W,F,Q,N,K, R,A,K,I • Tertiary Structure: All atom Model / Simplified Model L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 5/20
The Protein Structure Prediction Problem • Proteins fold in a determined environment (e.g. water) to form a very specific geometric pattern ( native state/conformation ). • The native conformation is relatively stable and unique, and corresponds to a state which minimizes the global free energy. • The Protein Structure Prediction problem (PSP) consists in pre- dicting the Tertiary Structure of a protein, given its Primary Structure. L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 6/20
Approaches to PSP Several different approaches have been used to tackle PSP: • Homology modelling and folding recognition; • All atoms simulation using molecular dynamics; • Constraint-based approaches in lattices; • Ab-initio simulations using simplified models. L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 7/20
CCP simulation framework • We encoded the PSP problem into a Concurrent Constraint (Logic) Programming paradigm. • Each aminoacid is associated to an independent process. • Each process communicates with the others, and reacts to their changes of the spatial position. • The framework is independent from the spatial model of the protein and from the energy model. L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 8/20
Communication Strategy • Each process, before performing a move, waits for the commu- nication of a movement of some other aminoacid; • The information of position changes of process P i is stored in a list L i of logic terms (leaving the tail variable uninstantiated), thus keeping track of the entire history of the folding known to him; • Each process, while moving, uses the most recent information available to him, i.e. the last ground terms of the lists L i ; • each process, once it has moved, communicates to all other processes its new position updating its list. L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 9/20
Abstract CCP program 7 run(ID, S, [P1, P2, ..., Pn]):- 1 simulation(S):- 8 getTails([P1, ..., Pn],[T1, ..., Tn]), 2 Init=[[I1|_], 9 ask(T1=[_|_]) -> skip + [I2|_], 10 ask(T2=[_|_]) -> skip + ..., 11 ... + [In|_]], 12 ask(Tn=[_|_]) -> skip, 3 run(1,S,Init) || 13 getLast([P1, ..., Pn],[L1, ..., Ln]), 4 run(2,S,Init) || 14 updatePosition(ID,S,[L1,..,Ln],NP), 5 ... || 15 tell(TID=[NP|_]), 6 run(n,S,Init). 16 run(ID,S,[P1, ..., Pn]). • The main clause is simulation . • Init is a variable containing n lists which contain the initial positions Ii . • n concurrent calls to run are called, one for each process - aminoacid. L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 10/20
Abstract CCP program 7 run(ID, S, [P1, P2, ..., Pn]):- 1 simulation(S):- 8 getTails([P1, ..., Pn],[T1, ..., Tn]), 2 Init=[[I1|_], 9 ask(T1=[_|_]) -> skip + [I2|_], 10 ask(T2=[_|_]) -> skip + ..., 11 ... + [In|_]], 12 ask(Tn=[_|_]) -> skip, 3 run(1,S,Init) || 13 getLast([P1, ..., Pn],[L1, ..., Ln]), 4 run(2,S,Init) || 14 updatePosition(ID,S,[L1,..,Ln],NP), 5 ... || 15 tell(TID=[NP|_]), 6 run(n,S,Init). 16 run(ID,S,[P1, ..., Pn]). • ID is the identification code of the aminoacid. • getTails gets the tails of the lists P1,...,Pn and assigns them to the variables T1,...,Tn . • Then the process waits for one of these variables to be instan- tiated with ask(Ti=[_|_]) -> skip . L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 11/20
Abstract CCP program 7 run(ID, S, [P1, P2, ..., Pn]):- 1 simulation(S):- 8 getTails([P1, ..., Pn],[T1, ..., Tn]), 2 Init=[[I1|_], 9 ask(T1=[_|_]) -> skip + [I2|_], 10 ask(T2=[_|_]) -> skip + ..., 11 ... + [In|_]], 12 ask(Tn=[_|_]) -> skip, 3 run(1,S,Init) || 13 getLast([P1, ..., Pn],[L1, ..., Ln]), 4 run(2,S,Init) || 14 updatePosition(ID,S,[L1,..,Ln],NP), 5 ... || 15 tell(TID=[NP|_]), 6 run(n,S,Init). 16 run(ID,S,[P1, ..., Pn]). • Once this happens it retrieves the last information with getLast . • Then it updates its position with updatePosition and communi- cates its move to all other processes by means of tell . • Finally the run procedure is called recursively. L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 12/20
Movement Strategy The procedure updatePosition works in the following way: • The aminoacid randomly chooses a new position, close to the current one within a given step; • Using the most recent information available about the spatial position of other processes, it computes the energy relative to the choice; • It accepts the position using a Montecarlo criterion: - If the new energy is lower than the current one, it accepts the move; - If the new energy is greater than the current one, it accepts the move with probability e − Enew − Ecurrent . T • This procedure depends on the spatial model adopted. L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 13/20
Movement Strategy The new position is randomly selected in the following way: • We calculate the set of points which keep fixed the distance with the adjacent neighbours of the aminoacid (a circumference or a sphere); • We randomly select a point in this set, close to the current position; • We randomly select a small offset from this point. L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 14/20
Testing Model ✬ ✩ side chain ⑦ Cα ❳ C ′ ✘ ❳❳ ❳❳ ✿ ✘ ✘ N ✘✘ ✘ ③ ❳ H ✫ ✪ H O • Each aminoacid is represented as a single center of interaction, which corresponds to the C α atom. • The energy function consists of four terms, which take into account local and global interactions. • This model is very simple, but served as a test for the framework. L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 15/20
Energy Function The Energy Function we use is E ( � s ) = η b E b ( � s ) + η a E a ( � s ) + η t E t ( � s ) + η c E c ( � s ) E b ( � s ) is the Bond Distance term � 2 � � E b ( � s ) = r ( s i , s i +1 ) − r 0 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 E a ( � s ) is the Bond Angle Bend term 1 0.8 � 2 � 2 n − 2 � βi − β 1 � βi − β 2 0.6 − − � σ 1 σ 2 0.4 E a ( � s ) = − log + a 2 e a 1 e 0.2 i =1 0 0 1 2 3 Radians L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 16/20
Energy Function The Energy Function we use is E ( � s ) = η b E b ( � s ) + η a E a ( � s ) + η t E t ( � s ) + η c E c ( � s ) E t ( � s ) is the Torsional Angle term (Φ i − φ 1)2 (Φ i − φ 2)2 n − 3 ( σ 1+ σ 0)2 + a 2 e ( σ 2+ σ 0)2 � E t ( � s ) = − log a 1 e i =1 E c ( � s ) is the Contact Interaction term � 12 � 6 n − 3 n � r 0 ( s i , s j ) � r 0 ( s i , s j ) � � E c ( � s ) = | Pot ( s i , s j ) | + Pot ( s i , s j ) r ( s i , s j ) r ( s i , s j ) i =1 j = i +3 1 0.8 Potential 0.6 0 0.4 0.2 0 0 r 1r 2 r 3 r 0 2 4 6 Radians L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 17/20
Implementation The code is implemented in Mozart. There are two classes: • Protein , implements the simulation predicate and coordinates the process associated with the single aminoacids; • Amino , which describes the single aminoacid, and implements all the methods related to the action, like updatePosition , ask and tell . L. Bortolussi, A. Dal Pal` u, A. Dovier, and F. Fogolari BIOCONCUR 2004 — 18/20
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