ha dro n physic s a t j parc

Ha dro n Physic s a t J-PARC - c urre nt ha dro n physic s pro g ra - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ha dro n Physic s a t J-PARC - c urre nt ha dro n physic s pro g ra ms & future po ssib ility fo r J-PARC HI - M. Na ruki (K yo to Univ.) 2016/ 1/ 20 a t Re ime i WS 1 Co nte nts Introduction Physics programs at the J-PARC

  1. Ha dro n Physic s a t J-PARC - c urre nt ha dro n physic s pro g ra ms & future po ssib ility fo r J-PARC HI - M. Na ruki (K yo to Univ.) 2016/ 1/ 20 a t Re ime i WS 1

  2. Co nte nts  Introduction  Physics programs at the J-PARC Hadron Facility  Recent results  Near future programs  Possibilities in HIC at J-PARC  Summary 2

  3. Ha dro n Struc ture  composed of quarks and gluons  How do they composed to produce its experimentally observed properties?  description based on QCD  understand degree of freedom and interaction between them QM flux tube diquark meson-baryon 3

  4. Stra ng e ne ss probe to investigate matter QUARK HADRON NUCL E US u d u u 𝑒̅ u d up, down nucleus pion, proton -S 𝑣 � u d s s s strange kaon, hyperon hypernucleus hadron spectroscopy hypernuclear physics 4 exotic hadron

  5. Ha dro n & Nuc le a r Physic s a t J-PARC Hadron Mass Strangeness Physics double- Λ Pentaquark Θ + φ (1020) Ξ hypernuclei in 12 C(K - ,K + ) Λ He 6 Λ d SKS s MC u Λ,Ξ u d K1.8 KL K1.8BR K1.1 production target Λ (1405) in d(K ‒ -,n) MC kaonic nuclei 5 Charmed Baryon spectroscopy

  6. Be a m line spe c ific a tio ns Name Particles P max Intensity π , K, p̅ 10 6 K - ’s K1.8 2.0 GeV/c π , K, p̅ 10 6 K - ’s K1.8BR 1.1 GeV/c KL neutral K π , K, p̅ 10 6 K - ’s K1.1BR 0.8 GeV/c π , K, p̅ 10 6 K - ’s K1.1 1.1 GeV/c new 10 10 p High-p proton 31 GeV/c π /K/ p̅ 10 6 K - ’s High-p 20 GeV/c secondary (unseparated.) 𝑡 = 2.2 GeV  𝑡 = 6.2 GeV in 20GeV/c π p/Kp reactions 6

  7. Curre nt Ha dro n Physic s Pro g ra ms Hadron Physics  Exotics  multiquark systems  pentaquark Θ +  H dibaryon : J.K. Ahn’s talk on Tuesday  hadronic molecular states  Λ(1405)  kaonic nuclei  Dilepton 7

  8. E xo tic s : Re c e nt Re sults  Search for pentaquark Θ + d σ /d Ω =0.28μb/sr (lab.) Γ <0.36MeV  Search for kaonic nuclei k − pp in π /K-induced reactions Sakuma-san’s talk on Monday   Spectral information of Λ (1405) p( π − ,K − ) PRL109(2012)132002 3 He(K − ,n)X : PTEP 2015, 061D01 d( π +,K+), PTEP (2015) 021D01 8

  9. T o wa rd Ba ryo n Spe c tro sc o py  charmed baryon spectroscopy (E50) at the newly constructed high-momentum beamline  talk by K. Shirotori-san on Monday Missing mass spectroscopy: D * − π − 20GeV/c π − + p → Y c * + + D* − D * ( q : mom. transfer) sensitivity : 0.1nb u c Λ c (2880) L Λ c (2595) Λ c (2625) Λ c (2940) Λ c @ 1 nb “ud” Σ c (2800) “ud” Σ c (2765) p Σ c (2520) + Y c Σ c (2455) • Cascades can be also studied with E50 spectrometer. 9

  10. Dile pto n Me a sure me nt previous experiment KEK-PS E325 near future experiment : J-PARC E16 10

  11. HI C vs. Co ld Nuc le a r Ma tte r • extreme condiction at high temperature • convolution of space-time evolution HIC Critical point T c ~ 170 MeV Color Hadron Gas e - Superconductor e + φ nuc le i e - μ • partial restoration of CS at normal nuclear e + density • cold nuclear matter : stable system 11

  12. Dilepton measurement in pA  φ X KEK-PS E325 1.75< βγ (Fast) βγ <1.25 (Slow) 1.25< βγ <1.75 Small Nucleus Large Nucleus 12 Rejected at 99% confidence level R. Muto et al. , PRL 98(2007)042501

  13. Di-e le c tro n me a sure me nt a t J-PARC  vector meson production in 30GeV/c p+A  high rate capability ~10 7 interaction  GEM Tracker  electron ID : HBD + Lead Glass Calorimeter  Large Acceptance (5 X E325)  high statistics & high mass resolution  systematic study of in-medium mass  velocity dependence  A dependence (p  Pb) 13

