programming type rules

Programming type rules Arie Middelkoop, Universiteit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Programming type rules Programming type rules Arie Middelkoop, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands (based on a presentation by Atze Dijkstra) July 4, 2008 Arie Middelkoop Programming type rules > Motivation Our Mission

  1. Programming type rules Programming type rules Arie Middelkoop, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands (based on a presentation by Atze Dijkstra) July 4, 2008 Arie Middelkoop

  2. Programming type rules > Motivation Our Mission Develop languages, technologies and tools for the specification and implementation of (domain specific) languages. Jurriaan Hage Program Analysis Helium Johan Jeuring Generics Doaitse Swierstra Parser Combinators Attribute Grammars EHC Arie Middelkoop

  3. Programming type rules > Motivation Use Case: EHC Development of a complex compiler (Haskell) Language constructs (expressions, class system, records) Aspects of language construct (code, type) Type rules Arie Middelkoop

  4. Programming type rules > Motivation Motivation Our experimental compiler: Essential Haskell (EHC project) Our experiments: higher-ranked types impredicativity existential types implicit/explicit parameters Our desire: study isolated features combine them and keep it maintainable, understandable Arie Middelkoop

  5. Programming type rules > Motivation Motivation Programming language research lifecycle Define syntax Define semantics Prove properties of semantics Implement Prove correctness of implementation Document Arie Middelkoop

  6. Programming type rules > Motivation Motivation: textbook example Syntax Semantics Implementation e ::= int data Expr | Var i : { String } i �→ σ ∈ Γ | i attr Expr [ g : Gam | c : C | ty : Ty ] τ = inst ( σ ) | e e e.var E Γ ⊢ e i : τ sem Expr | λ i → e | Var ( lhs . uniq , loc . uniq1 ) | let i = e in e = rulerMk1Uniq @ lhs . uniq ( loc . pty , loc . nmErrs ) = gamLookup @ i @ lhs . g lhs . ty = tyInst @ uniq1 @ pty Arie Middelkoop

  7. Programming type rules > Motivation Motivation: real-life example Semantics v fresh o ; Γ; ❈ k ; C k ; v → σ k ⊢ e e 1 : ✛ f ; → σ � ❈ f ; C f o im ; ❈ f ⊢ � ✛ f � ❈ f ( v → σ k ) : � ❈ F o inst − lr ; Γ; ❈ F ❈ f ; C f ; v ⊢ e e 2 : ✛ a ; � ❈ a ; C a alt , o inst − l ; ❈ a ⊢ � ✛ a � ❈ a v : fi + � ❈ A ❈ 1 ≡ ❈ A ❈ a o ; Γ; ❈ k ; C k ; σ k ⊢ e e 1 e 2 : ❈ 1 σ k ; σ k � ❈ 1 ; C a I 2 Implementation sem Expr | App ( func . gUniq , loc . uniq1 , loc . uniq2 , loc . uniq3 ) = mkNewLevUID3 @ lhs . gUniq = mkTyVar @ uniq1 loc . tvarv = [@ tvarv ] ‘ mkArrow ‘ @ lhs . knTy func . knTy loc . fo fitF = fitsIn o im @ fe @ uniq2 @ func . imprTy (@ func . imprTyCnstr ⊕ -- lots of non-obvious code ... Correctness Arie Middelkoop

  8. Programming type rules > Issues The problem It is hard to Understand feature interaction Say something about formal properties Maintain consistency of semantics & implementation Generate implementation Arie Middelkoop

  9. Programming type rules > Issues Ruler A system for specifying type rules Ruler source x Check rule LaTeX Attribute Grammar structure pretty print based implementation Arie Middelkoop

  10. Programming type rules > Issues Programming Type Rules Have abstraction mechanisms and strategies to specify type rules. Abstraction mechanism example: views Base case with increments Declarative view, algorithmic view Each view incorporates more detail Strategy examples: Restrict type rules to be functions instead of arbitrary relations by specifying computation direction of variables Restrict type rules to be syntax directed by specifying which variable determines what rule to apply Arie Middelkoop

  11. Programming type rules > Issues Ruler: example of multiple views Start with specifying the first view on a rule (say, rule e.var ) i �→ σ ∈ Γ τ = inst ( σ ) e.var E Γ ⊢ e i : τ equational/declarative view E (in Hindley-Milner type system) Then specify the differences relative to previous view i �→ σ ∈ Γ τ = inst ( σ ) C k ; Γ ⊢ e i : τ � C k e.var A algorithmic view A (in Hindley-Milner type system) blue indicates the changed parts Arie Middelkoop

  12. Programming type rules > Talk content Content of remainder of talk The tools Ruler and AG in more detail: Concepts of Ruler Case study: Hindley-Milner typing Three views: E, A, AG Ruler source texts and results Omitted: feature isolation and more advanced type rule programming Arie Middelkoop

  13. Programming type rules > Background Application of Ruler Ruler rules ruler compiler AG main AG lhs2TeX ag compiler lhs2TeX HS main HS latex latex main hs compiler latex executable printable : source : derived x a b : b derived from a using x Arie Middelkoop

