preve prevention ntion of of dro dropout pout in vo in

Preve Prevention ntion of of Dro Dropout pout in Vo in Vocatio - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Detection The Detection of D of Dropout Risk at an Early ropout Risk at an Early Stage: Stage: An Innovat An Innovative Approach to ive Approach to the the Preve Prevention ntion of of Dro Dropout pout in Vo in Vocatio cational

  1. The Detection The Detection of D of Dropout Risk at an Early ropout Risk at an Early Stage: Stage: An Innovat An Innovative Approach to ive Approach to the the Preve Prevention ntion of of Dro Dropout pout in Vo in Vocatio cational Training nal Training Andreas Frey and Jean-Jacques Ruppert

  2. Qualification Qualification of of Vocation Vocational Training al Training Profe Professi ssiona onals ls for for the Ide the Identification ntification and and Coun Counselling selling of of Trainees with Trainees with a High a High Dropou Dropout Risk t Risk

  3. Defin Definition ition of dr of dropo opout ut The EU The EU defines defines dropouts dropouts as as young young peop people le between 18 between 18 and and 24 24 who who have have only only a secondar secondary level evel 1 education education and and are are not not in in education education or or training training

  4. Definition of dro Definition of dropout pout prema pr ematu ture re te termina rmination tion of of co cont ntra ract ct - befor before the the educ educationa ational/ l/tra training ining object objective ive has has been been reac reached hed - ter termination mination of of cont contract ract by by tra trainee inee or or trainer trainer

  5. Dro Dropou pout rates in t rates in Euro Europe pe Early lea Early leaver vers from educa s from education tion and training aged 18-24 (%) and training aged 18 24 (%) eurostat euros tat 11.04.2013 11.04.2013

  6. Dro Dropou pout rates in t rates in Euro Europe pe Early lea Early leaver vers from educa s from education tion and training aged 18-24 (%) and training aged 18 24 (%) eurostat euros tat 11.04.2013 11.04.2013

  7. Conse Conseque quence nces s of dro of dropou pout - personal personal failure failure - ulter ulterior ior integr integration ation into into the the labour labour marke market more more complicated complicated - econ economic omic damag damage to to the the tra training ining compa company ny - less less likely likely to to train train apprent apprentices ices (SM (SME) E)

  8. Dropou Dropout t reasons reasons - bad choice of tra bad choice of training ining profe profession ssion - bad choice of tra bad choice of training ining compa company ny - quality quality of compa of company ny tra training ining not go not good od - lack of professionalism of trainer lack of professionalism of trainers (SME) s (SME) - bad working/t bad working/training raining cond conditions itions

  9. Dropou Dropout t reasons reasons - beha behavioura vioural l issues issues - lacking mat lacking maturity urity - missing missing key comp key competen etences ces - absence absence of contact person of contact person to discuss problems to discuss problems - bad results bad results at sch at school ool - insuffici insufficient ent guidance guidance within within the system the system

  10. Training Training con contrac tracts ts termina terminated prematu ted prematurely rely

  11. Costs and benef Costs and benefits its

  12. Appr Apprentice enticeships ships with a high dropou with a high dropout t rate rate - ca cate tering ring - coo cooking king - be beau auty ty - ha hairdr irdress essing ing

  13. Dropout types Drop out types pre prematu mature re termination ter mination of contr of co ntrat at proc process takes ess takes betwe between en 2 2 weeks weeks and and 8 8 month months

  14. Drop Dropout initiated out initiated by by pre prematu mature re ter termination mination tra trainees inees: 60 60% of co of contr ntrat at tra trainers iners: 30 30% mutual mutual consent consent: 10 10%

  15. When does drop When does dropout occu out occur r ? 4 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd before before training training year year year year year year starts start 4% 4% 60% 60% 25% 25% 10% 10% - identificat identification ion of of drop dropout out risk risk and co and counselling unselling must ta must take place ke place very very early early - prev preventive entive measur measures es must must happ happen en in t in the 1st he 1st year year

  16. The dual training sy The dual training system stem

  17. Trainees’ previous education

  18. Succe Success ss rate rates in final in final exa examinations minations

  19. Dual Dual vocational vocational training training system system combines combines the acquisit the acquisition ion of of know know-how how in a in a training training company company with with the acquisition the acquisit ion of of theoret theoretical ical knowledge knowledge in a in a vocationa vocational l teaching and t teaching and training institution raining institution

  20. Dual Dual vocational vocational training training system system - cost for training companies cost for training companies - invest investment ment - dialogue betw dialogue between social partners and the een social partners and the governme government nt - difficult to difficult to expor export

  21. smk72+ smk72+ - a tool for the a tool for the detection of tr detection of transferable ansferable competences competences in voc in vocation ational tra al training ining - a counselling to a counselling tool ol for the prev for the prevention of dropout ention of dropout

  22. smk72+ smk72+ self-evaluation self evaluation and and external external evaluations evaluations on on: - soc social ial & meth method odolog ological ical co compe mpeten tence ces (71 71 items) items) - pe person rsonal al co compe mpeten tence ces (31 31 items) items) - 17 17 dimen dimensions sions - dro dropo pout ut risks risks and and li like kely ly rea reason sons

  23. smk72+ smk72+ - online online surv survey ey - real real-time time computat computation ion of of results results and and feedback feedback - empir empirical ical basis basis for for individ individual ual coun counselling selling - very very good good criteria criteria of of validity validity

  24. methodologica method ological so social cial personal perso nal comp competenc etences es comp competenc etences es comp competenc etences es - au auto tono nomy my - mot motivation ivation - an analytica alytical l skill skills - co commun mmunicat ication ion skill skills - cu curiosity riosity - re reflexivity flexivity - co co-op oper erat ation ion - sen sense se of of du duty ty - flexibili flexibility ty - lead leader ership ship - ser seren enity, ity, ca calm lm - goal goal-or orient iented ed be beha haviour viours - co conflict nflict re resolut solution skill ion skills - emp empat athy hy - work working te ing tech chniqu niques es - ap appr prop opriate riate be beha haviour viours - soc social re ial respo sponsibili nsibility ty

  25. Conc Conclusions lusions - talks with talks with tra trainees with inees with a a high dro high dropout pout risk risk confirm confirm that that a a deficit deficit in c in conflict onflict reso resolution lution compe competenc tences es and and a a deficit in deficit in communication communication skills skills with with trainers trainers const constitute itute a major a major prob problem lem

  26. Con Conclusion clusions - bad marks bad marks and and loss loss of intere of interest st in t in the pro he profession fession are are the mos the most t frequ frequent causes for c ent causes for conflict onflict in t in the he tra training compa ining company ny

  27. What is to What is to be done ? be done ?

  28. before bef ore the beg the beginning inning of of training training: more guidance more guidance counselling: counselling: - systema systematic assess tic assessment of co ment of compete mpetences nces - initiate initiate prop proper re er reflection on flection on suitability, suitability, aptit aptitudes udes and self and self-evaluat evaluation ion

  29. before befo re the beg the beginning inning of of training training: more guidance more guidance counselling: counselling: - more an more and d bett better ta er target rgeted ed informat information ion - prac practice tice-based based inter internships nships - socio socio-educational educational accompaniment accompaniment

  30. befo before, re, during during and and afte after the the beg beginning inning of of training training: - training of all training of all the professionals involved i the professionals involved in VET n VET - cooperation among training “places” - collabor collaboration between ation between all all the pr the professionn ofessionnels els - support support and and counselling for all counselling for all the professionnals the professionnals - tar target high drop get high dropout profession out professions


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