presented by maria cecilia c matienzo

Presented by: Maria Cecilia C. Matienzo Division Chief Center for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presented by: Maria Cecilia C. Matienzo Division Chief Center for Device Regulation, Radiation Health and Research Food and Drug Administration Department of Health TOP OPICS ICS The he CDRRHR RHR Func ncti tions ons Medica

  1. Presented by: Maria Cecilia C. Matienzo Division Chief Center for Device Regulation, Radiation Health and Research Food and Drug Administration Department of Health

  2. TOP OPICS ICS • The he CDRRHR RHR • Func ncti tions ons • Medica ical l Device ice Define fined • Regu gulator latory y Contr ntrols ols

  3. The he CDRR RRHR HR

  4. Ma Majo jor r Functions nctions of CDRRH RRHR Regulation of the manufacture, import, export, distribution, promotion, advertisement, and sale of medical devices, radiation devices, and health-related devices Regulation of the use of radiation devices Health technology assessment of medical devices Standards Formulation Post Market Surveillance (Compliance Monitoring)

  5. Main Functions:  Licensing of medical device establishments (distributor/importer/wholesaler/exporter, manufacturer, trader, re-packer  Registration of medical device products  Regulation of advertisements and promotions  Post-market Alert System Reporting [Voluntary]  Develop policies, standards, regulations, and guidelines on the Regulation of medical devices [and other releated devices] in coordination with the PPO

  6. Definition of Medical Device Medical device means any instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, appliance, implant, in vitro reagent or calibrator, software, material or other similar or related article: a) intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings for one or more of the specific purpose(s) of:  diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease,  diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury,  investigation, replacement, modification, or support of the anatomy or of a physiological process,  supporting or sustaining life,  control of conception,  disinfection of medical devices,  providing information for medical or diagnostic purposes by means of in-vitro examination of specimens derived from the human body; and b) which does not achieve its primary intended action in or on the human body by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, but which may be assisted in its intended function by such means.

  7. cotton syringe Condom IUD Tongue depressor stents pacemaker Sanitary napkin Contact lens Contact lens toothbrush Blood bag thermometer Pregnancy solution Test kit Dental implants disinfectant Knee Implant lancets Surgical instruments Surgical drapes dialyzer Blood collection tubes Anaesthesia X-ray machine Laser Infant machine MRI incubator

  8. Regulatory Controls:

  9. Licensing of Medical Device Establishments Classifications of MD Establishments:  Distributor  Manufacturer

  10. Requirements for LTO (Distributor): GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Notarized Petition Form and Joint Affidavit of Undertaking 2. Notarized Electronic Copy (E-copy) Affidavit 3. List of Medical Devices to be imported/distributed 4. Photocopy of the Pharmacist’s Board Registration Certificate, PRC-ID, valid PTR, Duties and Responsibilities, Certificate of attendance of Owner/Pharmacists to a FDA/BFAD seminar on Licensing of Drug/Medical Device Establishments and outlets 5. Location plan and floor plan (office and storage room/warehouse) with dimensions

  11. 6. Photocopy of the Business Name Registration If single proprietorship , registration from the • Department of Trade & Industry If corporation/partnership , registration from • Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) and Articles of Incorporation 7. ID pictures of the Owner/ Authorized Representative and Pharmacist (size: 5cm x 5 cm) 8. Photocopy of notarized valid Contract of Lease for the space of the office and storage to be occupied or any proof of ownership if it is owned by the applicant During inspection: 1. Distribution Records 2. Product Recall Procedures 3. Laws and other References

  12. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: For IMPORTER : 1. Foreign agency agreement with each supplier/source duly authenticated by the Territorial Philippine Consulate 2. Certificate of Registration of the Manufacturer and its conformity with GMP issued by a Government Health Authority or valid ISO Certification for Medical device and duly authenticated by the Territorial Philippine Consulate For WHOLESALER: 1. Notarized valid Contract/Agreement with each FDA(BFAD) licensed supplier/manufacturer 2. Copy of the License to Operate (LTO) of the contracted manufacturer/supplier 3. Copy of the Certificate of Product Registration/Certificate of Exemption of Products to be distributed

