Promoting innovative and high-growth firms – The role of research-intensive clusters Thomas Lämmer-Gamp Director of the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) +49 30 310078 414 European Economic and Social Committee Public Hearing July 7 th , 2016, Santiago de Compostela
Understanding the concept: what is a cluster and what is a cluster initiative? a) A cluster is a regional agglomeration b) Within this regional agglomeration there is of industry. a cluster initiative that facilitates the development of the cluster: “it’s owl” . Example in the map: region of Ostwestfalen-Lippe that is home to strong This initiative is represented by a cluster production and ICT industries organisation that connects industry and academia through a network to facilitate innovation and value-chain development in the field of “Industry 4.0 ” . Such an organisation that manages a value- chain network is key to the successful development of a cluster!
Evidence for a strong cluster in the region of Ostwestfalen-Lippe : significant funding for IT-related R&D from Federal government programmes Total current funding for projects Cross-regional collaboration Integration into European that involve at least one partner within Germany in the context of projects of partners from from Ostwestfalen-Lippe. these projects. Ostwestfalen-Lippe (difficult to measure due to a lack of statistical data). Source: own analysis based on government R&D funding statistics
Cluster organisation “it’s owl” acts as a catalyst within the cluster. It contributes to R&D project development and commercialisation of R&D results based on a sophisticated cluster strategy that aims for the development of innovative and high-growth firms. Source: Technology Network Ostwestfalen Lippe – it’s owl, www.its
Promoting innovative and high-growth firms through cluster organisations: strategy-based activities by it’s owl to commercialise R&D results of the cluster Events and meetings Coaching and mentoring School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Incubator Further reading: • •
Cluster organisations can play a vital role, but key is something different: regulation! Many innovative companies struggle with regulatory frameworks – two examples! New business models challenge existing There is a strong Digital Health industry industries as UBER demonstrates. in Stockholm, but it struggles to take Traditional taxi operators try defend off due to a fragmented national their regulated markets: market for eHealth solutions: • • Personenbeförderungsgesetz (PBefG) There is no national reimbursement • Verordnung über den Betrieb von model for health services as 21 county Kraftfahrunternehmen im councils can decide on own systems. • Personenverkehr (BOKraft) Different procurement strategies in • Berufszugangsverordnung für den councils Straßenpersonenverkehr (PBZugV) → fragmented small market makes it → vested interests of the taxi industry! unattractive for investors and young companies
Policy recommendations: how to better support the development of innovative and high-growth industries through clusters In most of the EU Member States there is no lack of R&D funding programmes. A different challenge exists: 1. Support cluster organisations with sophisticated strategies and sophisticated service portfolios! 2. Change regulatory frameworks to create markets! Following this route there will be plenty of new businesses developing that attract private investors.
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