ENERGY ANALYSIS AND MODELING OF MEMBRANE REACTORS PROMECA Workshop 2017 ENERGY ANALYSIS AND MODELING OF MEMBRANE REACTORS PROMECA Workshop 2017 PROMECA ‐ Overall presentation of the project Vincenzo Palma Associat e professor –Depart ment of Industrial Engineering –Universit y of S alerno Consortium Partners
PROMECA Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) PROcess intensification through the Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE- development of innovative 2016 Start date: 01/01/2017 MEmbranes and Catalysts End date: 31/12/2020 Project number: 734561 Duration: 48 months Total EU 3 academia and 3 financing industrial partners in 4 European countries € 688,500
3 2 research centers/ academia, TEC and TUE, together with academia the industrial end user ICI, will provide competences on design, development and testing of membranes in a and 3 prototype membrane reactor for hydrogen production industrial partners in 4 2 research centers/ academia, UNISA and TUE, together with the technology integrators and industrial end users KT and European AL will contribute with highly qualified experiences on countries design, development and testing of advanced catalysts to endothermic and exothermic processes intensification All academic and industrial partners will be involved in fostering the knowledge in energy analysis and process modelling in support of process design, integration, and testing
Project Structure
WP n. Work Package Title Activity Type N. of persons- Start Month End months involved Month Project Management, Communication and Management, Communication & 13 1 48 Dissemination Dissemination 1 2 Models and Energy Analysis Research & Training 55 3 36 Membrane design & development Research & Training 32 3 36 3 4 Catalyst design & development Research & Training 29 3 36 5 System integration and validation Research & Training 37 24 48 Participant Short Work Package Person-months per name involved participant UNISA 1, 2, 4, 5 3 + 13 + 11 + 6 TUE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2 + 8 + 12 + 10 + 10 TECNALIA 1, 2, 3, 5 1 + 2 + 9 + 4 ICI 1, 2, 3, 5 2 + 15 + 7 + 7 KT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2 + 11 + 3 + 5 + 5 AL 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 5
TOK team I (at KT, TUE, and AL TOK team II (at UNISA and AL premises): TOK team III (at TECNALIA and ICI premises): Energy Analysis and Catalysts premises): Membranes Modelling Group leader KT Group leader UNISA Group leader TECNALIA Supervisor TU Supervisor AL Supervisor ICI E Academic members Academic member 9 Academic members 12 TUE: TUE1, TUE2, F.Gallucci, Vincenzo UNISA: TUE: F. Gallucci, Maria Nordio, Spallina, Niek De Noijer, Ivo Roghair Vincenzo Palma, UNISA1, UNISA2, Niek de Noijer, Kai Coenen, Alba TECNALIA: E. Fernandez, TECNALIA1, 13 UNISA3. Arratibel, TUE4 TECNALIA 2 TUE: F.Gallucci, Maria Nordio, TUE3, TECNALIA: J. Zuniga, A. Pacheco, UNISA: Vincenzo Palma, UNISA1, Marian san Pio, Martin van Sint E. Fernandez, TECNALIA1, UNISA2, UNISA3 Annaland TECNALIA 2, TECNALIA 3 Industrial members Industrial members 14 Industrial members 13 KT: G. Iaquaniello, E. Palo, L. Mosca, KT: E. Palo, L. Mosca, KT1, KT2 KT: G. Iaquaniello, E. Palo, KT1, KT1, KT2, KT3 ICI: C.Tregambe, ICI1, ICI2, ICI3, KT3 ICI: S.Argenton, G.Fares, C.Tregambe, 18 ICI4 ICI: G.Fares, C.Tregambe, ICI1, ICI1, ICI2, ICI3, ICI4 AL: P. Pullumbi, F. Bellencontre, F. ICI2, ICI3, ICI4 AL: P. Pullumbi, M. Basin, S. Valentin, Brandani, AL1, AL2 AL: P. Pullumbi, M. Basin, AL2 D. Tudorache, AL1 TOT group I TOT group II 23 TOT group III 25 31
• Necessary to define the TOK programme and the research set-up for Phase 1 - Competence the project analysis • Compare the energy efficiency of the new system based on membrane reactors to benchmark technologies. The results of this analysis will define the operating conditions of the new catalysts Phase 2 – Energy analysis and membranes and reactors. • It will be led by KT (company leader in technology integration, plant design, simulation, analysis and Modelling and realization) and supervised by TUE (European excellence in research on integrated membrane reactors), to ensure a proper mix of scientific and industrial approach, and mainly developed by Group 3 • will include the work in parallel of i) Group