prioritization 6 0 workgroup meeting 8

Prioritization 6.0 Workgroup Meeting #8 April 29, 2019 Desired - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Wireless Access: RTPguest (May have to open web browser) Prioritization 6.0 Workgroup Meeting #8 April 29, 2019 Desired Meeting Outcomes Reach consensus on Aviation scoring Reach consensus on Highway Modernization Weights

  1. Wireless Access: “RTPguest” (May have to open web browser) Prioritization 6.0 Workgroup Meeting #8 April 29, 2019

  2. Desired Meeting Outcomes • Reach consensus on Aviation scoring • Reach consensus on Highway Modernization Weights • Reach consensus on Bicycle/Pedestrian scoring • Reach agreement on Highway Criteria/Weights • Celebrate the conclusion of P6.0 Workgroup! 2

  3. Agenda • Subcommittee Updates - Highway, Bike/Ped , Aviation • Aviation Improvements and Criteria/Weights • Highway Modernization Default Weights • Merging of Bike/Ped and Public Transportation Divisions • Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements and Criteria/Weights • Highway Criteria/Weights • On-Going Prioritization Committee • Workgroup Plus/Delta Exercise 3

  4. Logistics • Restrooms • Wifi • Parking Lot • Lunch $ 4

  5. Highway Subcommittee Update

  6. Highway Subcommittee Update Met on Wednesday, April 17 th : • Pavement Data options • Modernization Default Weights • Freight Priority Network • Multimodal Criteria and Measures 7

  7. Bike/Ped Subcommittee Update

  8. Bike/Ped Subcommittee Update Met on Wednesday, April 17 th : • ATLAS Safety Risk Analysis final input/output • Safety Benefit table • ATLAS Points of Interest categories to use • Connection Points • How Accessibility and Connectivity are scored together 9

  9. Aviation Subcommittee Update

  10. Aviation Subcommittee Update Met on Friday, April 12 th : • New proposed Constructability Index criteria • Messaging of process changes 11

  11. Aviation Improvements and Criteria/Weights

  12. Division of Aviation Report to STI P6.0 Workgroup Bobby Walston, NCDOT Director of Aviation April 29, 2019

  13. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Report from Aviation to P6.0 Workgroup • Issues & Recommendations – Prescreening – Project Eligibility – Non-State Contribution Index – Benefit-Cost Criterion – New Constructability Index – Criteria Scoring Weights – Summary • Questions 21

  14. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Prescreening Process Issue : Some current STI Aviation projects may not be able to get FAA approval on purpose and need. Recommendations: • DoA will improve process to screen and vet projects for justification prior to STI submission. This may include requiring a DoA approval letter with each project submittal. • DoA will develop a plan for communicating the new process to airports. • Likely have to wait until P7.0 for implementation due to P6.0 project submittal schedule. DoA will evaluate P6.0 projects after submittal but prior to scoring. 22

  15. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Project Eligibility Issue : Need to revise the requirements that determine the type of projects eligible for STI. Recommendation: Remove system plan goal requirement and expand eligible projects to include projects that increase the capacity of the airport and/or modernize the airport. With counties and municipalities developing P6.0 project lists now, DoA and SPOT Office are developing communications to inform the airports, MPOs, RPOs and divisions of this anticipated change. 23

  16. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Aviation Non-State Contribution Index Non-State Contribution Index = Total non-state funding sources Total state funding Issue : Scaling greatly skews the scores for this criterion because most GA airports do not provide a non-state contribution. Recommendation: Remove this criterion and incorporate a funding leverage component into the Benefit-Cost criteria. This is similar to Highways and Rail. 24

  17. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Revised Aviation - Benefit Cost Current Total $ Econ. Contribution of Tier * NCDOA Capital Project Rating Measure: Total # of IFR Ops of Tier Cost to NCDOT Notes: ‐ Includes direct, indirect and induced economic contributions for each airport ‐ Uses averaged Economic Contribution for all airports within each Tier ‐ Uses average number of total IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) operations by Tier Recommended Measure: $ Econ. Contribution of Airport x NCDOA Capital Total # of IFR Ops of Airport Project Rating + Other Funds x 100 Cost to NCDOT Total Project Cost Notes: ‐ Includes direct, indirect and induced economic contributions for each airport ‐ Uses the Economic Contribution and IFR operations of the airport ‐ Use average IFR Ops of airport color tier for the 5 +/ ‐ airports that do not have ops. ‐ Includes a funding leverage component to increase score for all other funds _(non ‐ federal or non ‐ state funds) committed to the project ‐ Funding leverage will not be capped or scaled 25

