proposal for a regulation of the european parliament and

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Citizens initiative 1/03/2018 Revising the ECI Regulation 1 THE ECI SUPPORT CENTRE 1/03/2018 Title of the presentation 2 The REFIT Platform The

  1. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Citizens ’ initiative 1/03/2018 Revising the ECI Regulation 1

  2. THE ECI SUPPORT CENTRE 1/03/2018 Title of the presentation 2

  3. The REFIT Platform The REFIT Platform was set up by the May 2015 Better Regulation Communication to advise the Commission on how to make EU regulation more efficient and effective while reducing burden and without undermining policy objectives. 1/03/2018 Title of the presentation 3

  4. 1. Legal Admissibility test 1/03/2018 Title of the presentation 4

  5. 2. Data Requirements 1/03/2018 Title of the presentation 5

  6. 3. Citizens ’ Committee and Liability of Organisers 1/03/2018 Title of the presentation 6

  7. 4. Start of 12 Month Collection Period 1/03/2018 Title of the presentation 7

  8. 5. Online Collection of Signatures 1/03/2018 Title of the presentation 8

  9. 6. ECI Awareness Raising Campaigns 1/03/2018 Title of the presentation 9

  10. Follow-up to ECIs with one million signatures Art. 11 refers to “legal acts” :  Define the remit of the “legal act” and/or of the political actions that the European Commission can initiate or undertake. The types of legal act that citizens can request the European Commission to submit are based on art. 288 TFEU. They are:  Legall lly bin indin ing le legis isla lativ ive measures, adopted as a result of the EU’s legislative procedures (ordinary or special) and initiated by the European Commission - such as regulations, directives and decisions or …  Non-legis islativ ive measures which are not legally binding, such as recommendations and opinions. 1/03/2018 Title of the presentation 10

  11. Support Infrastructure for ECI Organisers  Online Collaborative Platform  Civil Society Organisations 1/03/2018 Title of the presentation 11

  12. Online Collaborative Platform Time to Learn Discuss Propose Ask submit! 1/03/2018 Title of the presentation 12

  13. Thank you for your attention! Elisa Lironi 1/03/2018 Title of the presentation 13


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