fire explanation and

Fire explanation and demonstration Mike Walford BRE Group Ltd - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fire explanation and demonstration Mike Walford BRE Group Ltd IOSH Fire explanation and Demonstration 17 May 2018 Michael Walford, Reaction to Fire, BRE Global Part of the BRE Trust Introduction to the day Explain the Fire Ambassadors

  1. Fire explanation and demonstration Mike Walford BRE Group Ltd

  2. IOSH Fire explanation and Demonstration 17 May 2018 Michael Walford, Reaction to Fire, BRE Global Part of the BRE Trust

  3. Introduction to the day Explain the Fire Ambassadors programme Give brief intro to fire safety Demonstrations New Fire of London presentation Fire Extinguishers

  4. Fire Ambassador Programme

  5. Fire Statistics United Kingdom 2012/13

  6. How does a fire start? • Fuel + Oxidant → Products + Heat Heat Oxidant (air) Fuel

  7. Heat transfer • Conduction • Radiation • Convection

  8. Prevention: identifying ignition risks • Arson • Smoking • Cooking • Electrical • Candles

  9. Protection • Big fires start off as small fires • But remember that a small fire can turn into a big fire very suddenly

  10. Demonstrations

  11. Vertical fire spread Windsor Castle, 1992

  12. Jam Jar Lid

  13. Wood

  14. Nightlight in overload

  15. Nightlight in overload Harrow Court, Stevenage 2005

  16. Floating Candle

  17. Vertical fire spread - stair carpet test

  18. Fire spread on vertical surfaces Stardust nightclub in Artane, Dublin, 1981 - flashover recreation

  19. Electricity can cause fires

  20. Fire of London – Spread across Roofs

  21. Fire of London – Spread across rubble

  22. Floating Teabag

  23. Fire extinguisher or fire blanket use DO NOT • Put yourself in danger • Risk losing your escape route • Attempt to extinguish a big fire • Protect property unless you are certain it is safe to do so

  24. Fire extinguisher or fire blanket use DO USE AN EXTINGUISHER OR FIRE BLANKET • To protect life • To ensure you have a way out • If it is safe to do so – if you are certain you have a way out • If the fire is small

  25. Thank you and any remaining Questions Michael Walford Chemist Reaction to Fire - Passive BRE Global T: +44 (0) 1923 664927 E: BRE, Garston, Watford WD25 9XX, UK

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