proposed riverfront development district

Proposed Riverfront Development District NOV EMBE R 9, 2 017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Proposed Riverfront Development District NOV EMBE R 9, 2 017 Pendleton Riverfront Development District Pendleton Riverfront Development District What is a Riverfront Development District? The Indiana state legislature has enacted I.C.

  1. Proposed Riverfront Development District NOV EMBE R 9, 2 017

  2. Pendleton Riverfront Development District

  3. Pendleton Riverfront Development District What is a Riverfront Development District? The Indiana state legislature has enacted I.C. 7.1-3-20-16 which permits the Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission (ATC) to issue liquor licenses (one, two, or three-way) in a riverfront development district. The district can extend 1,500 feet from each side of a buildable bank of a water resource.

  4. Pendleton Riverfront Development District Why a Riverfront Development District for Pendleton? The 2006 Pendleton Comprehensive Plan has an emphasis to revitalize the Downtown Business District. • Goal 5: Economy - A strong, diverse, and expanding economy will provide opportunities for local residents and a stable tax base. • Goal 7: Historic Preservation - Maintain and enhance important structures, places, and artifacts from Pendleton’s past, as well as Pendleton’s distinct historic feel.

  5. Pendleton Riverfront Development District To assist with accomplishing these goals, the Town of Pendleton completed a downtown revitalization plan in 2015. The 2015 Downtown Revitalization Plan recommends the local consideration of a Riverfront Development District. Creation of the district would give the town a key economic development tool to help with the following: • attracting additional development opportunities; • expanding the tax base; • creating more employment opportunities for local residents. The 2015 Pendleton Plan Commission recommended the Plan’s adoption by the Town Council.

  6. Pendleton Riverfront Development District As tasked with encouraging economic development in the Town of Pendleton, the Pendleton Redevelopment Commission took a closer look at the Riverfront Development District concept. The Pendleton Redevelopment Commission (RDC) has determined that the creation of a Riverfront Development District will help remove some of the barriers to development in the downtown business district. Through the creation of the district, the RDC will be able to • attract additional development opportunities to the district; • expand the tax base through additional development; • create more opportunities for the people of Pendleton, Fall Creek Township, and surrounding areas to spend time in and enjoy the venues present in the redeveloped district.

  7. Pendleton Riverfront Development District Why a Riverfront Development District for Pendleton? The RDC believes that granting additional liquor licenses within the district will enable the creation of new food and beverage businesses which will create economic opportunities in the area. The lack of availability of such licenses is considered to be a barrier to development. Additional licenses in the district would ensure restaurant viability in the downtown business district.

  8. Pendleton Riverfront Development District What are the purposes and goals of this type of district? Through this district, the RDC seeks to achieve the following: 1. To enhance Pendleton’s regional appeal by encouraging the location and operation of a diverse mix of restaurants and entertainment venues in the riverfront district; 2. To remove a barrier to downtown development; 3. To provide an experience that encourages repeat visits by residents and visitors; 4. To assist in reinforcing the existing physical fabric of downtown Pendleton, to enhance a sense of place, and to create gathering areas; 5. To provide an opportunity for economic development, increased tax base, and increased employment opportunities.

  9. Pendleton Riverfront Development District What else has Pendleton done to encourage downtown development? • Creation of Historic • Assisted businesses with Preservation Commission and outdoor dining process design guidelines • Bicycle racks • Town Branding Project • Repaved State Street & • Expansion of TIF District Pendleton Avenue • MSRP Grant (to include facade • New sidewalks restoration, wayfjnding signage, • New street lights, hanging and speakers on street lights) baskets, and fmags • HPF Grant • Repaved public parking lot by • Unsightly Premises Ordinance fjre station

  10. Pendleton Riverfront Development District Some of the “cans” and “cannots” of the code: The code allows the ATC to grant an unlimited number of licenses within the district, subject to limitations set by the locality. The code prescribes that no local fees or assessments may be added to those set by the ATC. The application process for a license within the district is the same set forth for licenses elsewhere in the community with the additional requirement that a recommendation from the community be provided to the ATC prior to their granting of the license. The authority for this recommendation is to be determined locally.

