text mining social media to study mental and physical

Text-mining Social Media to Study Mental and Physical Well-being - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Text-mining Social Media to Study Mental and Physical Well-being Lyle Ungar University of Pennsylvania What psychological factors drive well-being? And how can social media measure them? wwbp.org Lyle Ungar, University of Pennsylvania

  1. Text-mining Social Media to Study Mental and Physical Well-being Lyle Ungar University of Pennsylvania What psychological factors drive well-being? And how can social media measure them? wwbp.org Lyle Ungar, University of Pennsylvania

  2. <collaborators> Andy Schwartz u Add andy Lyle H Ungar, University of Pennsylvania

  3. Method 3 Lyle H Ungar, University of Pennsylvania

  4. Predict and understand well-being u Individual personality and well-being l 70,000 Facebook users posts l age, sex, personality questionnaire results u Community well-being l Billions of tweets, mapped to county l County-level happiness and disease rates 4 Lyle H Ungar, University of Pennsylvania

  5. Males 5 Lyle H Ungar, University of Pennsylvania

  6. Females 6 Lyle H Ungar, University of Pennsylvania

  7. Twitter predicts SWL 7 Lyle H Ungar, University of Pennsylvania

  8. Twitter Predicts CVD 8 Lyle H Ungar, University of Pennsylvania

  9. Predictors of CVD 9 Lyle H Ungar, University of Pennsylvania

  10. Twitter predicts CVD 10 Lyle H Ungar, University of Pennsylvania

  11. Thank you!!! Questions? More at wwbp.org 11 Lyle H Ungar, University of Pennsylvania


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