programme programme 1 explanation of system components 2

Programme Programme 1. Explanation of system components 2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Programme Programme 1. Explanation of system components 2. Precautions 3. System assembly and basic OMU operation 4. Recommended file naming convention 5. Field communications 6. Training runs Learning to use the software 7. System

  1. Programme Programme 1. Explanation of system components 2. Precautions 3. System assembly and basic OMU operation 4. Recommended file naming convention 5. Field communications 6. Training runs – Learning to use the software 7. System Maintenance 8. Round-up

  2. System Components System Components A quick tour

  3. Precautions Precautions ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� • ���������������������������������������������������������������� �������������!����"�����������#������ �����������������������������!������������$����������� ����������������������������������������%�$������#���������&!���$��������������������'()*�+,-� • ./��-%*��0/%1-%,�"%'23�-��.*��0-�4/(+5/��+%-%��+��������������������������!���������� ��������������������!������$������������������6!��� 0����������������!���������������7��������#�������$��������7�������8��9�����!������������������� • ��������������������7����� :����!���������������9�������������#�������������������$����������#����������������!��������3����� • ��#����������7����7������$��������������������9���$�����#��#���9 ����$�����������9���$�����������9������� 7��������������������������� ����#�������!�����!����������������������������$����������������������������!������+����������������� • ��7���#�����������������!�������������!������$�������������������$������������!������������ %-�+������������������������������$����������������������������6!������!������$�������������!����$� • ����������������;�������������� ������������������������������������<%��!��������$����'��������=� •

  4. System assembly and basic OMU operation System assembly and basic OMU operation Wheel assembly • OMU assembly • ON/OFF procedure: Sound signals and Led indicators (see QRG) •

  5. Recommended file naming convention Recommended file naming convention Assume the below project information Sample Project Log Information Sample Project Log Information Client Name Brussels Gas Client Name Brussels Gas Project Name HDD BE014 Project Name HDD BE014 Measurement date 22/03/2011 Measurement date 22/03/2011 OMU Serial Number 84440105 OMU Serial Number 84440105 Number of Number of passes/runs OMU moved passes/runs OMU moved Measurement Dataset Dataset started at Measurement Dataset Dataset started at through the pipe Forward or through the pipe Forward or Information coordinate A or B? Information coordinate A or B? before switching Backward before switching Backward OMU off OMU off Dataset 1 A 4 FFFF Dataset 1 A 4 FFFF Dataset 2 B 2 FB Dataset 2 B 2 FB

  6. Recommended file naming convention Recommended file naming convention In project directory In project directory 20110322-Brussels Gas-HDD BE014 Project Sub-directory Green = Auto generated input 20110322-Brussels Gas-HDD BE014 Project Sub-directory Green = Auto generated input Red = Manual Input Red = Manual Input In X-Traction In X-Traction 110322-Brussels Gas-HDD BE014 Project Log File (optional) 110322-Brussels Gas-HDD BE014 Project Log File (optional) 110322-Brussels Gas-HDD BE014-D1-105-A-FFFF Sample Project Log Information Project Log + Dataset1 Raw Data 110322-Brussels Gas-HDD BE014-D1-105-A-FFFF Sample Project Log Information Project Log + Dataset1 Raw Data Client Name Brussels Gas Client Name Brussels Gas Project Log + Dataset2 Raw Data 110322-Brussels Gas-HDD BE014-D2-105-B-FB Project Name HDD BE014 Project Log + Dataset2 Raw Data 110322-Brussels Gas-HDD BE014-D2-105-B-FB Project Name HDD BE014 Measurement date 22/03/2011 Measurement date 22/03/2011 110322-HDD BE014-D1-R1-AB-F Profile Dataset1 - Run1 110322-HDD BE014-D1-R1-AB-F OMU Serial Number 84440105 Profile Dataset1 - Run1 OMU Serial Number 84440105 Number of 110322-HDD BE014-D1-R2-BA-F Profile Dataset1 - Run2 Number of 110322-HDD BE014-D1-R2-BA-F Profile Dataset1 - Run2 passes/runs OMU moved passes/runs OMU moved Measurement Dataset Dataset started at Measurement Dataset Dataset started at 110322-HDD BE014-D1-R3-AB-F Profile Dataset1 - Run3 through the pipe Forward or 110322-HDD BE014-D1-R3-AB-F Profile Dataset1 - Run3 through the pipe Forward or Information coordinate A or B? Information coordinate A or B? before switching Backward before switching Backward 110322-HDD BE014-D1-R4-BA-F Profile Dataset1 - Run4 110322-HDD BE014-D1-R4-BA-F Profile Dataset1 - Run4 OMU off OMU off Dataset 1 A 4 FFFF Profile Dataset2 - Run1 110322-HDD BE014-D2-R1-BA-F Dataset 1 A 4 FFFF Profile Dataset2 - Run1 110322-HDD BE014-D2-R1-BA-F Dataset 2 B 2 FB Dataset 2 B 2 FB 110322-HDD BE014-D2-R2-AB-B Profile Dataset2 - Run2 110322-HDD BE014-D2-R2-AB-B Profile Dataset2 - Run2 In X-View In X-View 110322-Brussels Gas-HDD BE014-Average-XYZ 110322-Brussels Gas-HDD BE014-Average-XYZ Average 3D XYZ Average 3D XYZ 110322-Brussels Gas-HDD BE014-Average-Depth Profile 110322-Brussels Gas-HDD BE014-Average-Depth Profile Average Depth Profile XZ Average Depth Profile XZ

  7. Field communications communications Field The basic principle of communication is: Less is More There are two forms of communication: 1. Verbal (Walkie-Talkie) 2. Rope movement: Experienced crews know by the movement of the rope what is happening at the other side.

  8. Suggested v verbal erbal c communication format ommunication format Suggested 1. Motor dismantled 3. Safety cord 2. Pulling cord connected connected 5. Motor = ON 4. OMU = ON First perform check 1 to 5, if all OK, then: “Slowly pull in the OMU until I say ‘Stop’.”

  9. Suggested verbal communication format format Suggested verbal communication When OMU is aligned with end of pipe, then: “ STOP. Start of calibration.”

  10. Suggested verbal communication format Suggested verbal communication format After 30-60 seconds calibration: “ Start pulling.”

  11. Suggested verbal communication format Suggested verbal communication format When the OMU has arrived and is aligned with the end of pipe: “ Start of calibration.”

  12. Suggested verbal communication format Suggested verbal communication format After 30-60 seconds calibration: “ Will turn around OMU now.”

  13. Always communicate unexpected events Always communicate unexpected events Communicate any other unexpected event immediately !

  14. Suggested r rope markings ope markings Suggested To forewarn that the OMU is nearing the end of the pipe and to prevent it from falling out of the pipe Reduct recommends to clearly mark the pulling cord. 1m 2m 3m 10-15mm 10-15m 3m 2m 1m

  15. Training Runs Training Runs • Step 1: Perform AB F run and process data. • Step 2: Perform ABA FF run and process data. • Step 3: Perform ABA FB run and process data (Move track slightly if possible (not entry/exit)) • Step 4: Perform ABABA FBFB run and compare result to results of Step 3.

  16. Small test: Which data graph belongs to the Pos (X) chart? Small test: Which data graph belongs to the Pos (X) chart?


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