potter road elementary school

Potter Road Elementary School Framingham Public Schools Where - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Potter Road Elementary School Framingham Public Schools Where every child can and will reach high levels of achievement Standard I: Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment Promote the learning and growth of all students by providing

  1. Potter Road Elementary School Framingham Public Schools Where every child can and will reach high levels of achievement

  2. Standard I: Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment “Promote the learning and growth of all students by providing high-quality and coherent instruction, designing and administering authentic and meaningful student assessments, analyzing student performance and growth data, using this data to improve instruction, providing students with constructive feedback on an ongoing basis, and continuously refining learning objectives” Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (2012)

  3. School Improvement Goal In consultation with the Bilingual Department of Framingham Public Schools and MABE (Mass Association of Bilingual Education), we will plan, design and implement a Two-way Portuguese program. Relevance to FPS Strategic Plan ● Develop a shared understanding of high quality instruction, including content and instructional strategies, by all staff and executed in all classrooms and instructional settings. (HLG 1.0) Create a system of culture and consistent and accurate assessment, data analysis, ● reflection and feedback (HLG 1.1) Support a culture of rigor and excellence for all students in all settings (HLG ● 2.2)-Increase opportunities for bilingualism and biliteracy (2.2.3) ● Foster community partnerships and support, engage and collaborate with every family in the educational mission of FPS (HLG 3.0)

  4. Action Steps & Timeline Continuous PD-Creation of PD calendar to increase cultural proficiency throughout ● Potter Road PD with MABE ● ● Hiring of essential personnel Determining teacher schedules/assessments ● ● Ongoing collaboration Consistent and regular assessment of program from all stakeholders ● Expected Outcomes ● Promote bilingualism, biliteracy, biculturalism, high academic achievement, and cross-cultural competency ● Increase achievement of all students Establishing a strong dual language culture throughout the Potter Road Community ●

  5. School Improvement Goal To create a system and culture of data-based assessment including analysis, reflection and feedback so that educators will be able to effectively target the individual needs of students and purposefully adjust their instructional practices accordingly. Relevance to FPS Strategic Plan ● Develop a shared understanding of high quality instruction, including content and instructional strategies, by all staff and executed in all classrooms and instructional settings. (HLG 1.0) ● Create a system of culture and consistent and accurate assessment, data analysis, reflection and feedback (HLG 1.1) ● Support a culture of rigor and excellence for all students in all settings (HLG 2.2) Increasing the consistency of high quality targeted teaching and learning/intervention ●

  6. Action Steps & Timeline ● Training and implementation of iReady ● Data team and MTSS develop a protocol for analyzing iReady data ● Providing targeted instruction through intervention and strategy groups ● Analyzing assessment data including MCAS, BAS, and ACCESS ● PD on assessment and data-driven student feedback ● Ongoing collaboration Expected Outcomes ● To gather data in reading and math that will help identify strengths and gaps identified at the school, grade, class and student levels ● Consistency in the use of assessment and targeted interventions ● Increased student achievement

  7. Standard II: Teaching All Students “Promote the learning and growth of all students through instructional practices that establish high expectations, create a safe and effective classroom environment, and demonstrate cultural proficiency” Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (2012) We understand that when we attend to the social and emotional learning needs of our students, then our students are empowered to construct their own learning

  8. School Improvement Goal During the 2017-2018 school year, in consultation with PBIS support across FPS, Potter Road will continue the implementation of its multi-tiered system of supports--introducing Tier 2 PBIS school wide--to better support the academic, behavioral, and social/emotional needs of all students. The multi-tiered system of supports will continue to be implemented and supported by administration through 2020. Relevance to FPS Strategic Plan ● Promote academic achievement and social emotional growth for all students (HLG 2.0) ● Deliver targeted supports and interventions based on the analysis of data and the identification of student-specific needs (HLG 2.1) ● Analyze social and emotional data and academic growth and achievement. ● Implement FPS multi-tiered system of support

