a plan of materials irradiation facility at j parc for

A Plan of Materials Irradiation Facility at J-PARC for Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

J-PARC Symposium 2019 23-26 September, 2019 @ Epochal Tsukuba, Japan A Plan of Materials Irradiation Facility at J-PARC for Development of ADS and High-power Accelerator Facilities Fujio MAEKAWA Nuclear Transmutation Division, J-PARC Center,

  1. J-PARC Symposium 2019 23-26 September, 2019 @ Epochal Tsukuba, Japan A Plan of Materials Irradiation Facility at J-PARC for Development of ADS and High-power Accelerator Facilities Fujio MAEKAWA Nuclear Transmutation Division, J-PARC Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency

  2. Partitioning and Transmutation (P-T) Technology Reduction of long-term toxicity 09 10 9 ����� Spent fuel (1t) Spent fuel 10 8 08 ������� High-level waste Potential Toxicity (Sv) Spent Fuel ������ MA transmutation ����� 9 �� 10 7 07 Natural uranium (9t) Reprocessing U � Pu Recycle ���������� 100,000 y 10 6 06 FP � MA Geological disposal 10 5 05 300 y 5,000 y HLW Conventional scheme 10 4 04 (U&Pu recycling) P-T Technology 10 3 03 P&T technology Partitioning 10 2 02 Transmutation 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M MA (Np, Am, Cm) by ADS and/or FR ���������� Elapsed time after reprocessing (years) Utilization and/or PGM (Ru, Rh, Pd) disposal Effective utilization of geological disposal space Geological disposal after Heat generator (Sr, Cs) cooling and/or utilization Geological disposal Remaining elements Conventional geological disposal MA: Minor Actinides FP: Fission Products P-T technology introduced PGM: Platinum Group Metal FR: Fast Reactor ADS: Accelerator Driven System 2 Long-term storage added

  3. Accelerator Driven System (ADS) for MA Transmutation Proton beam Super-conducting LINAC Max. 30 MW 100 MW To accelerator 800 MW 170 MW Fission energy To grid 270 MW Power generation Spallation target Nuclear transmutation by ADS Fission neutrons (LBE) Spallation neutrons Stable & Short-lived nuclei proton MA Spallation target (Pb-Bi: LBE) MA-fueled LBE-cooled subcritical core Utilize chain fission reactions in a sub-critical core Features of ADS: •Chain reactions stop when the accelerator is turned off. •LBE is chemically stable. è High safety is expected. •High MA-bearing fuel can be used. è MA from 10 LWRs can be transmuted. 3

  4. ADS Proposed by JAEA - LBE Target/Cooled Concept - • Proton beam: 1.5 GeV, 20 mA, 30 MW • Spallation target: Pb-Bi eutectic (LBE) • Coolant: LBE Accelerator Fuel cycle • Subcriticality: k eff = 0.97 ü SC Linac ü Partitioning • Thermal output: 800 MWt ü High power ü MA-bearing Fuel ü High Reliability fabrication • Core height: 1000 mm ü Beam control ü Dry reprocessing • MA initial inventory: 2.5 t • Fuel composition: (60%MA + 40%Pu) Mono-nitride • Transmutation rate: 10%MA / Year Reactor structure MA-loaded (=250 kg: MA from 10 units of LWR) ü Beam window subcritical core • Burn-up reactivity swing: 1.8%Δk/k ü Spallation target ü Nuclear design ü LBE handling ü Reactor physics Issues to be studied at J-PARC 4

  5. Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex: J-PARC ² Three accelerators & three experimental facilities have been operating since 2008. ² Experimental facility for transmutation research is under planning . Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan Hadron Experimental Facility Materials & Life Science Experimental Facility 30 GeV Construction site Transmutation Experimental Facility 3 GeV 500 m 400 MeV Neutrino Experimental Facility 3 GeV Synchrotron 50 GeV Synchrotron LINAC (25Hz,1MW) (0.75MW) (330m) 5

