Presented to the Carlington Community Health Centre Board on Tuesday October 17, 2017
Carlington CHC has a 2017/18 budget of $7.5 Million. Funding comes from the LHIN, City of Ottawa, United Way, Trillium, Community Development Framework several other funders. (Break down on next page)
2015/16 =$7.26M LHIN City United Way 2016/17 = $7.00M MCSS Other2 2017/18 = $7.22M 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Expend nditur tures 2017/ 7/18 18 by Depart rtme ment nt Corporate Services Parent Child ACTT Primary Health Care Health Promotion/Counselling
Expens nses by Category gory 2017/ 7/18 18 Budge get Wages/Benefits Occupancy Costs Staff Training/Travel Information Technology Other
Carlington CHC budgeting is overseen by the Director of Corporate Services with the support of the Senior Leadership Team. All Directors are responsible for budgeting and spending within their own Programs. All budget decisions are made by the SLT. Budgets are monitored regularly and then quarterly at SLT and the Finance Committee. For the past couple of years CCHC has budgeted a deficit. This deficit is then managed by SLT and found within current operations from Staff vacancies and leaves.
The LHIN Budget for operations has been frozen for the past 5 years. This has had an impact on operational expenses. In 2016/17 CCHC received Recruitment and Retention funding from the LHIN to address Compensation issues. This was the first time in 5 years that the annual Budget was increased.
CCHC has received One time funding the past couple of years for specific projects, such as the Roof in 2015, IT Hardware in 2016 and 2017 and most recently the HVAC replacement plan in 2017/18. One time funding is not annualized.
Corporate Services has an annual budget of $1.4M. Corporate Services is funded from the LHIN, City of Ottawa and Admin fees. ACTT is funded entirely from the LHIN = $1.5M Primary Health Care has a budget of $2.3M ($951K is for MDs only) and is funded predominantly from the LHIN. It has one program, the PCO, funded from another CHC. Parent Child and the Health Promotion Community Team departments are funded from many different streams.
Parent Child Department has an annual budget of $1.1M. It consists of the Annavale Headstart Nursery School located at the Gowling School. It is funded by the City of Ottawa. Other programs under Parent Child are funded by the LHIN, City of Ottawa, MCYS/MCSS, United Way, and others. Health Promotion Community Team has an annual budget of $1.2M and is funded as follows: LHIN, City of Ottawa, United Way, Trillium, MCYS/MCSS, Community Development Framework, other small grants.
LHIN LHIN City Ad Admin U way MCSS Other her Other her 1 t time Fees CHC funds ds CS CS 52% 52% 7% 7% 17% 17% 24% 24% ACTT 99% 99% 1% 1% PHC 92% 92% 8% 8% PC PC 28% 28% 55% 55% 4% 4% 4% 4% 6% 6% 3% 3% HPCT 41% 41% 20% 20% 4% 4% 9% 9% 26% 26%
LHIN LHIN City Ad Admin United ted MCSS/ Other her Other her 1 time Fees Way MCYS CHC Funds ds CCCH CCCH 68% 68% 1.3% 14.8% 8% 4.4% 1.2% 2% 2% 3.3% 5% 5%
Carlington CHC operates on a year ending March 31. This is the same as the LHIN and Province. At year end we are required to spend all LHIN funding. If it is not spent then it is returned to the LHIN. We are not permitted to carry over any Provincial Funds. However we receive funding from funders that operate under different year ends. The City operates on a calendar year, United Way operates on a June 30 year end. Each of these programs must be reported according to their year end.
At our year end each of the Programs are closed out. The programs that continue past our year end are closed out to the Deferred Revenue account. A journal entry is then posted on April 1 bringing the balance back into the program budget.
Example : A program that operates specifically on a grant of $3910 for wages and program supplies. Budget :Revenue $3910, Wages $3100 Supplies $810. If at March 31 the Net Surplus is $500. Then there is a journal entry to Debit the grant revenue account and credit Deferred Revenue. On April 1, our new Financial Year, an entry is done to Debit Deferred Rev and Credit a revenue account in the Program budget.
We are required to report to the LHIN in different ways. On a yearly basis we complete the Community Annual Planning Submission (CAPS) report that requires Board approval. It is the proposed budget for the next year that rolls into the MSAA, which is a 3 year agreement. At the end of Q2 and Q3, I submit the Self Reporting Initiative (SRI) that is LHIN-Managed and Trial Balance report. At the end of Q4, I submit the TB, SRI and then the Annual Reconciliation Report (ARR) (due at the end of June). The ARR is signed off by the Auditors.
A Balance Sheet, Consolidated Statement of Operations and a Capital Financial statement are submitted quarterly to the Finance Committee. These statements are a consolidated report of all programs and funding.
As per the Financial Policies for CCHC, Tangible Assets acquired with a single unit cost in excess of $5000 are capitalized as fixed assets on the Financial Statements. Items with unit costs less than that are expensed in the year purchased and included in general operations. Capitalized fixed assets are accounted for at their historical cost and all, except land, are subject to depreciation over their estimated life based on our policies.
The Following is a list of estimates useful lives of each category of fixed asset for depreciation purposes (Depreciation is done a straight line basis) Building – 25 years Building Improvements - 10 years Equipment/Furniture – 10 years Computers – 3 years Garage – 25 years
When the purchase of capital assets is funded by specific contributions, these contributions are deferred and amortized to revenue on the same basis as the amortization of the capital assets.
As presented to the Finance Committee and now the Board this evening.
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