Presented by: Debbie Perdue, Informa5on Technology Supervisor
PROGRAMS WITH BTE CORE Digital Design Finance Accounting Applications (8302100) Applied Information Technology (9003400) (8209600) (8815100) Global Finance Administrative Office Specialist (8212500) Business Computer Programming (8206500) (8515300) Business Management and Analysis Computer Systems & Information Technology (8301100) (9001200) Court Reporting Transcriptionist Database and Programming Essentials (8206400) (8306100) Customer Assistance Technology Digital Media Technology (9005100) (8218100) Game/Simulation/Animation Advanced Application Electronic Business Enterprise (8200300) (8208400) Game/Simulation/Animation Audio/Video Effects International Business (8216100) (8208200) Legal Administrative Specialist (8212000) Game/Simulation/Animation Programming (8208300) Medical Administrative Specialist Game/Simulation/Animation Visual Design (8208100) (8212300) Promotional Enterprise (8217100) Network Support Services (8208000) Network Systems Administration (8207440) Web Development (9001100)
CAPE Innovation Courses • Students enrolled in AP Courses cannot generate funding under both sec6ons of the statute Addi2onal FTE Academic and Career Performance Statutory Cita2on Calcula2on Outcomes No addi2onal FTE Student does not earn a score of “3” or higher on the AP exam and/or does not earn the industry cer6fica6on 0.16 FTE Student earns a score of “3” or higher s. 1011.62(1)(n), F.S. on the AP exam AND does not earn the industry cer6fica6on 0.3 FTE Student earns a score of “3” or higher s. 1011.62(1)(o), F.S. on the AP exam AND earns the industry cer6fica6on for the CAPE Innova6on Course
2015-16 CAPE Innovation Courses Course Course # Academic Career AP Microeconomics 2102365 Earn score of “3” or Earn MicrosoO Office Innova6on higher on the AP exam Specialist for Excel (2013 version) AP English Language and 1001425 Earn score of “3” or Earn MicrosoO Office Composi6on Innova6on higher on the AP exam Specialist for Word (2013 version) AP Studio Art 2‐D Design 0109355 Earn score of “3” or Earn Adobe Cer6fied PorWolio Innova6on higher on the AP exam Associate for Adobe Photoshop (Crea6ve Cloud version) AP Computer Science A 0200325 Earn score of “3” or Earn CIW Javascript Innova6on higher on the AP exam Specialist cer6fica6on These courses numbers may only be reported by districts and schools who have received professional development on the innova6on course.
Timeline for CAPE Industry Certification Funding List Time Frame Ac2vity for 2015‐16 CAPE Industry Cer2fica2on Funding List March 1, 2015 CareerSource Florida makes their recommenda6ons to the DOE March 5, 2015 DOE distributes a preliminary 2015‐16 CAPE Industry Cer6fica6on Funding List March 5, 2015 to April 1, DOE has an open submission window during which districts may submit 2015 requests for addi6ons to the CAPE Industry Cer6fica6on Funding List June 15, 2015 Districts no6fied of the recommenda6on for inclusion on the CAPE Industry Cer6fica6on Funding List through a pos6ng on the Department’s web site. Recommenda6ons for CAPE Digital Tool Cer6ficates are posted as well August 1, 2015 2015‐16 CAPE Industry Cer6fica6on Funding List is published Summer/Fall 2015 State Board of Educa6on adopts the 2015‐16 CAPE Industry Cer6fica6on Funding List 15
NEWBIES Anne Nyman Alicia Alexander Hospitality Business Jerris Cross Arts & AV
Debbie Perdue State Supervisor Information Technology Career and Technical Education Florida Department of Education Phone: (850) 245-9003 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 701 Fax: (850) 245-9010 Tallahassee, Florida 32301
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