prepare present assess

Prepare, Present, Assess Presented By: Charlie Rizzuto 2016 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Prepare, Present, Assess Presented By: Charlie Rizzuto 2016 Nassau Zone Secondary PE Teacher of the Year 2017 NYS Health Education Amazing Person of the Year IGOR ELEVANCE ELATIONSHIPS Snack Time What was most memorable? Why are

  1. “Prepare, Present, Assess” Presented By: Charlie Rizzuto 2016 Nassau Zone Secondary PE Teacher of the Year 2017 NYS Health Education Amazing Person of the Year


  3. Snack Time

  4. What was most memorable? Why are they so memorable?

  5. ADMIN: “Ok, heres the job, you need to make children know things.”

  6. TEACHER: “W ow! So, they want to know it?”

  7. ADMIN: “No, they don’t want to know it, you need to make them know it against their will. W hile they’re exploding sexually and beating the snot out of each other”


  9. Snack Time

  10. Dim imensio ions of Healt alth h Le Learni rning Partn rtners rs

  11. Social Health Learning Partner Find someone who shares at least one common interest with you outside of school and make them your social health learning partner.

  12. Socially healthy people are... ● Aware of the feelings of others and can respond appropriately ● Able to resolve conflicts with others ● A part of close trusting relationships ● Able to set and respect boundaries

  13. Em otional Health Learning Partner Find someone who copes with stress in one of the same ways that you do and make them your emotional health learning partner.

  14. Em otionally healthy people are... ● Aware of their own feelings ● Able to express feelings appropriately ● In control and able to adapt to change ● Able to comfort themselves when troubled

  15. W hat dimensi sions o s of healt lth d did id you id identif ify?

  16. W hat w was t the e spea eaker ers answer er t to t the i e issues es w we e fac ace as as a s a society?

  17. W ho o lov oves y you ou?

  18. It w as never expressed until… “Love Ya”

  19. Love Ya, M ean It, B ye!

  20. I wish my teacher knew… I have really bad anxiety and get nervous for no reason at all.

  21. I wish my teacher knew… I see the ugly side of addiction everyday.

  22. I wish my teacher knew… So many things.

  23. Snack Time

  24. 37607 is your friends phone number. CharlieRizzu939 is the message you are sending your friend.


  26. W hat is skills based health education? A skills-based health approach is a planned, sequential, comprehensive and relevant curriculum that is implemented through pa participa patory m methods ds in order to help students develop skills, attitudes and func nctiona nal k kno nowledge needed to lead health-enhancing lives. (Benes and Alperin, 2016)

  27. Content Based vs. Skills Based Regurgitation vs Application

  28. Content Based: Tests, quizzes, research papers and essays.

  29. Skills based: Meaningful application of the seven health skills.

  30. Content Based: Listing parts of the reproductive system.

  31. Skills based: Using credible sources to find local places people can go to find help in relation to specific health concerns.

  32. GO T O TO: O: www.RizzutoE oEducation om CLIC ICK T THIS IS LIN INK: W hy hy Healt lth B h Breakout


  34. Snack Time

  35. IGOR

  36. “W e e are e not tea eacher ers, we e are e prov ovok okers of of thou ought.”

  37. “Int ntellig lligenc nce is is no not wha hat y you kno now, it it is is wha hat you c can n fig igure o out.”



  40. 5 4 3 2 1 Trust Compromise Faithfulness Beliefs Independence Respect Communication Similar Interests Safety/Vulnerability Balance of Power Honesty Physical Attraction Similar Goals Acceptance of Intelligence Differences Commitment Understanding Support Welcome Tough Intimacy Times

  41. Out o of the r e red ed c corner er Out o of the b e blue c e corner er 4 V Vic ictorie ies and nd 1 De Defeat* 4 V Vic ictorie ies and nd 1 De Defeat 5’ 5’7” 7” 5’3” 5’ 3” 83 W 83 W ords ds pe per minute 76 W ords 76 W ds pe per minute Oyster er Bay New ew York Oyster er Bay New ew York Represent nting ing Safety & Vulne lnerabilit ility Rep epres esen enting Balance e of Power er Gaby Ga Mar aria (The G e Gabster er) (Pep epper er G Grinder er) Treb eble McKev evitt

  42. “My Best Advice”

  43. “It’s on Us (me)” Public Public S Serv rvice Anno nnouncement cement

  44. Snack Time

  45. @Rizzuto toE d Char Charlie Riz Rizzuto RizzutoE toE ducati tion.c .com om RizzutoE toE ducati tion@gma mail 631 631-861 61-4140


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