problem definition review

Problem Definition Review Solar Sail Senior Design Project P18101 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Problem Definition Review Solar Sail Senior Design Project P18101 Review Meeting Outline Main Objective: Finalize Project Definition and Requirements 1. Background & Current State 2. Problem Statement 3. Use Cases 4. Customer Needs

  1. Problem Definition Review Solar Sail Senior Design Project P18101

  2. Review Meeting Outline Main Objective: Finalize Project Definition and Requirements 1. Background & Current State 2. Problem Statement 3. Use Cases 4. Customer Needs & Engineering Requirements 5. Critical Challenges & Risks 6. Draft Project Plan 7. Further Questions & Discussion

  3. Background and Current State • Planetary Society Solar Sail • NASA Solar Sail Demonstrator (‘Sunjammer’) • NASA NEA Scout Image Courtesy of the Planetary Society

  4. Problem Statement Objective- Design a CubeSat-based solar sail deployment mechanism that is able to interact and integrate with other cubesats ◦ Potential use cases include research missions, deorbiting of space debris, and so on ◦ Compliant with CubeSat regulations

  5. Use Cases

  6. Customer Needs

  7. Engineering Requirements

  8. Key Risks & Design Challenges 1. Location with adequate space for testing 2. Sail material Selection 3. Boom mechanism stability 4. Minimize moment created 5. Budget space for control system (button, communication, sail controls) 6. Double design for air brake as well as solar sail 7. Durability during launch 8. Designing for CubeSat specs 9. Attachment of sail to boom 10. Folding pattern 11. Electrical hardware designed for outer space

  9. Risk Assessment Top 5 Risks (By Team Assessment of Importance)

  10. Draft MSD I Project Plan Timeline 1. Solar Sail Material 2. Button Deployment 3. Sail Folding 4. Deployment Mechanism 5. Model Final Design

  11. Questions for You ● CubeSat Manufacturing timeline? 1U and 2U? ● Exact operating altitude and conditions

  12. Questions and Discussion ?

  13. Picture Websites ● &sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwin-Jfc36TWAhUH4YMKHfJmBdgQsAQIQA&biw=1536&bih=79 8#imgrc=9EADJbc00BORQM: ● ● &sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjDmaCF4aTWAhXHy4MKHdYPC0kQ7AkIWw&biw=1536&bih =798#imgrc=pJ8KZApjnsg7UM:


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