  14. Programming type rules > Basics and views Ruler concepts Scheme judgement structure: holes + templates template (or judgement shape) used to specify/output a scheme instance (a judgement) Views of a scheme hierarchy of views, a view is built on top of previous view each scheme has views, views differ in holes + templates Rule premise judgements + conclusion judgement judgement binds holes to expressions Views of a rule Rule judgement each rule judgement has views, parallel to views of its scheme Arie Middelkoop

  15. Programming type rules > Basics and views Syntactic structure scheme Expr = ruleset expr rules scheme Expr = view E = rule con = holes ... view E = judgespec ... judge ... -- premises judgeuse ... ... − ... view A = -- conclusion judge ... view A = ... holes ... judgespec ... rule app = judgeuse ... view E = ... ... view A = ... Arie Middelkoop

  16. Programming type rules > Basics and views Ruler ‘dimensions’ Views allow incremental extension of a language Schemes allow “by aspect” organisation by treating holes and associated rules together Ruler combines views in a hierarchical, inheriting manner (combines schemes into new schemes) combine means overwrite of hole bindings Arie Middelkoop

  17. Programming type rules > Basics and views Case study: HM typing View 1: Equational (E) scheme rulesets output View 2: Algorithmic (A) hierarchy output scheme rulesets View 3: Attribute Grammar translation (AG) Arie Middelkoop

  18. Programming type rules > Basics and views View 1: equational view E , expr scheme Structure/scheme for judgements scheme expr = view E = holes [ e : Expr , gam : Gam , ty : Ty ] judgespec gam ⊢ e : ty judgeuse tex gam ⊢ .. "e" e : ty Type ( ty : Ty ): τ ::= Int | Char literals | v variable | τ → τ abstraction σ ::= τ type scheme | ∀ v .τ universally quantified type, abbreviated by ∀ v .τ Environment ( gam : Gam ): Γ ::= i �→ σ Arie Middelkoop

  19. Programming type rules > Basics and views Ruleset Set of rules of a scheme ruleset expr . base scheme expr "Expression type rules" = rule e . app = view E = judge A : expr = gam ⊢ a : ty . a judge F : expr = gam ⊢ f : ( ty . a → ty ) − judge R : expr = gam ⊢ ( f a ) : ty ... ruleset displays as a figure in documentation L A T EX rendering (via lhs2TeX ) Arie Middelkoop

  20. Programming type rules > Basics and views L A T EX rendering Γ ⊢ e e : τ i �→ σ ∈ Γ τ = inst ( σ ) Γ ⊢ e int : Int E e.var E Γ ⊢ e i : τ Γ ⊢ e a : τ a Γ ⊢ e f : τ a → τ ( i �→ τ i ) , Γ ⊢ e b : τ b E e.lam E Γ ⊢ e λ i → b : τ i → τ b Γ ⊢ e f a : τ ( i �→ σ e ) , Γ ⊢ e b : τ b Γ ⊢ e e : τ e σ e = ∀ v .τ e , v / ∈ ftv (Γ) e.let E Γ ⊢ e let i = e in b : τ b Arie Middelkoop

  21. Programming type rules > Basics and views Relation Arbitrary conditions rule e . var = view E = judge G : gamLookupIdTy = i �→ pty ∈ gam judge I : tyInst = ty ‘=‘ inst ( pty ) − judge R : expr = gam ⊢ i : ty Condition gamLookupIdTy : identifier must be bound to type in environment Condition tyInst : monotype is instantiation of polytype Arie Middelkoop

  22. Programming type rules > Basics and views Relation Relation relation gamLookupIdTy = view E = holes [ nm : Nm , gam : Gam , ty : Ty ] judgespec nm �→ ty ∈ gam L A T EX rendering when used i �→ σ ∈ Γ τ = inst ( σ ) e.var E Γ ⊢ e i : τ Arie Middelkoop

  23. Programming type rules > Basics and views View 2: algorithmic view A View hierarchy viewhierarchy = E < A < AG View A on top of view E May be tree like hierarchy Arie Middelkoop

  24. Programming type rules > Basics and views View A on App Specify the differences (for rule Previous Γ ⊢ e a : τ a Γ ⊢ e f : τ a → τ E Γ ⊢ e f a : τ New C k ; Γ ⊢ e f : τ f � C f C f ; Γ ⊢ e a : τ a � C a v fresh τ a → v ∼ = C a τ f � C A C k ; Γ ⊢ e f a : C C a v � C C a Arie Middelkoop

  25. Programming type rules > Basics and views Direction of computation New for scheme expr: holes with direction scheme expr = view A = holes [ inh gam : Gam , thread cnstr : C , syn ty : Ty ] judgespec cnstr . inh ; gam ⊢ e : ty � cnstr . syn judgeuse tex cnstr . inh ; gam ⊢ .. "e" e : ty � cnstr . syn Algorithmic view use of constraints/substitution C ::= v �→ τ computation has direction Arie Middelkoop

  26. Programming type rules > Basics and views Specify the differences New for rule in ruleset expr view A = judge V : tvFresh = tv judge M : match = ( ty . a → tv ) ∼ = ( cnstr . a ty . f ) � cnstr judge F : expr | ty = ty . f | cnstr . syn = cnstr . f judge A : expr | cnstr . inh = cnstr . f | cnstr . syn = cnstr . a − judge R : expr | ty = cnstr cnstr . a tv | cnstr . syn = cnstr cnstr . a Arie Middelkoop

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