parc recommendations and staff responses

PARC Recommendations and Staff Responses Eastern Commerce CI Historic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Staff Response to PARC Recommendations PARC Recommendations and Staff Responses Eastern Commerce CI Historic Enrolment PARC Recommendation #1: 1000 That Eastern Commerce CI be 800 Grade 9 closed, effective September Enrolment 600 cancelled

  1. Staff Response to PARC Recommendations PARC Recommendations and Staff Responses Eastern Commerce CI Historic Enrolment PARC Recommendation #1: 1000 • That Eastern Commerce CI be 800 Grade 9 closed, effective September Enrolment 600 cancelled 2016. due to low 400 enrolment 200 Staff Response: 0 • Staff supports this recommendation. Enrolment Capacity • Staff is recommending the closure of Eastern Commerce CI, effective 30 June 2016. In 2014-15, student enrolment had dropped to the point where a viable program could not be offered; the few remaining students were placed in receiving schools for the beginning of the current school year. All users and tenants, including Creative Preschool, TDSB Museum and Archives, and Subway Academy 1, will remain in the building. • The June implementation date will allow for administrative updates to internal information systems that occur over the summer. 7

  2. Staff Response to PARC Recommendations PARC Recommendations and Staff Responses PARC Recommendation #2: • That Greenwood SS be relocated into the Danforth CTI building and SOLE be relocated into the Monarch Park CI building, effective September 2017. Staff Response: • Staff supports this recommendation. • Staff is recommending that for the start of the 2017-18 school year, Greenwood SS be relocated into a dedicated space in the Danforth CTI building and SOLE be relocated into a dedicated space in the Monarch Park CI building. This recommendation will continue the unique programming of the Greenwood SS and SOLE schools and facilitate the effective use of buildings in the review area. 8

  3. Staff Response to PARC Recommendations PARC Recommendations and Staff Responses PARC Recommendation #3: • That the commercial boundaries for Monarch Park CI and Eastern Commerce CI be removed, effective August 31, 2016. Staff Response: • Staff supports this recommendation. • Staff is recommending that at the end of the current school year, the Monarch Park CI and Eastern Commerce CI commercial boundaries be dissolved. The Monarch Park CI collegiate boundary will become the only attendance boundary for the school. 9

  4. Staff Response to PARC Recommendations PARC Recommendations and Staff Responses PARC Recommendation #4: • That where possible, and in accordance with TDSB policy, potential community hub partners for the secondary schools in this review be identified. Staff Response: • Staff supports this recommendation. • Staff is recommending that TDSB policy and procedure be followed to identify the schools with space for potential community partners and promote such partnerships. With the recommended changes, there will be space available for suitable community partners in some of the area schools. 10

  5. Staff Response to PARC Recommendations PARC Recommendations and Staff Responses PARC Recommendation #5: • That where possible, current tenants and users be maintained in their current school buildings. Staff Response: • Staff supports this recommendation. • Staff is recommending that where possible, existing users and tenants be accommodated within the buildings they are currently located. These include paying tenants, such as daycares, and users who provide a service to the school community. 11

  6. Staff Response to PARC Recommendations PARC Recommendations and Staff Responses PARC Recommendation #6: • That every effort be made to support the unique cultures of the two schools being relocated and to ensure the programs and services currently in place for the students are maintained. Staff Response: • Staff supports this recommendation. • Throughout the PARC, the importance of all the programs serving students in this area was emphasized. Staff is recommending that all programs and services currently serving Greenwood SS and SOLE students remain with them at their new locations. 12

  7. Staff Response to PARC Recommendations PARC Recommendations and Staff Responses PARC Recommendation #7: • That Greenwood SS review its mission statement and TDSB classification. PARC Recommendation #8: • That Eastdale CI review its mission and TDSB classification and pursue potential opportunities for community partnerships. PARC Recommendation #9: • That East York Alternative SS, Subway Academy 1 and SOLE review their mission and vision. Staff Response: • Staff supports the above recommendations. • All alternative schools are required by Board policy to reaffirm the school’s philosophy and mission and values and review the unique needs of the students, parents, and community at least once every five years. • Staff is recommending pursuing potential opportunities for community partnership at Eastdale CI. Staff is also recommending the continued monitoring of the enrolment at Eastdale CI. 13

  8. Staff Response to PARC Recommendations PARC Recommendations and Staff Responses PARC Recommendation #10: • That transition supports are provided for students affected by the above recommendations; these supports include but are not limited to the following: a) Staff plan for as seamless a transiti on as possible for any students who are affected by these decisions with the commitment from staff to communicate during the transition process; b) A transition committee, composed of students, parents, school administrators and staff, be created to be part of the decision making process around implementation details, designs and facilities to meet program needs; c) An opportunity be given to students being relocated to visit the new location prior to the move; d) Staffing levels be maintained at both relocated schools in the first year of transition; 14

  9. Staff Response to PARC Recommendations PARC Recommendations and Staff Responses PARC Recommendation #10 (continued): • That transition supports are provided for students affected by the above recommendations; these supports include but are not limited to the following: e) A dedicated school administrator, a dedicated office staff person and a dedicated School Based Safety Monitor be provided for the relocated Greenwood SS; f) A dedicated office staff person be provided for the relocated SOLE; and, g) A communication plan be developed and implemented by August 2016 that emphasizes the relocation, not closure, of both Greenwood SS and SOLE and includes a website to keep the public informed on all aspects of the transition; information to be available in multiple languages. 15

  10. Staff Response to PARC Recommendations PARC Recommendations and Staff Responses PARC Recommendation #10 (continued): Staff Response: • Staff supports the above recommendations regarding the communication plan and transition supports for the students and schools affected by the recommendations. • Staff is recommending that a transition plan be implemented to ensure all students continue their successes with the TDSB. School staff, with the assistance of staff from the Teaching and Learning department, will monitor the attendance and achievement levels of the Greenwood SS and SOLE students as they continue with their academic studies at the relocated schools. 16


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