  11. Pendleton Riverfront Development District RDC Recommendations - District Requirements 1. The District will be geographically defjned to conform to the requirements of the code and as shown on the proposed district map. 2. The District shall allow for the granting of 2 licenses in the District. The Town Council will have the authority to grant additional licenses within the District by Resolution. 3. Permits are not transferable, not portable within or without the district and any renewal is subject to compliance with the terms of these local rules and any agreement negotiated with the Redevelopment Commission. The permits shall not be pledged as collateral or subject to any lien, judgment, property settlement agreement, or third party claim. 4. Applicants receiving three-way licenses within the District will be required to sell a minimum of $150,000 in gross food sales annually. As part of the yearly license renewal, applicants will have to demonstrate that this requirement has been met at the location for which the license has been granted. The renewal application shall be shared with the RDC ten days prior to ATC ruling. 5. The applicant will comply with local application procedures as well as those required by the State of Indiana and the ATC.

  12. Pendleton Riverfront Development District RDC Recommendations - Criteria and Factors The recommendation of the RDC will be based on the following general criteria: 1. Granting of the license will benefjt the purposes of the district. 2. Granting of the license and the business activity will not be detrimental to the property values and business interest of others in the district.

  13. Pendleton Riverfront Development District RDC Recommendations - Criteria and Factors Additionally, the RDC will consider several other factors, including, but not limited to, the following in making a recommendation. The RDC will consider: 1. The applicant’s plans to improve the facility in which they will operate and the consistency of such plans with the nature and architecture of the riverfront development district. 2. The restaurant’s ability to draw people to Pendleton and, specifjcally, the riverfront district. 3. The number and nature of the jobs added to or retained in the Pendleton employment base. 4. The restaurant focus on a dining and entertainment experience rather than an alcohol consumption experience. 5. Financial and ownership strength, which may be best demonstrated by a business plan. 6. History of operation. 7. Reputation in the Pendleton community, and if from other than Pendleton, the applicant’s reputation in other communities.

  14. Pendleton Riverfront Development District RDC Recommendations - Criteria and Factors (Criteria and Factors, Continued) 8. The control and participation of the owners of the applicant in the day-to-day operation of the business. 9. The location of the restaurant. 10. The size, fmoor plan, and layout of the restaurant and exterior dining areas, if any. 11. Any physical improvements to the restaurant. 12. The expected timetable for work and business commencement.

  15. Pendleton Riverfront Development District RDC Recommendations - Application Procedure The application process is as follows: 1. Applicant will submit application (one hard copy and one digital copy) and a $400 fjling fee to the Pendleton Planning Department. The application will be developed by Planning Staff and be based off the City of Columbus Riverfront District Permit Application. 2. The Planning Department will schedule a meeting of the Redevelopment Commission. This meeting will be advertised as a Public Hearing. The RDC will make a recommendation to the Town Council for approval, rejection, or continuance. 3. The RDC will make a recommendation for either approval or rejection of the license application to the Pendleton Town Council. 4. The Pendleton Town Council will review the RDC recommendation and make a determination for approval or rejection that will be forwarded to the ATC. This recommendation is a required part of the applications application to the ATC. It is understood that the ATC will not take action on a Riverfront District License without this letter of recommendation.

  16. Pendleton Riverfront Development District RDC Recommendations - Reviewing Board The RDC has also made the following recommendations in regards to the Reviewing Board and Process: 1. The RDC proposes to be the reviewing board unless Town Council determines otherwise. 2. The RDC (or reviewing board) has the authority to exert fjscal oversight in reporting and monitoring for license renewal. 3. A recusal requirement shall be in place for any member of the RDC (or reviewing board) and the Town Council if applicants are relatives.


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