pre resentation nig ight t 2015

Pre resentation Nig ight t 2015 Master r of f Cere remonies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pre resentation Nig ight t 2015 Master r of f Cere remonies Mr r Dale le Moore Presidents Introduction &Welcome Mr Tracey Lake Education Awards Presented by Matt Murphy SRC and Bronze Medallions Bronze Med edallions Ker

  1. Pre resentation Nig ight t 2015 Master r of f Cere remonies Mr r Dale le Moore

  2. Presidents Introduction &Welcome Mr Tracey Lake

  3. Education Awards Presented by Matt Murphy

  4. SRC and Bronze Medallions Bronze Med edallions  Ker errie Bak aker  Jan Jane McK cKenzie  Ryan Bin infi field ld  Sar arelle le O’Mahoney  Luiz Bond  Pedro Paiva  Angus Bra radshaw-  Ja Jacob Whit ite Jones Jo  Anth thony Wood  Is Isabella la Cowap  May ayu Fuj ujinami ( ( SRC) )  Nic ick Cowap  Ja Jacob Hall

  5. SRC and Bronze Medallions

  6. Oth ther Im Important Awards Adv dvanced Res esuscitation Techniques Cer ertificate Ste teve McI cInnes Cherie Day Cay ayle ley Smith Applied Firs irst Aid id Cay ayle ley Smith Rob Cook

  7. Lif ifesaving Awards & Certificates Presented by Rob Cook

  8. Sea eason 2014/15 Lif ifesaving H Highlights

  9. Season 2014/15 Lif ifesaving Hig ighli lights th Be  Mai  And aintained 12 12 Pat Patrols ls vs vs 11 11 last last Se Season ndy y Cro Cross su surfs 12 128 th Beach on n Nip Nippers  4,02 4,029 Pat Patrol l Hours rs Xmas Par Party Day ay  20  Nar 20 Re Resc scues Narra Wate ater Ra Rats ts act active membership  65 65 Firs rst Aid Treatments inc ncre rease from 6 6 to to 21 21  1,0 1,087 87 Pr Preventative Acti ctions  Co Conf nfirmed 15 15 SR SRC/ C/BM cand candidates for for  10 10 Be Beach Clo Closed Day ays int ntense tr training Oct ct 15 15  Host  Nar sted 3 3 car carnivals Narra Wate ater Ra Rats ts pa patro rol Be Bell llambi SLSC SLSC  Form  Nar rmer Member r of P5 P5 Aar aron Dar arkowicz out ut Narra Wate ater Ra Rats ts pa patro rol Wet t N N Wild ld Ni Nipp pper of f hours rescue Se Sept 14 14 Program Pr rd Training  3 3 Re Resc scue of Mont nth No Nominations to to SLSA SLSA  Pat Patrol l 12 12 now now designated as as 3 rd  Pat Patrol l 8 8 Winner SNB SNB Br Branch Re Resc scue of Pat Patrol l  10 Mont nth Oct ct 20 2014 14 100 0 Ye Years rs / / 10 100 0 Bo Boat ats ANZA NZAC C Ce Cere remony  Exte  4 new IRBC / 3 new IRBD’s ready for next ternal defib no now operable le se season

  10. Sea eason 2014/15 Lif ifesaving H Highlights

  11. IRB Awards Presented by Rob Cook

  12. IR IRB Awards IR IRB Cre rew Silv ilver Med edalli lion IR IRBD Hilt ilton Day Hilt ilton Day Mat att Gri riffiths Mat att Gri riffiths Kev evin Lee Will ill McI cInnes Bron ronte Townsend Newly Endo dorsed IR IRB Trainer Rob Cook

  13. Long Service Awards Presented by Tracey Lake

  14. 5 Years Service THANKS Jill Jill Bro rooks Tony Fit itzgibbon Kev evin Lee Warwick Lynch Will ill McI cInnes Jo Jodie Mur urphy Mat att Mur urphy Paul O’Keefe Je Jerry Sir irote Rac achel Turner Jo John Will illis Bre rett Worne

  15. 10 Years Service Thanks Robert Cook Yvette Nutt tt Pete te Wells

  16. 15 Years Service THANKS Robert Buckton David id Cook

  17. 20 Years Service THANKS Ia Ian Harper • Won medals over the years as a • Bronze Medallion 1986 competitor • • IRB Crew and Silver Medallion IRB Distinguished Service Award by Driver (in 1992) Narrabeen Beach ( 2004) • • Training Officer Bronze Medallion SLSA 15 Years National Service Award (2005) (2004) • • ARTC, and Apply First Aid. Averages over 100 hours per season; • • Patrol Man of Year ( 1995) Remains our Number 1 IRB Driver today • Patrol Captain for many years • Always patrols on public holidays, • Director of Surf Sports such as Christmas Day!!

