POTENTIAL USES OF CA Di Discussion: W n: Wha hat d do y you a alr lready kno y know a about C CA? 2
POTENTIAL USES OF CA CA a as me metho hodolo logy / y / C CA a as a a b body o y of e empirical f l find nding ngs 3
CA AS A METHODOLOGY Task 1 1 Sele lect a a s sequenc nce a and nd e exami mine ne t the he o openi ning ng a and nd c clo losing ng a as a achi hieveme ment nts. . Task 2 2 Sele lect a a t turn w n withi hin t n the he s sequenc nce f for c clo lose a ana nalys lysis. . Task A A Cha haracterize t the he a actions ns p performe med i in t n the he t turn. C n. Cons nsider ho how t the he a actions ns f fit withi hin s n sequenc nces o of a actions ns. . Task B B De Describe t the he me metho hods u used t to p perform t m the he a actions ns. C . Cons nsider t the he und nderstand nding ngs p provided b by t y the he u use o of t tho hose me metho hods. . Task C C De Describe t the he me metho hods u used f for t taki king ng, k , keeping ng, a , and nd t trans nsitioni ning ng b between n turns ns. C . Cons nsider t the he u und nderstand nding ngs p provided b by t y the he u use o of t tho hose me metho hods. . Task D D Cons nsider t the he w ways ys i in w n whi hich t h the he int nteractant nts e ena nact i ident ntities, r , role les a and nd/or rela lations nshi hips. . Task 3 3 Sele lect o othe her t turns ns w withi hin t n the he s sequenc nce a and nd d do T Tasks ks A A–D f D for e each o h of t the he t turns ns. . (Pome merant ntz & & F Fehr hr, 2 , 2011) 4
CA AS A METHODOLOGY � Carol: (.hh) Oh y’know what I think it is¿=It’s � like the [li:ne (.) (that/fat) arrow is the= � Carol: � [(( traces the acceleration vector � with forefinger of her right hand )) � � 5
CA AS A METHODOLOGY CA f fello llow t travele lers: : • Int Interaction A n Ana nalys lysis ( (Jordan & n & H Hend nderson, 1 n, 1995) • C Cont ntext A Ana nalys lysis ( (McDe Dermo mott, 1 , 1976; ; Kend ndon, 1 , 1990) • a ana nalyz lyzing ng c cha hat i int nteraction ( n (Ga Garcia & & J Jacobs, 1 , 1999) 6
CA AS A METHODOLOGY Metho hod i in d n descriptive r research h (int ntro, a , ana nalys lysis, c , conc nclu lusions ns) 7
CA AS A BODY OF EMPIRICAL FINDINGS Di Discussion: W n: Wha hat ha have y you he heard a about ethno hnome metho hodolo logy? y? 8
CA AS A BODY OF EMPIRICAL FINDINGS “simple lest s sys ystema matics” (Sacks ks, , Sche heglo loff, & , & J Jefferson, 1 n, 1974) 9
CA AS A BODY OF EMPIRICAL FINDINGS Sequenc nce o organi nization n (Sche heglo loff & & S Sacks ks, 1 , 1973; ; Sche heglo loff, 2 , 2007) 10
CA AS A BODY OF EMPIRICAL FINDINGS Repair / / c correction s n sequenc nces (Sche heglo loff, J , Jefferson & n & S Sacks ks, 1 , 1977) 11
WRAP UP Di Discussion: W n: Whe here mi might ht C CA ma make a a c cont ntribution i n in t n the he le learni ning ng s scienc nces? 12
BIBLIOGRAPHY Ga Garcia, A , A., & ., & J Jacobs, J , J. ( . (1999). T . The he e eyes o of t the he b beho hold lder: U : Und nderstand nding ng t the he t turn- n- taki king ng s sys ystem i m in q n quasi-s -sync ynchr hrono nous c computer-me -mediated c commu mmuni nication. n. Res esea earch o on L Language a e and S Social In Inter eraction, 3 , 32 (4), 3 , 337-3 -368. . Jordan, B n, B., & ., & H Hend nderson, A n, A. ( . (1995). Int . Interaction a n ana nalys lysis: F : Found ndations ns a and nd p practice. . Journal o of t the L e Lea earning S Scien ences es, 4 , 4 (1), 3 , 39-1 -104. . Kend ndon, A , A. ( . (1990). . Conducting i inter eraction: P : Patter erns o of b beh ehavior i in f focused ed en encounter ers . N . New Y York: C k: Camb mbridge U Uni niversity P y Press. . McDe Dermo mott, R , R. ( . (1976). K . Kids ma make s sens nse: A : An e n ethno hnographi hic a account nt o of t the he i int nteractiona nal l mana ma nageme ment nt o of s success a and nd f failu lure i in o n one ne f first-g -grade c cla lassroom. ( m. (PhD) hD), S , Stanf nford Uni niversity, P , Palo lo A Alt lto, C , CA. . 13
BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT.) Pome merant ntz, A , A., & ., & F Fehr hr, B , B. J . J. ( . (2011). C . Conversation A n Ana nalys lysis: A : An a n approach t h to t the he a ana nalys lysis o of social i l int nteraction. In T n. In T. A . A. v . van n Di Dijk jk ( (Ed.) .), , Discourse S e Studies es: A m : A multidisciplinary in introduct uctio ion ( (2nd nd e ed., p ., pp. 1 . 165-1 -190). T . Tho housand nd O Oaks ks, C , CA: S : Sage. . Rosche helle lle, J , J. ( . (1992). L . Learni ning ng b by c y colla llaboration: C n: Convergent nt c conc nceptual c l cha hang nge. J . Journa nal o l of the he L Learni ning ng S Scienc nces, 2 , 2(3), 2 , 235-2 -276. . Sacks ks, H , H., ., Sche heglo loff, E , E., & ., & J Jefferson, G. ( n, G. (1974). T . The he s simple lest s sys ystema matics f for t the he organi nization o n of t turn-t n-taki king ng f for c conversation. n. Language, 5 e, 50 (4), 6 , 696-7 -735. . Sche heglo loff, E , E. ( . (2007). S . Sequenc nce o organi nization i n in i n int nteraction: A n: A p prime mer i in C n Conversation n Ana nalys lysis. N . New Y York: C k: Camb mbridge U Uni niversity P y Press. . 14
BIBLIOGRAPHY (CONT.) Sche heglo loff, E , E., J ., Jefferson, G., & n, G., & S Sacks ks, H , H. ( . (1977). T . The he p preferenc nce f for s self lf-c -correction i n in n the he o organi nization o n of r repair i in c n conversation. n. Language, 5 e, 53 (2), 3 , 361-3 -382. . Sche heglo loff, E , E., & ., & S Sacks ks, H , H. ( . (1973). O . Openi ning ng u up c clo losing ngs. . Sem emiotica, 8 , 8 (4), 2 , 289-3 -327. . 15
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