Great Meadows Regional School District 2019-20 Tentative Budget Presentation of 2019-20 Tentative Budget 1
In Init itiativ ives for th the 19-20 Budget – What’s New • Funds dedicated to curriculum revisions enhancement for: NJQSAC Requirements • Continuation of 1:1 Initiative
Big iggest Hurdle le in in pla lanning th the 19-20 Budget • State Aide – March of 2018 – $5,885,705 • State Aide – March of 2019 – $ 5,150,660 • Difference - $735,045 • 3 ½ % of Total Budget
Proposed Staffin ing modif ificatio ions for th the 19-20 Tentative Budget • Addressed in previous presentation
Explain the State Aid Impact First Year of S-2(Bottom Line) • GM received a reduction in current state aid in amount of ($538,066) • Certified Tuition from 17-18 due to WCSSSD ($38,520) • Charter School Enrollment Increase ($17,183) up to $118,938 from $102,755 • $593,769 less in just state aid revenue even before the first bit of budget data for 2019-20 is gathered.
District must have “Surplus” that it can use. Surplus funds are hard capped at 2% of current expense On a budget of roughly 20 Million that equates to $400,000 Above the Threshold must be appropriated as revenue (tax relief) in subsequent budget cycle $46,372 in 18-19 Approximately 55K per day Surplus 3.6 days 2% 6
Everything has been taken by the BOE at every turn… or has it? • 74,183 in Banked Cap generated in 19-20 (HB Increases). • 133,344 in Banked Cap generated in prior years still available for use. • $207,527 in tax levy increases available to the 19-20 budget that is not be being used.
Gr Grea eat t Mead Meadows ws Region gional al Sc Scho hool Di ol District strict TENTATIVE 2019-20 Total Tax Levy Exclusive of Debt Service General Fund 18-19 14,472,254 General Fund 17-18 14,188,484 Difference 283,770 8
19-20 Tax Levy Recap Inclusive of Debt Service • 18-19 General 14,188,484 Debt Service 472,112 Total 14,660,596 • 19-20 General 14,472,254 Debt Service 460,147 Total 14,932,401 Increase for 18-19 $271,805 1.85%
Fixed Costs Summary - Current Expense Supplies and Other Insurance/Audit/Legal 4% 1% Benefits Salaries 13% 38% Transportation 6% Energy 3% Tuition 35% Roughly 4 cents out of every dollar spent is "discretionary" in terms of supplies, equipment and other non-fixed costs
Trans Salary Benefits Insurance Energy Administration (25 % Reduction in 18-19) 36% Reduction Consumables $0.04 on the Dollar 36% of that = $0.014
My department has to keep its its eye on th the whole thing……. An argument looks for who is right…while a conversation looks for what is right.
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