  18. 35 Years Service THANKS Wayne Schwebel • 15 Years National Service Award ( • Bronze Medallion 1977 2004) • Intructors certificate (1980) • SLSNB Distinguished Service Award( • IRB Crew and Silver Medallion IRB 2004) Driver (1986) • SLSNB Life Membership (2014) • IRB Training Officer (1987) • Current Patrol Captain Patrol 8 ( • ARTC and Apply First Aid Quality not Quantity) • • Senior Club Champion ( many Tuff Club Stalwart seasons during the 80’s ) Club Captain( 1983 – 1989) • • Club President ( 1993-1999) • Board Member for 30+ years • Narrabeen Beach SLSC Life Membership ( 1988)

  19. DINNER IS SERVED Thanks to Roger fr from ICON

  20. Thanks to all of our Supporters and Sponsors

  21. Tuff Clu lub Annual Awards Presented by Wayne Schwebel

  22. Top Tuff ffs (ple lease come up ) 1. Fiona Russell ( 15) 11. 1. Su Sunn nny Flynn lynn (1 (10) 0) 2. 2. Wayn ayne Sch Schwebel (1 (14) 4) 12. 2. Pe Peter May ays (9 (9) ) 3. 3. Tracey Lak Lake (1 (13) 3) 13. 3. Jaso Jason Oake akes (9 (9) ) 4. 4. Paul Oud Pau udho hof (1 (12) 2) 14. 4. Cay Cayley Sm Smith (8 (8) ) 5. 5. Olli llie Oud udho hof ( ( 12 12) ) 15. 5. Ro Rob Co Cook (8 (8) ) 6. 6. Deidre re McA cAlin linden (1 (12) 2) 16. 6. Will ll Co Cook (7 (7) ) 7. 7. Tony ny Fitzgibbon (1 (11) 1) 17. 7. Callu Callum Fitzgibbon (7 (7) ) 8. 8. Ella Ella Co Cook ( ( 11 11) ) 18. 8. Lo Lochla lan Fitzg tzgibbon (7 (7) ) 9. 9. Tam ammy Co Cook (1 (11) 1) 10. 0. Se Sean an Flynn lynn ( ( 11 11) )

  23. Monthly Poin intscore Winners Presented by Kir irsten McFadden

  24. Monthly Pointscore by Category Under 15 ye years Girl irls: : May ayu Fuji ujinami Open’s Female Under 15 15 years Boys: : Kyli lie Patten Jordan Howard Jo Under 19’s Ove ver 35 years Will ill McI cInnes Gre reg Gille illespie Open’s Male Ove ver 50 years Eli li Bal all Fab abian Byrne

  25. Clu lub Championship Winners Presented by Kir irsten McFadden

  26. Club Champions Under 15 years Alexander Hall ll Under 19 Years Ove ver 35 years Ja Jacob Hall Dale Moore Ove ver 50 years Open Mal ale Fab abian Byrne Sea ean Townsend Open Female le Fion iona Rus ussell

  27. Most Improved Ski i Paddler Presented by Sean Townsend Ale lexander Hall

  28. Drinks break Thanks to Roger fr from ICON

  29. Competitor of f the Year Presented by Kir irsten McFadden Jodie Murphy

  30. Rookie of f the Year Presented by David Cook Jacob Hall

  31. Patrol Person of f the Year Presented by Rob Cook Kevin Lee (100+ hours)

  32. Top 10 Patrol Hours and Patrol Person of the Year 1. Kevin Lee (100 hours) 2. David Cook ( 83.5 hours) 3. Tony Fitzgibbon(79.8 hours) 4. Bob Chidgey ( 79.5 hours) 5. Pascal Peltriaux(74.3 hours) 6. Brett Worne ( 74.3 hours) 7. Greg Gillespie (72 hours) 8. Hilton Day ( 71.8 hours) 9. Tammy Cook ( 70.3 hours) 10. Peter Mansell ( 66.3 hours)

  33. Patrol Activ ivity Competition ( NEW TRIAL AWARD) Presented by Tony Fit itzgibbon

  34. Patrol Activity Competition  P1 Key Criteria  P2 (Examples only):  P3 ( The Water Renegades)  early registration;  P4 ( Narrabeen Gold)  early completion of proficiencies;  P5  patrol attendance;  P6 (The Substitutes)  find a substitute;  P7 (All the President’s Men)  being a substitute;  P8 Quality not Quantity  New awards;  P9 The Bronzed Whalers  Assisting at Club Events;  P10 ( The Perfect Ten)  P11 Ocean’s Eleven  P12 The Grown Ups

  35. Top 4 Patrols 1. Patrol 10 ( The Perfect 10) 2. Patrol 9 ( The Bronzed Whalers ) 3. Patrol 12 ( The Grown Ups) 4. Patrol 7 ( All the Presidents Men)

  36. Presidents Award Presented by Tracey Lake Tammy Cook

  37. Clu lub Person of f the Year Presented by Ross Tester Greg Gil illespie

  38. Clu lub person of f the Year - Nominees Rob Cook Cla lair ire McManaway Cherie ie Day Matt tt Murp rphy Tony Fit itzgibbon Fio iona Russell Deb Foste ter Wayne Schwebel Gre reg Gill illespie Bre rett tt Worn rne Kevin in Lee Tammy Cook

  39. SNB Awards of Excellence Good Luck to Narrabeen Representatives: Life ifesaver of f The Year : Greg Gill illespie Young Life ifesaver of f the Year: Will ill McInnes Init itia iative of f the Year: Narra WaterRats Program No matter what happens you are win inners fo for us. .

  40. Thanks fo for coming, and see you next Season fo for an even better year at Narrabeen Beach SLSC


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