pr e se nte d by ric har d rampe r saud

Pr e se nte d by: Ric har d Rampe r saud 1 st July, 2014 IICA/ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pr e se nte d by: Ric har d Rampe r saud 1 st July, 2014 IICA/ CARDI c ollabor ation star te d 1989 IICA and CARDI r e c ognize d e nor mous c halle nge s in Car ibbe an Re gion: L ow agr ic ultur al se c tor pr oduc

  1. Pr e se nte d by: Ric har d Rampe r saud 1 st July, 2014

  2.  IICA/ CARDI c ollabor ation star te d 1989  IICA and CARDI r e c ognize d e nor mous c halle nge s in Car ibbe an Re gion:  L ow agr ic ultur al se c tor pr oduc tivity and c ompe titive ne ss  food and nutr ition se c ur ity  Sustainable manage me nt of natur al r e sour c e s  impac t of c limate c hange on food pr oduc tion  Both or ganizations r e alize d that a c ollabor ative e ffor t c ould pr ovide a mor e e ffe c tive c ontr ibution to agr ic ultur al R&D. 2

  3.  IICA - CARDI signe d Coope r ative Agr e e me nt to “pr omote agr ic ultur al R&D in Car ibbe an”.  T o date , 5 Coope r ative Agr e e me nts signe d by Institute s; most r e c e nt 2010.  Both institutions de ve lope d c ollabor ative pr ogr amme 2011- 2014, to pr ovide te c hnic al c oope r ation and assistanc e to the Re gion. 3

  4.  Six c ompone nts de ve lope d in ac c or danc e with Re solution 464 of IABA Oc tobe r 2010. Compone nts 1: F ac ilitate CARDI–L AC Institutional L inkage s 2: E stablish Ne twor k Syste m for Sc ie nc e , T e c hnology and Innovation 3: De ve lop syne r gie s with ongoing Pr oje c ts 4: DG’s Compe titive F und for T e c hnic al Coope r ation (F on T C) 5: Cur r e nt IICA/ CARDI Agr e e me nt 6: Ac c e ss E xte r nal Re sour c e s for Joint Pr oje c ts. 4

  5. IICA-CARDI Collaboration Component 4: Component 3: Component 5: Component 1: Component 2: Component 6 DG’s Develop synergies Current Facilitate Establish Network Access External Competitive with ongoing IICA-CARDI CARDI – Latin System for Science, Resources for Joint Projects Agreement Fund for TC Institutional Technology and Projects Innovation Linkages (Implement Resolution 464 of the IABA) On-going IICA-CARDI Visiting CFC Funded Preparation of Collaborative Actions Professionals Projects Joint Proposals e.g. Intra-ACP Agriculture Programme Initiative (Haiti) (EU Funded); CTA Mexican Government Support to Protected Other Projects Agriculture 5

  6. Compone nt 1: F ac ilitate CARDI –L atin Institutional L inkage s  CARDI c ontinue s institutional r e lationships with Inte r national Potato Ce ntr e (CIP) , CL AYUCA and CIAT .  Ne gotiations ongoing with E MBRAPA.  CARDI r e c e ive d suppor t fr om IICA for the F or um for the Ame r ic as on Ag Re s and T e c h De v (F ORAGRO) r e lationship. 6

  7. Compone nt 2: E stablish Ne twor k Syste m for Sc ie nc e , T e c hnology and Innovation  IICA T e c hnology and Innovation Spe c ialist appointe d in T &T IICA Offic e .  Spe c ialist inte r fac ing with CARDI par tic ular ly on imple me ntation of Compone nts 1 and 5. 7

  8. Compone nt 3: De ve lop syne r gie s with ongoing Pr oje c ts IICA and CARDI have c ollabor ate d thr ough pr oje c ts:  Agr ic ultur al Round T able (CARAPN- CT A) and IICA- CARDI Pr oje c t Me dia Awar ds for E xc e lle nc e in Agr ic ultur al Jour nalism in T &T .  CF C F unde d Pr oje c ts (Haiti) – RT and PA.  Intr a- ACP Agr ic ultur e Polic y Pr ogr am (E U- funde d). 8

  9. Compone nt 4: DG’s Compe titive F und for T e c hnic al Coope r ation (F on T C)  CARDI was involve d in two pr oje c ts:  Small Ruminants (Jamaic a); and  Roots and T ube r s (T &T )  OE CS Re p of IICA c ontac te d CARDI about a pr oje c t on Climate Change .  CARDI agr e e d to wor k with IICA in this ar e a and so far CARDI has par tic ipate d in one Wor kshop he ld in the DR Apr il 2013. 9

  10. Compone nt 5: Cur r e nt IICA/ CARDI Agr e e me nt  Within IICA/ CARDI Agr e e me nt, c ommitme nt by IICA to pr ovide US$200,000 pe r ye ar to CARDI, pr imar ily for joint pr oje c ts.  F unds use d to suppor t 7 pr ior ity ar e as (the matic ar e as).  Agr e e me nt manage d by Ste e r ing Committe e with r e ps fr om CARDI and IICA. 10