  18. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report New Criterion Issue : Need to develop a new criterion to replace the Non-State Contribution Index. Recommendation: Develop a new Constructability Index. 26

  19. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Proposed Constructability Index Purpose: Measures project constructability Measure: Each project and airport metric receives a score for meeting the stated metric. • Project has 90% design complete at project submission • Project has final environmental document complete at project submission • Land acquisition requirement • Project meets system plan goals • Airport DoA Financial Risk Factor Rating [1 to 25 points] • Airport has clear approach for each end of primary runway • Airport has a legally enforceable protection zone 27

  20. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Proposed Constructability Index • Airport has clear approach for each end of primary runway – points increase for each item • Has “close in” obstructions • No “close in” obstructions • No obstructions within Runway Safety Area, including FAA compliant measures • No obstructions within threshold siting surface • No obstructions within Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77 • Airport has a legally enforceable protection zone • Does not have legally enforceable protection zone • Has legally enforceable protection zone, but does not meet Part 77 • Legally enforceable protection zone that meets Part 77 28

  21. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Proposed Constructability Index Airport DoA Financial Risk Factor Rating • Monitors federal award subrecipients to ensure reasonable assurance that the subrecipient administers federal awards in compliance with laws, regulations, and the provisions of contracts or grant agreements and that performance goals are achieved. DoA applies the federal guidelines to state awards. • Per the Office of Management and Budgets Uniform Guidance, subrecipients may be evaluated as higher risk or lower risk to determine the need for closer monitoring. • Possible Risk Factors  History of non-compliance  New personnel  New or substantially changed systems 29

  22. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Proposed Constructability Index Airport DoA Financial Risk Factor Rating 30

  23. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Proposed Constructability Index Airport DoA Financial Risk Factor Rating 31

  24. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Proposed Constructability Index Funding Category Proposed Criteria Weight Statewide Mobility 10% Regional Impact 10% Division Needs 5% Maximum % of Total Item Subtotal No. of Points Criteria Score Project design complete (90% complete at submission of project) 100 30% Project final environmental document complete at submission of project 80 24% Land acquisition 60 18% 0 Construction project and requires land acquisition 60 Construction project and does not requires land acquisition 60 Land acquisition only project Project meets system plan goals 40 12% No 0 Only exceeds 20 Meets or meets and exceeds 40 Airport DoA Financial Risk Factor Rating (25 points - the rating score) 25 7% Airport has clear approach for each end of primary runway 20 6% Has “close in” obstructions 0 No “close in” obstructions 3 No obstructions within RSA, including FAA compliant measures 7 No obstructions within threshold siting surface 9 No obstructions within Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77 10 Airport has a legally enforceable protection zone 10 3% Does not have a legally enforceable protection zone 0 Has a legally enforceable protection zone but does not meet Part 77 5 Legally enforceable protection zone meets Part 77 10 32 Total 335 100%

  25. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Recommended Aviation Scoring Statewide Regional Division Mobility Impact Needs Criteria Measure (100%) (70%) (50%) NCDOA Project NCDOA Project Rating 40% 30% 25% Rating 10% 5% FAA ACIP FAA Airport Capital Improvement 10% Rating Plan (ACIP) rating 30% 15% Total Economic Contribution/ Benefit/Cost 20% 15% 10% Cost to NCDOT 30% 20% Constructability Measures Project Constructability 5% Index 10% 10% 33

  26. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Summary • Remove system plan goal requirement and expand eligible projects to include projects that increase the capacity of the airport and/or modernize the airport. • Replace Non-State Contribution Index with new Constructability Index • Incorporate a funding leverage component into the Benefit-Cost criteria • Revise the scoring percent weights of the FAA ACIP Rating and Constructability Index (formally Non-State Contribution Index) for the Statewide Mobility and Regional Impact tiers 34

  27. Aviation STI P6.0 Work Group Report Questions? Bobby Walston Director of Aviation 919 814 0573 | 35


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