Ha dro n Physic s a t J-PARC - c urre nt ha dro n physic s pro g ra ms & future po ssib ility fo r J-PARC HI - M. Na ruki (K yo to Univ.) 2016/ 1/ 20 a t Re ime i WS 1
Co nte nts Introduction Physics programs at the J-PARC Hadron Facility Recent results Near future programs Possibilities in HIC at J-PARC Summary 2
Ha dro n Struc ture composed of quarks and gluons How do they composed to produce its experimentally observed properties? description based on QCD understand degree of freedom and interaction between them QM flux tube diquark meson-baryon 3
Stra ng e ne ss probe to investigate matter QUARK HADRON NUCL E US u d u u 𝑒̅ u d up, down nucleus pion, proton -S 𝑣 � u d s s s strange kaon, hyperon hypernucleus hadron spectroscopy hypernuclear physics 4 exotic hadron
Ha dro n & Nuc le a r Physic s a t J-PARC Hadron Mass Strangeness Physics double- Λ Pentaquark Θ + φ (1020) Ξ hypernuclei in 12 C(K - ,K + ) Λ He 6 Λ d SKS s MC u Λ,Ξ u d K1.8 KL K1.8BR K1.1 production target Λ (1405) in d(K ‒ -,n) MC kaonic nuclei 5 Charmed Baryon spectroscopy
Be a m line spe c ific a tio ns Name Particles P max Intensity π , K, p̅ 10 6 K - ’s K1.8 2.0 GeV/c π , K, p̅ 10 6 K - ’s K1.8BR 1.1 GeV/c KL neutral K π , K, p̅ 10 6 K - ’s K1.1BR 0.8 GeV/c π , K, p̅ 10 6 K - ’s K1.1 1.1 GeV/c new 10 10 p High-p proton 31 GeV/c π /K/ p̅ 10 6 K - ’s High-p 20 GeV/c secondary (unseparated.) 𝑡 = 2.2 GeV 𝑡 = 6.2 GeV in 20GeV/c π p/Kp reactions 6
Curre nt Ha dro n Physic s Pro g ra ms Hadron Physics Exotics multiquark systems pentaquark Θ + H dibaryon : J.K. Ahn’s talk on Tuesday hadronic molecular states Λ(1405) kaonic nuclei Dilepton 7
E xo tic s : Re c e nt Re sults Search for pentaquark Θ + d σ /d Ω =0.28μb/sr (lab.) Γ <0.36MeV Search for kaonic nuclei k − pp in π /K-induced reactions Sakuma-san’s talk on Monday Spectral information of Λ (1405) p( π − ,K − ) PRL109(2012)132002 3 He(K − ,n)X : PTEP 2015, 061D01 d( π +,K+), PTEP (2015) 021D01 8
T o wa rd Ba ryo n Spe c tro sc o py charmed baryon spectroscopy (E50) at the newly constructed high-momentum beamline talk by K. Shirotori-san on Monday Missing mass spectroscopy: D * − π − 20GeV/c π − + p → Y c * + + D* − D * ( q : mom. transfer) sensitivity : 0.1nb u c Λ c (2880) L Λ c (2595) Λ c (2625) Λ c (2940) Λ c @ 1 nb “ud” Σ c (2800) “ud” Σ c (2765) p Σ c (2520) + Y c Σ c (2455) • Cascades can be also studied with E50 spectrometer. 9
Dile pto n Me a sure me nt previous experiment KEK-PS E325 near future experiment : J-PARC E16 10
HI C vs. Co ld Nuc le a r Ma tte r • extreme condiction at high temperature • convolution of space-time evolution HIC Critical point T c ~ 170 MeV Color Hadron Gas e - Superconductor e + φ nuc le i e - μ • partial restoration of CS at normal nuclear e + density • cold nuclear matter : stable system 11
Dilepton measurement in pA φ X KEK-PS E325 1.75< βγ (Fast) βγ <1.25 (Slow) 1.25< βγ <1.75 Small Nucleus Large Nucleus 12 Rejected at 99% confidence level R. Muto et al. , PRL 98(2007)042501
Di-e le c tro n me a sure me nt a t J-PARC vector meson production in 30GeV/c p+A high rate capability ~10 7 interaction GEM Tracker electron ID : HBD + Lead Glass Calorimeter Large Acceptance (5 X E325) high statistics & high mass resolution systematic study of in-medium mass velocity dependence A dependence (p Pb) 13
E xpe c te d Sig na ls momentum dependence of mass invariant mass spectra 14
HI C vs. c o ld nuc le a r ma tte r He avy Ion Collisions Critical point RHIC T c ~ 170 MeV SPS Quark Gluon Plasma Hadron Gas Color Superconductor AB HADE S KE K/ J-PARC/ JL Neutron Stars Baryon Density nuc le i 15