  11. Compone nt 6:Ac c e ss E xte r nal Re sour c e s for Joint Pr oje c ts.  Pr oje c t pr oposal “Me xic an Gove r nme nt Suppor t to Pr ote c te d Agr ic ultur e ” pr e par e d by IICA with inputs by CARDI.  CARDI pr ovide d IICA St. L uc ia with agr o- me te or ologic al data c olle c te d at its fie ld station.  Data pr ovide d pr ior to de sign of a PA str uc tur e in St. L uc ia. 11

  12. Compone nt 5 c ont’d: Cur r e nt IICA/ CARDI Agr e e me nt 1. He r bs, c ondime nts and be ve r age s 2. Pr ote c te d Agr ic ultur e 3. Root Cr ops (Star c he s) 4. L ive stoc k (Small Ruminants) 5. Knowle dge shar ing, Coor dination and Manage me nt 6. Ce r e al and Gr ain L e gume s 7. Invasive Spe c ie s 12

  13. Pr oje c t T itle Countr y De ve lopme nt of a F e rtilize r Re g ime for Sha don Be ni oba g o T rinida d & T (E ryng ium foe tidum L .) tha t will optimize yie ld a nd c ost Re g iona l (Antig ua , Hot Pe ppe r se e d produc tion, Ba rba dos, Be lize bre a king the yie ld ba rrie rs T rinida d a nd oba g o) T Post Ha rve st ha ndling of Ja ma ic a e mong ra ss a nd othe r He rbs L 14

  14. Pr oje c t T itle Countr y Increasing ginger production in St. St. Lucia Lucia Revitalising the Hot Pepper Industry Regional (Grenada, in Grenada and St. Lucia using the St. Lucia) value chain approach. 15

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  16. Pr oje c t T itle Countr y Evaluation of appropriate structures, materials and St. Lucia technology Increased productivity and production under protected Montserrat agriculture system from validated and economical technologies 17

  17. Pr oje c t T itle Countr y Evaluation of Protected Agricultural Guyana Systems Protected agriculture construction and capacity building of farmers and St. Kitts/Nevis youth in Nevis Identification and validation of Best Management Practices for Regional Protected Agriculture operations in the Region 18

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  19. Pr oje c t T itle Countr y Increased productivity and production of root and tubers from Barbados demonstrated and economical technologies Boost production of planting material (tannia, cassava, yam, St. Lucia sweet potato) Sweet potato – post harvest Jamaica technology packs Sweet Potato Variety Morphological Antigua & Barbuda Characterisation 20

  20. Pr oje c t T itle Countr y IPM of sweet potato to reduce the St. Kitts & Nevis incidence of Cylas formicarius Introduction of two (2) Sweet Grenada Potato and cassava Varieties The Identification and Evaluation of Sweet Potato and Cassava varieties St. Kitts & Nevis for sustainable development of the value chain in St. Kitts and Nevis. Multiplying and evaluating roots Regional (Barbados, and tubers in particular cassava, Dominica, St. sweet potato and yam varieties Vincent and the 21 suitable for value addition Grenadines)

  21. Pr oje c t T itle Countr y Development of marketable quality varieties of sweet potatoes and Bahamas cassava Strengthening capacity of Agro- processors involved in processing of roots and tubers through Dominica introducing new technologies, varieties and product ideas Improvement in the distribution Regional (Barbados, and survival of roots and tubers St. Vincent and the tissue culture planting material in 22 Grenadines, Tobago) the Region

  22. 23

  23. Pr oje c t T itle Countr y Sustainable Milk Production and Marketing for Improving rural Grenada Livelihoods in St. Andrew’s Parish Increased Production of Small Regional (Barbados, Ruminant Products through the Jamaica, Trinidad Introduction and Evaluation of and Tobago) Improved Forages. Development of community-based small ruminant enterprises on mined-out bauxite lands: dairying Jamaica as a complement to chevon 24 production.

  24. Pr oje c t T itle Countr y Use of Forages for Improved Hair Barbados Sheep Productivity Establishment of a model biogas- and probiotics installation on a farm Suriname with small ruminants in Suriname Evaluation of high protein forages for use in small ruminant feeding Trinidad and Tobago systems 25

  25. 26

  26. Pr oje c t T itle Countr y Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation of the IICA-CARDI Regional Agreement Media Awards for Excellence in Trinidad & Tobago Agricultural Journalism 2012-2013 Application of Farmer Field School Approaches for Ensuring Trinidad & Tobago Sustainable Crop Management 27 Systems in the Caribbean.

  27. Pr oje c t T itle Countr y Management, coordination and evaluation of the IICA/CARDI Trinidad and Tobago Programme Media Awards for Excellence in Regional Agricultural Journalism 2014-2015 Integration of the IICA/CARDI Programme into Research and Regional Development in the Region 28

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  29. Pr oje c t T itle Countr y Evaluation of Open Pollinated Corn Grenada suitable for Commercial Production Rice productivity (Urea Deep Guyana Placement technology) 30

  30. Pr oje c t T itle Countr y Mechanised Fertiliser Deep Placement (FDP) on rice and Guyana vegetable in Guyana 31

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