  9. Action Steps & Timeline ● Consistent implementation/reinforcement of Tier 1 PBIS with the addition of Tier 2 PBIS ● Regular collaboration and analysis of PBIS/Behavioral data in order to provide targeted intervention ● Sharing of PBIS data with staff ● Training of staff in Tier 3 PBIS ● Consideration of the adoption of SEL curriculum suited to PRS Expected Outcomes ● Providing data driven social/emotional supports to students ● Identify gaps in PBIS/SEL and work to address those needs

  10. School Improvement Goal Potter Road will implement and support a robust, aligned and responsive Tiered System of Support (MTSS) for literacy needs of all students in grades K-3. Relevance to FPS Strategic Plan Promote academic achievement and social emotional growth for all student (HLG 2.0) ● ● Deliver targeted supports and interventions based on the analysis of data and the identification of student-specific needs (HLG 2.1) ● Support a culture of rigor and excellence for all students in all settings (HLG 2.2) Develop a plan to support teachers in the use of data and the implementation of ● interventions

  11. Action Steps & Timeline ● Literacy team collaboration with Hill Literacy ● Implementation of Fundations with full fidelity ● Create intervention cycles to promote consistent feedback regarding interventions ● Pilot flexible grouping of students across grade levels Expected Outcomes ● To have evidence-based literacy practices within a tiered model of instruction ● Stronger foundational literacy skills to allow for less student referrals and deficits in literacy ● Teachers will have a consistent way to progress monitor students in intervention

  12. Standard III: Family and Community Engagement “Promote the learning and growth of all students through effective partnerships with families, caregivers, community members, and organizations” Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (2012)

  13. School Improvement Goal Over the next three years, in conjunction with the Potter Road staff and PTO, continue to embrace and strengthen relationships and partnerships with Potter Elementary School families in an effort to foster community. As a result of these relationships we will create, build, and foster a stronger community of learners and families, thereby increasing parental involvement throughout Potter Road in student education. Relevance to FPS Strategic Plan ● Foster community partnerships and support, engage and collaborate with every family on the mission of FPS (HLG 3.0) ● Strengthen Family and Community Partnerships (HLG 3.0.1) Improve communication with stakeholders and families (HLG 3.0.2) ●

  14. Action Steps & Timeline ● Regular meetings with families enrolled in Potter’s two way program ● Creating opportunities for all families to get together socially ● Hosting at least one family learning night Expected Outcomes ● Establish meaningful relationships with parents of both native Portuguese and native English speakers ● Make teaching and learning relevant and accessible to all families ● Create and foster a strong partnership with PRS families and the school

  15. Standard IV: Professional Culture “Promote the learning and growth of all students through ethical, culturally proficient, skilled, and collaborative practice” Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (2012)

  16. School Improvement Goal To develop and support a teacher-driven Professional Learning Community at Potter Road in order to increase student learning and a collegial culture amongst staff. As a result of the expectations surrounding the Professional Learning Community, Potter Road will create a culture of shared responsibility for student learning which will positively impact the climate and educational experience for all students. Relevance to FPS Strategic Plan ● Create and nurture a collegial, collaborative, and professional culture amongst teachers that supports the district’s focus on increasing student achievement (HLG 4.0) ● Create a culture of shared responsibility for student learning (HLG 4.0.2) Implement professional learning communities across FPS (HLG 4.0.3) ●

  17. Action Steps & Timeline ● Introduce the concept and structure of PLC’s to Potter Road Staff including protocols ● Ongoing professional development about the PLC Model ● Each grade level, meeting, staff meeting, leadership meeting will follow the PLC model Expected Outcomes ● Shared responsibility for student learning ● Grade level teams will gain independence and confidence in running their own PLC meetings ● Teachers’ instruction will reflect this plan of action ● Students will receive the instruction needed as evidenced by the data


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