Re c e nt Hype rnuc le a r E xpe rime nts J-PARC E13 : Hosomi-san’s talk on Tuesday J-PARC E05 : pilot run last autumn 4He(K − , π− ) 4 Λ H , PRL 115, 222501 (2015) CH 2 (K − ,K + ) Ξ − 2015 Autumn, E05 pilot run 6000 Ξ /day 16
π Κ Summa ry o f Sta g e -2 E xp. 30 days now 3kW 10kW 25kW 50kW 270kW E05 E19 Ξ -Hypernucleus (priority 1) Search for Pentaquark Θ + K1.8 E07 E03 E10 X rays from Ξ - Atom Double neutron rich Λ -Hypernuclei Strangeness with Emulsion E27 E13 Search for K-pp Gamma-ray spectroscopy of light hypernuclei (priority 2) E17 Kaonic 3He K1.8BR E15 deeply bound kaonic nucleus 17 E31 spectral information of Λ (1405)
Ha dro n Physic s a t J-PARC HI Structure of Hadron production rate <-> structure Dilepton spectral information at high density Nuclear Physics : Hypernuclei production of hypernuclei which is not significantly produced in elementary productions 19
Struc ture o f Ha dro n Experimental Approaches properties such as mass, width decay pattern reaction rate Reactions reactions between hadrons at low/mid-energies production rate in HIC production rate 20
Suppre ssio n o f Λ (1520) Measured Λ (1520)/ Λ (1115) is smaller than thermal model prediction coalescence model works taking into account the p-wave state of strange quark in Λ (1520) 0.5~0.6, Y. Kanada-En’yo & Müller, PRC 74 (2006) 061901(R) coalescence factor : s-wave : 0.360 p-wave : 0.093 d-wave : 0.029 21 STAR, PRL97 (2006)132301
Pro duc tio n Ra te b a se d o n Sta tistic a l Mo de l 2q/3q configurations are in the range of 0.2 ~ 2 (gray zone). ExHIC, PRL 106 (2011) 212001 0.2~2 22
q ua rk / mo le c ula r c o a le sc e nc e yield of compact multiquark states ~1/10 of normal 2q/3q, since the coalescence of additional quarks is suppressed. molecular states larger yields from coalescence model compared with that of statistical model large yield of loosely bound states large size <-> large coalescence probability cf. Λ (1405) as a deeply bound state has the smaller yield production rate in HIC may be a good tool to approach the structure of hadron 23
Stra ng e ne ss Pro duc tio n agree with the statistical model ratios to pions seem to be enhanced at the J-PARC energies. S=-1 Λ / π ~ 0.1 S=-2 Ξ / π ~ 0.01 S=-3 Ω / π ~ 0.001 at maximum 𝑡 𝑂𝑂 J-PARC HI X. Zhu et al., JoP C.S.509(2014)012004 24
Hype rnuc le a r Pro duc tio n in HI C at RHIC/LHC energies : yields are consistent with the statistical model HypHI exp. 6Li + 12C @ 2.7GeV : 3 Λ H ~4μb FOPI exp. Ni + Ni @ 2.67GeV 3 Λ H/ Λ ~ 0.52 HypHI STAR Au+Au@200GeV ALICE Pb+Pb@2.76TeV FOPI 25
Hype rnuc le a r Pro duc tio n Cross Section ~ GeV/c π + C K + 12 Λ C : ~ 10μb/sr ~ GeV/c K + C K + 12 Ξ Be : ~ 0.1μb/sr ~ GeV/c A + C 3 Λ H + X : ~0.1μb Andronic et al., PLB697(2011)203 5 AGeV A + A in the coalescence model single- Λ hypernuclei ~μb double- Λ hypernuclei 0.1nb Ξ hypernucleai ~ 10nb Statistical Model : largest yield is expected at J-PARC HI especially for double- Λ hypernuclei 10 6 K beam * 1% target : 10 4 int. 10 10 A beam * 0.1% target : 10 7 int. J-PARC HI 26
Summa ry The operation of the J-PARC Hadron Facility has been successfully resumed and a variety of results has been reported. search for Θ Kpp productions in meson-induced reactions hypernuclei Dilepton measurement & Charmed baryon spectroscopy will be performed at the high- momentum beamline being newly constructed. Future progress & complimentary studies are expected in the J-PARC HI project. 27
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