  6. Transmutation Experimental Facility (TEF) Program TEF-P: Transmutation Physics TEF-T: ADS Target Test Facility Experimental Facility Purpose : Material Irradiation Purpose : Reactor Physics Category : Radiation Application Category � Critical Assembly Proton Power � 400MeV-250kW Proton Power � 400MeV-10W Target Material � Lead-Bismuth Thermal Output � up to 500W JAEA-Technology 2017-033 DOI:10.11484/jaea-technology-2017-033 J A E A - T e c h n o l DOI:10.11484/jaea-technology-2017-003 o g y 2 0 1 7 - 0 0 3 書 計 J-PARC 核変換実験施設 技術設計書 設 Safety Design Report on J-PARC Transmutation Physics Experimental Facility 全 ) 安 - P (TEF-P) T e c F h n i E c a l T D e s Critical Assembly 設 ( g i n ̶ ADS ターゲッ R e p 施 o r t 験 o n 実 J P - A 理 R C ト試験施設 分離変換技術開発ディビジョン T r a 物 n s m 換 u t a 変 Partitioning and Transmutation Technology Division Multipurpose Area t i o n (TEF-T) — A E x 核 D S p e r i C T a m e ̶ R r g e t n t a l A T e s F a c P t F a i i l t y J - c l i i t y T ( E F T - ) — 核変換ディビジョン Nuclear Transmutation Division 原子力科学研究部門 原子力基礎工学研究センター Nuclear Science and Engineering Center Sector of Nuclear Science Research 原子力科学研究部門 J-PARC センター Sector of Nuclear Science Research J-PARC Center Laser Source 10W Spallation Target M a r c J a p h 2 a n 0 1 7 A t o m i c E n e r g y A g e n 250kW c y 日本原子力研究開発機構 日本原子力研究開発機構 February 2018 Japan Atomic Energy Agency Safety design report Technical design report Proton Beam (JAEA-Technology 2017-033, 383 pages) (JAEA-Technology 2017-003, 539 pages) 6

  7. Overview of TEF-T LBE target system LINAC LBE circulation 3GeV RCS system Target vessel W-E 110 m 2F From LINAC 250 kW Laser charge exchange Target trolley Vacuum vessel 1F Proton beam transport line Now, reorienting the facility concept 32 m high 250 kW LBE target Hot-cell for Target exchange & PIE specimen prep. Beam dump ������ Mechanical room for beam transport Target trolley & B1F to TEF-P LBE circulation system Max. 10 W Service entrance Multi-purpose hall N-S 42 m B2F TEF-P B3F 7

  8. New approach by enhancing computer science Commercial ADS Plant Proton accelerator-driven Subcritical • 30 MW-beam, 800 MW th • Transmute MA from 10 LWR virtual system (PSi) Program Previous program TEF construction • MYRRHA collaboration • Experimental ADS ⇒ MYRRHA ~ 2.4MW-beam, 50~100MW th � Demonstration of ADS technology Demonstration test facility and materials irradiation (in case when it will not be possible to utilize MYRRHA) J-PARC Transmutation Experimental Facility 250kW-beam J-PARC’s • LBE target technology facility • Reactor physics m a r g o r 1.Development of simulation models to predict P i S materials’ irradiation and corrosion effects P 2.Development of design system for ADS plants 3.Data taking for V&V using existing facilities 4.Proton irradiation facility at J-PARC Basic experiment with LBE loops and critical assemblies 8

  9. Surrounding situations ² Development of beam window materials that can be used in the ADS’s severe irradiation environment is one of the most important issues related to the feasibility of ADS. ² In addition to ADS, in recent high-power accelerator facilities such as J- PARC, development of “high-power targets” as well as “high-power accelerators” is of importance. In recent years, along with increasing accelerators’ power, target is sometimes a rate-controlling step to increase the beam power. Radiation damage of such target materials is the most crucial factor. ² Although needs of irradiation for fusion and fission reactor materials are very high, the number of irradiation facilities (accelerators and reactors) are decreasing. ² Although there are many accelerator facilities in the world, facilities in which PIE is possible are scarce. JAEA’s hot laboratories are rather old. ² JAEA is promoting materials development by utilizing computer simulation technology (PSi Program). To validate the simulated results, experimental irradiation data are absolutely necessary. 9

  10. Concept of the new proton irradiation facility Irradiation samples Irradiation samples (fusion & fission) (Accelerators) Pb-Bi PBW TEF-T is the baseline design. LBE target Proton beam Sample specimens � SUS � T91 � � H- beam from Linac 400 MeV , 250 kW Linac side 60 mA Water or He cooling Large components Irradiated components L-TEF BT tunnel handling room storage room Laser charge exchange Linac’s Linac’s 250kW In-cell crane 50 mA � TP+15.3m Hold the concept of TEF-T’s pulse pulse 10W multi-purpose use Irradiated components handling room 500 μs 600 μs 1. Neutron irradiation Target station Eliminate BT- Power upgrade 2. High-energy neutron beam Space for Power manipulator line to TEF-P � TP+0m to TEF-P port Multi-purpose use room accelerator to 360 kW � TP+8.9m LBE target Target trolley 3. Use of a small fraction of the development PIE specimens proton beam (ex. ISOL) for ADS � Hot-labo. � � TEF-P � PIE specimens PIE specimens To JAEA’s Hot-labo. MLF HD NU ��� 10


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