  13. For EXPORTER: 1. Notarized valid Contract/Agreement with each FDA(BFAD) licensed supplier/manufacturer 2. Copy of the License to Operate (LTO) of the contracted manufacturer/supplier 3. Copy of the Certificate of Product Registration/Certificate of Exemption of Products to be distributed NOTE: In addition to the hard copy of the abovementioned standard requirements, the client shall also submit an electronic/scanned copy (in PDF Searchable Format at least 300dpi) on a DVD-R of the application. The above stated requirements shall be properly labeled with table of contents indicating the number of pages, divider with ear-tags and place in a White Data Folder .

  14. Requirements for LTO (Manufacturer): For pre-application as Manufacturer/Re-packer: 1. Letter of Intent for pre-site inspection 2. Location Plan of the proposed site GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. Notarized Accomplished Petition Form/Joint Affidavit of Undertaking 2. Notarized Electronic (E-copy) copy Affidavit 3. Photocopy of Business Name Registration • a. For single proprietorship , registration from the Department of Trade & Industry(DTI) • b. For corporation/partnership , registration from Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) and Articles of Incorporation

  15. 4. ID pictures of the Owner / Authorized Representative and Pharmacist (size: 5cm x 5cm) 5. Photocopy of Pharmacist’s Registration Board Certificate, PRC ID, PTR and Duties and Responsibilities of the Pharmacist 6. Photocopy of Certificate of Attendance of the Owner/Pharmacist to an FDA/ BFAD Seminar on Licensing (Manufacturers) 7. Photocopy of notarized valid Contract of Lease of the space/building or any proof of ownership 8. Photocopy of notarized certification of initial capital invested Location Plan/Site (indicate size, location, immediate environment, type of building) 9. List of products to be manufactured/distributed in generic and brand names

  16. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: A. For Manufacturer: 1. Site Information File (SIF) B. For Re-packer: 1. Site Information File (SIF) 2. Notarized valid Contract/Agreement with the Manufacturer/Trader with stipulation that both the Manufacturer/Trader and Re-packer are jointly responsible for the quality of the products. 3. Photocopy of the License to Operate (LTO) of contract of manufacturer/trader

  17. C. For Trader: 1. Notarized valid Contract/Agreement with the Manufacturer/Re-packer with stipulation that both the Manufacturer and/ Re-packer and Trader are jointly responsible for the quality of the products. 2. Floor plan of office and storage area 3. Photocopy of the License to Operate (LTO) of contract manufacturer/re-packer D. For Importer of Raw Materials/Finished Products in Bulk: 1. Foreign Agency Agreement duly authenticated by the Territorial Philippine Consulate 2. Certificate of Status of Manufacturer (CGMP Certificate) issued by a Government Health Agency duly authenticated by the Territorial Philippine Consulate

  18. Start FLOWCHART LICENSE TO OPERATE Applicant pays at the Cashier and Return the Medical Device Establishment Order of Payment at the BHDT Submits Application At BHDT Receives application and assigns control number Assess the documents as to completeness and verified against the e-copy Disapproved Documents N Application and return Complete and the same as e-copy to applicant Y Reviews the application and assigns task of technical evaluation and inspection Reviews the documents as to compliance with the requirements and submits report Reviews the Evaluation Report N Requirements A Complied? Y Y For Inspection? B N Prepares the License to Operate (LTO) C Initial and recommends approval of the LTO Approves the LTO Release approved LTO End

  19. D A Submits Compliance to Deficiencies Prepares the Notice of Deficiency N Requirements A Approves the Notice of Deficiency Complied? Y Prepares the License to Operate Mail/Fax the Notice of Deficiency (LTO) End Initial and recommends approval of the LTO Approves the LTO Release approved LTO B End Prepares Department Personnel Order Conducts Inspection Prepares and Submits Inspection Report Reviews the Inspection Report N Requirements D Complied? Y C


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