II on membranes, led by TECNALI A (leader in membrane development for industrial reactors) and supervised by AL, bringing its long Phase 3 – Development of standing knowledge on membranes in several industrial applications (gas, water, etc.); and ii) Group III on catalysts, led by UNISA (experts in heterogeneous catalysis, development and reactor components testing of advanced catalysts for industrial processes), and ICI, company bringing expertise on medium and small-scale industrial reactors for hydrogen production • The final Phase of the project, in which all the models, materials and components will be integrated in the final PROMECA reactor prototype (capacity 1Nm 3 / h of Phase 4 - Integration, test pure hydrogen), which will be designed, constructed and tested and validation
Main Objectives • Development of structured catalyst with high heat conductivity and low pressure drop, through the use of ceramic or metallic supports in shape of monoliths or foams, and active Advanced catalysts – WP4 species, properly deposited on them, able to perform the desired process • Partners involved: UNISA, TUE, KT and AL of highly permeable and selective ultra-thin ( 4µm) Innovative membrane – • Development Pd-based supported membranes, stable under reactive conditions • Partners involved: TUE, ICI, Tecnalia, KT and AL WP3 • Development of new processes based on the novel catalysts, novel membranes and the Catalyst and membrane combination of the two • Partners involved: UNISA, TUE, ICI, Tecnalia, KT and AL integration – WP5 • Energy analysis and Modelling of the different novel processes Energy analysis and • Partners involved: UNISA, TUE, ICI, Tecnalia, KT and AL modelling – WP2 • Proof of concept of the integrated PROMECA system, validated with modelling based on the experimental results System validation – WP5 • Partners involved: UNISA, TUE, ICI, Tecnalia, KT and AL • Cost analysis and comparison with benchmark technologies Cost analysis – WP5 • Partners involved: UNISA, TUE, ICI, Tecnalia, KT and AL
Financial support The financial support is composed of a staff member unit cost of 2,000 EUR per month, plus an institutional unit cost of 2,500 EUR per person-month. The institutional unit cost is split into research, training and networking costs of 1,800 EUR per month of secondment, and management and indirect costs of 700 EUR per month. Marie Sk ł odowska- Staff member unit Institutional unit cost Curie Action cost [per person-month of secondment] [per person-month of secondment] [EUR] Research, training and Management and networking costs indirect costs [ EUR] [ EUR] RISE 2,000 1,800 700
Financial support Participant Short Person-months per Budget per name participant participant UNISA 30 TUE 40 TECNALIA 15 ICI 29 KT 25 AL 15
Financial support EU Prepaym ent ( January 2 0 1 7 ) : € 4 1 3 ,1 0 0 .0 0 BENEFICIARY PRE PAYMENT (JANUARY 2017) BENEFICIARY PARTNER COST (€) (€) DIFFERENCE (€) UNISA € 135,000.00 € 81,000.00 € 54,000.00 TU/ E € 180,000.00 € 109,200.00 € 72,000.00 KT € 108,000.00 € 64,800.00 € 43,200.00 ICI CALDAIE € 130,500.00 € 78,300.00 € 52,200.00 TECNALIA € 67,500.00 € 40,500.00 € 27,000.00 AIR LIQUIDE € 67,500.00 € 40,500.00 € 27,000.00 total € 688 500 00 € 413 100 00 € 275 400 00
Scientific Deliverables Deliverable No Deliverable Title WP Lead Beneficiary Short Type Dissemination Level Due Date No Name D 2.1 Report on the influence of integration 2 KT Research CO M10 level membrane/ reactor on process development D 2.2 Report on preliminary economic 2 KT Research CO M24 analysis and overall technology assessment D 2.3 Process design package 2 KT Research CO M36 D 3.1 First and second generation 3 TECNALIA Research CO M28 membranes D 3.2 Final membranes for lab-scale 3 TECNALIA Research CO M36 prototype D 4.1 First and second generation catalysts 4 UNISA Research CO M28 D 4.2 Catalytic activity tests with the final 4 UNISA Research CO M36 catalysts D 5.1 Report on design and 3Ddrawing of 5 ICI Research CO M30 the PROMECA reactor D 5.2 Report on tests 5 ICI Research CO M48 D 5.3 Report on industrialisation aspects, 5 ICI Research CO M48 including techno-economic analysis D 5.5 Report on available models for 5 ICI Research CO M48 membrane reactors (including heat management).
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