Advanced Workshop on Cosmological Structures from Reionization to Galaxies – Trieste, Italy Probing the reionization process and its sources with Line Intensity Mapping Marta Silva
The high redshift Universe 12 10 8 Column 1 6 Column 2 Column 3 4 2 0 Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4
Intensity mapping during the EoR HI – 21cm line IGM Santos et al. 2010 Neutral gas (MNRAS, 46, 2421 ) CO Molecular gas Gong et al. 2011 (ApJ, 726, L46) CII Galaxies PDRs / Ionized gas Gong et al. 2011 / boundary of (ApJ, 745, 49) molecular clouds Silva et al. 2014 (arxiv:1410.4808) Lyα + Recombining gas Silva et al. 2012 (ApJ, 763, 2) Cross correlating with the 21 cm line Gong et al. 2014 (ApJ, 785, 72)
The intensity mapping technique Line intensity map Galaxies
The simulations: Simfast21 code Linear Density Field Non Linear Density Halos CO Intensity maps Field Ionization SFR Field 21 cm Intensity maps 21 cm Intensity maps Ly α Intensity maps CII Intensity maps
Model and simulating [CII] 157.7 μ m emission Ionized carbon emission f CII = 1900GHz (z~8.5 to 5.5) →f o ~ 200–300 GHz
PDRs/Ionized CII emission gas λ CII =157.7 μ m E ion (C)=11.26 eV UV(6-13.6eV) Molecular Clouds PDRs ISM IGM HII regions
CII intensity: PDRs λ CII =157.7 μ m PDR Cooling lines: CII, CI,OI,SiII, FeII (Boselli et al. UV(6-13.6e 2002) V) Local Universe Heating CII DUST Kennicutt (1998) +Cardiel et al. (2003) FIR(1μm-200 μm)
CII luminosity HII regions Silva et al. 2014
CII luminosity: PDRs λ CII =157.7 μ m PDR Cooling lines: CII, CI,OI,SiII, FeII (Boselli et al. 2002) UV(6-13.6e Local Universe V) Heating CII DUST Kennicutt (1998) +Cardiel et al. (2003) FIR(1μm-200 μm)
CII luminosity Silva et al. 2014
CII Intensity HII regions PDR Silva et al. 2014
CII Intensity mapping experiment CII TIME Gong et al. 2011 (Tomographic Ionized-carbon (ApJ, 745, 49) Mapping Experiment) Silva et al. 2014 (arxiv:1410.4808) Wide-band imaging spectrometer using large arrays of direct detectors
21cm/CII c ross correlation freq:200-300 GHz df = 0.4 GHz Negative ang = 1.3 deg correlation δang = 4x10 -3 deg
21cm/CII cross correlation P 21,CII = I 21 I CII b 21 b CII P δδ
Foregrounds in CII Intensity Maps: ν CII ≈ 1900GHz Line emission: Intensity Larger Larger than the than the Intensity CO(J=2-1),...,CO(J=10-9) CII signall CII signall ν CO (J=1-0) ≈ Jx115GHz Intensity smaller smaller than than Intensity OI[145μm], NII[122μm], NII[205μm] and CI[610μm] the CII signal the CII signal Continuum emission: Stellar emission Free-free Spectraly smooth Spectraly smooth Free-bound component can be component can be T wo photon removed along each removed along each Dust emission line of sight line of sight Emission from the Milky Way Yue et all. 2015 Yue et all. 2015
CO contamination in CII intencity maps CO transitions: υ ( CO J ) ≈ J x 115.271GHz J-1 → υ ( CII ) ≈ 1900 GHz
Molecular CO luminosity Gas/star formation HI Cold gas Helium Hydrogen H 2 CO Silva et al. 2014 Gong et al. 2010 Based in the galaxy catalogs from: Obreschkow et al. 2009b,2009c DeLucia et al. 2006
ν CII ≈ 1900GHz CII foregrounds: ν CO (J=J-1) ≈ J х 115GHz Removing CO contamination CO(J=2-1),...,CO(J=6-5) freq:200-300 GHz Power spectra of CII emission assuming <10% df = 0.4 GHz Masking 4 observationally based models ang = 1.3 deg δang = 6.67x10 -3 deg
Summary Reionization can be probed with several emission Reionization can be probed with several emission lines ex: 21cm, CO , CII , Lyα, … α, … lines ex: 21cm, CO , CII , Ly Intensity mapping of emission lines may show to be Intensity mapping of emission lines may show to be a more promising tool to study the EoR than a more promising tool to study the EoR than individual observations of galaxies individual observations of galaxies Intensity mapping of several lines can be used to Intensity mapping of several lines can be used to improve constrains on several astrophysical and improve constrains on several astrophysical and cosmological parameters cosmological parameters Cross-correlation of CO, Lyα or CII lines and α or CII lines and the 21 the 21 Cross-correlation of CO, Ly cm linel can help with foregrounds and provide cm linel can help with foregrounds and provide information about the ionization process information about the ionization process
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