poster securing iot through coverage bounding wireless

Poster: Securing IoT through coverage-bounding wireless - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Poster: Securing IoT through coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light Qing Wang 1 , Jona Beysens 2 , Dave Singele 2 , and Sofie Pollin 2 1 TU Delft, the Netherlands 2 KU Leuven, Belgium 1 Coverage-bounding wireless

  1. Poster: Securing IoT through coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light Qing Wang 1 , Jona Beysens 2 , Dave Singelée 2 , and Sofie Pollin 2 1 TU Delft, the Netherlands 2 KU Leuven, Belgium 1 Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light

  2. Trend in Wireless Communications 3 kHz 300 kHz 30 MHz 300 MHz 6 GHz 30 GHz 300 GHz 30 GHz 300 GHz Antenna design is very complex 1G Signal processing is complex 2G Devices are expensive 3G Much more energy consumptions 4G 5G ... 5G 2 Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light 2

  3. Trend in Wireless Communications New frequency band: larger bandwidth + 3 kHz 300 kHz 30 MHz 300 MHz 6 GHz 30 GHz 300 GHz 30 GHz 300 GHz simpler design? Antenna design is very complex 1G Signal processing is complex 2G Devices are expensive 3G Much more energy consumptions 4G 5G ... 5G 3 Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light 3

  4. Visible Light Communication Advantages compared to RF: Much larger bandwidth Signal processing is easier Energy efficient Devices are cheaper Secure: light can be bounded by walls 4 Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light

  5. A step further: Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light HODOR: coverage-bounding and visual wireless communication § Coverage-bounding: the wireless communication range is controlled accurately in 3-dimensions § Visual: the communication coverage and process are visible to user à an important and user-friendly side-channel for securing IoT 5 Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light

  6. Realization methods Physical methods Visible light is directional Visible light can be blocked easily Software-defined methods Dynamically change the the parameter settings of TXs, receivers, and program the surroundings. 6 Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light

  7. Simulation results Setup: a grid of 4 transmitters in an area of 3 m X 3 m Result: coverage-bounding by using blockages Result: coverage-bounding by leveraging interference from neighboring transmitters 7 Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light

  8. Simulation results Setup: a grid of 4 transmitters in an area of 3 m X 3 m Result: coverage-bounding by using blockages Result: coverage-bounding by leveraging interference from neighboring transmitters 8 Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light

  9. Experimental result Based on our DenseVLC testbed [1,2]: TX8 (desired), TX12 and TX32 (interfering transmitters) Result: can bound the communication range as desired [1] A Cell-free Networking System with Visible Light. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2020. [2] DenseVLC: A Cell-Free Massive MIMO System with Distributed LEDs. ACM CoNEXT, 2018. 9 Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light

  10. Conclusion Proposed the concept of coverage-bounding wireless communication Proposed two categories of preliminary methods Evaluated with simulation and experiments 10 Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light

  11. END 11 Coverage-bounding wireless communication with visible light Passive Visible Light Networks: Taxonomy and Opportunities 11


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