Primary Care Network Development Fund 3 December 2019 Primary Care Committee 1
Purpose The purpose of this paper is: to outline the background to the development support fund and support domains • to describe the process of engagement with PCNs to identify maturity development needs • To highlight the support requirements identified in Kingston against the maturity matrix • and present a recommendation to PCCC regarding the release of funding to support PCN • development. 2
Matrix and Domains Prospectus Support Maturity Matrix Domains The maturity matrix was developed by NHS England and • tailored to meet the SWL local circumstances in order to support system and network leaders The five areas in the maturity matrix are as follows: • 1. Leadership, planning and partnerships 2. Use of data and population health management 3. Integrating care 4. Managing Resources 5. Working with people and communities These areas will then tackle the prospectus domains (pictured right). 3
Development & Support Funding New dedicated PCN support funding of £43.5 million was announced by NHS England • South West London STP was allocated £1.134 million for PCN development across 6 CCGs in July 2019 • The CCG was allocated, and has now received, £143,120 for PCN development across five PCNs • National funding should be used in 19/20 for two purposes: • PCN Development Clinical Director Support Development (10%) 4
Process December Oct – Nov Sept 2019 June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 2019 2019 •Final maturity •PCNs worked •PCCC asked •New •Draft maturity •CCGs held matrix with Miad to approved dedicated matrix and local template was Healthcare to development PCN support prospectus conversations sent out to all develop a fund spend funding of was with PCNs PCNs to £43.5 million published by about how long list of •Funds to be reflect on initiatives that was released HLP they will released to needs and address to ICS/STP for assess their •CCGs used Federation complete specific PCN PCN maturity via a these with initial development development and support memorandu documents thoughts support in 2019/20 needs m of as guidance •PCNs were needs understandin •SWL was to engage •Meetings with asked to •Engagement g. allocated with PCNs. primary care indicate £1,134,000. leads/directo between the where they CCG and rs were also are, where PCN took organised they want to place to throughout be in a year, ensure the August to what support ask is aligned discuss they need, support and with the and the matrix development estimated requirements needs, as well costs and as any issues. •Prioritisation output list agreed by measures. PCNs. 5
Development Support Initiatives Support Required Output Measures Leadership, planning and partnerships Clinical Director Leadership Development Clinical Directors to access coaching and personal leadership development To identify and implement development support for each clinical director in • support to enhance personal development and leadership within the local order to become a system leader and manage the change process over system. the next five years. The PCN to have an away day and other sessions to develop a shared vision PCN Member Leadership Development for the network, and develop actions for getting there. Develop clinical and • Work with PCN member practices to identify leadership opportunities for managerial leads within PCN and across borough to lead on development member practices / nominated SRO require within the PCN initiates. Organisational Governance Terms of reference, understanding their place within the system, Develop the infrastructure require for PCNs to make decisions in an open, • understanding of the Nolan principles, MOUs. fair and transparent way. Use of data and population health management PCNs to determine what their required need is around population analytics Understanding the needs of the PCN community and what to do with this information. Finding ways to employ population analysis into PCN business as Identify what existing recourses are out there, to determine what products and usual process, and considering how the PCN should be approaching systems are out there, procure the expertise needed to use the data and interpret into a meaningful data in order to make decisions on behalf of their Infrastructure Development community. Integrating care PCN Interfacing and System Connectivity Each PCN to understand the level of clinical system connectivity in place The PCN is starting to build local plans for improving the integration of care • and develop a plan around how this can be enhanced to help support the for their populations, informed by the Long Term Plan, GP contract deliver of network-wide services from April '20. framework and locally agreed system/place priorities. Pilot health PCN Patient Management and Pathways management projects that could lead to development of new pathways Patient health management projects around population analysis of patient across PCN and borough. • that are high users of A&E attendances and prevention around obesity. Managing Resources Primary care, in particular general practice, has the headroom to make and Preparedness for 2020/21 DES requirements implement DES changes in a timely and planned way for 20/21. engagement Backfill for clinical directors to engage with wider system and transformation with project and programmes outside DES requirements and £1.50 funding. Working with people and communities Agreed approach to engaging with local communities and stakeholders Developing new ways to engage with the local population and stakeholders New ways for patient to feedback on local development via practice and Implement a patient feedback/PPG system across PCN PCN 6
Recommendation The PCCC is ask to approve the release of the PCN development Support Funding outlined below: CCG No. of practices Number of PCN List Size PCN Development Support Funding: According to list size Kingston 21 5 211,863 £143,120 Next steps after PCCC approval: - CCG to release funds to Kingston GP Chambers and issue a memorandum of understanding to formalise the transaction - CCG and PCN Clinical Directors to monitor implementation of development support initiatives over remainder of 2019/20. 7
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