
Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading We should - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading We should assess what is important and not what is easy to assess Twitter: #eduhubdays17 5 What value do we place on Heading student responses? The idea that valid and reliable

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  5. Heading We should assess what is important and not what is easy to assess Twitter: #eduhubdays17 5

  6. What value do we place on Heading student responses? The idea that valid and reliable inferences can be made about students’ acquisition of 21 st century skills through judging responses as correct or incorrect is too simple an approach for the assessment of complex capabilities 6

  7. Assessment responses Heading convergent type, in which one correct answer is expected, and divergent responses, in which the answer depends on opinion or analysis (Torrance et al., 2001) convergent assessment has its origins in mastery-learning models and involves assessment of the student by the master-teacher divergent assessment is often associated with a constructivist view of learning, where the teacher and student engage collaboratively within Vygotsky’s (1986) zone of proximal development 7

  8. Assessment tasks should be worth doing Heading • if students can answer your questions by copying from the web, maybe you are asking the wrong questions • if students can answer your questions by using Google, maybe you are asking the wrong questions • if students can answer your questions by guessing, maybe you are asking the wrong questions Why am I doing this course? 8

  9. Assessing 21 st century skills Heading For 21 st century skills, our assessment designs need to accept multiple solutions to a problem or issue and provide feedback to students on their chosen strategies that have been used to solve the problem diagnostic assessment (before learning) formative assessment (during learning) summative assessment (after learning) integrative assessment (future learning) 9

  10. How I teach Heading Where I teach • with • anywhere technology • collaborative • with others classrooms • with • online inspiration Where I How I assess Changing assess • online • authentic • at home assessment • flexible • at work • negotiated • in class practices 10

  11. Assessment Task Type Heading Abstract Literature Review Simulation Student negotiated Annotated Bibliography Log/Workbook assessment Journal Blog (or weblog) Peer Review Case Study Performance Simulation Student negotiated Critique Poster presentation assessment Debate Portfolio Research Paper Practicum/Clinical Demonstration Thesis Placement Design/Drawing/Plan/ Sketch Presentation (individual or group) Workshop Discussion posts Problem Solving Interview (online) Essay Project Minutes Examination mid or end Quiz/Test Model/Artefact (invigilated) Examination mid or end (take Reflection Modelling (theoretical) home) Oral Examination / Viva Exhibition Report Voce Field Notes/Report Self Assessment Laboratory/Practical 11

  12. Quizzes with interactive tools Heading 12

  13. Heading 13

  14. Heading VLC File 01 14

  15. Interactive spreadsheets in assessment Heading 15

  16. QuickTime VR or YouTube videos Heading 16

  17. Remote Labs Heading We can rethink the type of questions we ask if students have access to live data and resources in the assessment 17

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  19. Scenario based learning - SBLi Heading The importance of capturing students’ decision points 19

  20. Heading 20

  21. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qvDe3SMADzg Heading VLC File02 21

  22. Habworlds Heading 22

  23. https://www.smartsparrow.com/ Heading 23

  24. https://www.best.edu.au/ Heading 24

  25. https://inspark.education/ Heading 25

  26. https://playconomics.com/ VLC File03 26

  27. Heading Learning and assessment analytics 27

  28. Simple assessment analytics Heading 28

  29. Heading Person Item map – which are the difficult questions? 29

  30. Heading Assessment by design Using negotiated assessments in higher education Hook, A and Bodell, SJ 2010 http:// usir.salford.ac.uk/19324 30

  31. E-exams – Mathew Hillier Heading http://www.transformingexams.com 31

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  33. http://transformingassessment.com Heading 33

  34. Heading 34

  35. The traditional meaning of the inukshuk is Heading "Someone was here" or "You are on the right path." 35


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