  14. E xpe c te d Sig na ls momentum dependence of mass invariant mass spectra 14

  15. HI C vs. c o ld nuc le a r ma tte r He avy Ion Collisions Critical point RHIC T c ~ 170 MeV SPS Quark Gluon Plasma Hadron Gas Color Superconductor AB HADE S KE K/ J-PARC/ JL Neutron Stars Baryon Density nuc le i 15

  16. Re c e nt Hype rnuc le a r E xpe rime nts  J-PARC E13 : Hosomi-san’s talk on Tuesday  J-PARC E05 : pilot run last autumn 4He(K − , π− ) 4 Λ H , PRL 115, 222501 (2015) CH 2 (K − ,K + ) Ξ − 2015 Autumn, E05 pilot run 6000 Ξ /day 16

  17. π Κ Summa ry o f Sta g e -2 E xp. 30 days now 3kW 10kW 25kW 50kW 270kW E05 E19 Ξ -Hypernucleus (priority 1) Search for Pentaquark Θ + K1.8 E07 E03 E10 X rays from Ξ - Atom Double neutron rich Λ -Hypernuclei Strangeness with Emulsion E27 E13 Search for K-pp Gamma-ray spectroscopy of light hypernuclei (priority 2) E17 Kaonic 3He K1.8BR E15 deeply bound kaonic nucleus 17 E31 spectral information of Λ (1405)

  18. Ha dro n Physic s a t J-PARC HI  Structure of Hadron  production rate <-> structure  Dilepton  spectral information at high density  Nuclear Physics : Hypernuclei  production of hypernuclei which is not significantly produced in elementary productions 19

  19. Struc ture o f Ha dro n  Experimental Approaches  properties such as mass, width  decay pattern  reaction rate  Reactions  reactions between hadrons at low/mid-energies  production rate in HIC  production rate 20

  20. Suppre ssio n o f Λ (1520)  Measured Λ (1520)/ Λ (1115) is smaller than thermal model prediction  coalescence model works taking into account the p-wave state of strange quark in Λ (1520)  0.5~0.6, Y. Kanada-En’yo & Müller, PRC 74 (2006) 061901(R)  coalescence factor : s-wave : 0.360 p-wave : 0.093 d-wave : 0.029 21 STAR, PRL97 (2006)132301

  21. Pro duc tio n Ra te b a se d o n Sta tistic a l Mo de l  2q/3q configurations are in the range of 0.2 ~ 2 (gray zone). ExHIC, PRL 106 (2011) 212001 0.2~2 22

  22. q ua rk / mo le c ula r c o a le sc e nc e  yield of compact multiquark states  ~1/10 of normal 2q/3q, since the coalescence of additional quarks is suppressed.  molecular states  larger yields from coalescence model compared with that of statistical model  large yield of loosely bound states  large size <-> large coalescence probability  cf. Λ (1405) as a deeply bound state has the smaller yield production rate in HIC may be a good tool to approach the structure of hadron 23

  23. Stra ng e ne ss Pro duc tio n  agree with the statistical model  ratios to pions seem to be enhanced at the J-PARC energies.  S=-1 Λ / π ~ 0.1  S=-2 Ξ / π ~ 0.01  S=-3 Ω / π ~ 0.001 at maximum 𝑡 𝑂𝑂 J-PARC HI X. Zhu et al., JoP C.S.509(2014)012004 24

  24. Hype rnuc le a r Pro duc tio n in HI C  at RHIC/LHC energies : yields are consistent with the statistical model  HypHI exp. 6Li + 12C @ 2.7GeV : 3 Λ H ~4μb  FOPI exp. Ni + Ni @ 2.67GeV 3 Λ H/ Λ ~ 0.52 HypHI STAR Au+Au@200GeV ALICE Pb+Pb@2.76TeV FOPI 25

  25. Hype rnuc le a r Pro duc tio n  Cross Section  ~ GeV/c π + C  K + 12 Λ C : ~ 10μb/sr  ~ GeV/c K + C  K + 12 Ξ Be : ~ 0.1μb/sr  ~ GeV/c A + C  3 Λ H + X : ~0.1μb Andronic et al., PLB697(2011)203  5 AGeV A + A in the coalescence model  single- Λ hypernuclei ~μb  double- Λ hypernuclei 0.1nb  Ξ hypernucleai ~ 10nb  Statistical Model : largest yield is expected at J-PARC HI especially for double- Λ hypernuclei  10 6 K beam * 1% target : 10 4 int.  10 10 A beam * 0.1% target : 10 7 int. J-PARC HI 26

  26. Summa ry  The operation of the J-PARC Hadron Facility has been successfully resumed and a variety of results has been reported.  search for Θ  Kpp productions in meson-induced reactions  hypernuclei  Dilepton measurement & Charmed baryon spectroscopy will be performed at the high- momentum beamline being newly constructed.  Future progress & complimentary studies are expected in the J-PARC HI project. 27


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